
Meeting Again

"It's decided, Im gonna sail the world and make myself known to the entire sea!" Yoru declared with a wide smile on his face.

'But first, I must look for the beach, I wonder where it is?' Yoru thought while walking around but then he realized that he fucked up. He does not have knowledge of where he is yet he is walking around blindlessly... that is like going around in circles. Yoru sighed before an idea came to mind.

'What if I mark the trees? That way, I can remember where I am going and where I came from' Yoru thought brilliantly before he picked up a sharpened stone and began to mark the trees to where he is going. As Yoru was marking the trees, he began to notice that he have been disregarding the whispering he have heard since he woke up.

'Stupid laidback moron from modern times' Yoru cursed himself while taking note of the whispering.

The eyes that were watching Yoru were gossiping together.

"Psst... What is he doing papa?"whispered a young voice with yellow eyes to a red eyed creature.

"He is marking his territory my son... someday you will experience that too and someday our strength will be known to the clan too Junior"replied a rough voice lovingly towards the young yellow eyed creature, with a voice that sounds familiar.

"Dont make your own conclusions Dear, if he have marked the area as territory then why is he not rubbing his smell on it"Another rough voice intervened but this time it is a strangers voice.

"He is not marking his territory sister, he is using the marks to navigate around the forest" A familiar voice with eyes wearing glasses replied.

"Where is Junior, elder brother?!"The rough familiar voice with red eyes asked panickedly because the young yellow eyed creature have gone missing.

As Yoru was listening to the whispering, he noticed that the trees in front of him is being marked by a young baboon with yellow eyes.

"NoOOooo!!!! Dont ruin my hardwork child!" Yoru shouted at the young baboon while figuring out the reason why he thought he is going around in circles.

"Im trying to help you mister"the young baboon replied with its long hands on its hips.

"You are not helping me you little prankster, youre just making it worse"Yoru replied helplessly because he have been walking around and he still cant find the beach.

Suddenly 2 baboons rushed into the scene, the big one with red eyes picked up the little baboon while the slender one is on a fighting stance.

"Dont you dare come closer to my Junior!" The one on a fighting stance shouted at Yoru.

"Sorry about them little man, they are a bit jumpy." Suddenly another baboon appeared but it was the glasses baboon.

"You two again?! Whose the other... person? monkey? I dont know"Yoru exclaimed.