

A girl from our universe is reincarnated into the universe of hxh with the powers of Gojo and Athanasia come follow the adventure with Mia. (I DO NOT OWN HXH EXCEPT MIA. THIS IS MY FIRST WORK SO THERE MAY BE ERRORS)

Avid_3899 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

Chapter 13


"Aah nightmare again huh.", feeling light-headed I woke up while muttering about a headache.

After waking up fully I looked at the timer it looked like I slept for 12 hours straight which surprised me I wondered why I slept for so long. 

"Mia how are you feeling now?", I heard Gon asking worryingly.

"you were out for 12 hours straight.", said Leorio.

Kurapika now reached my side without saying anything but I knew he was worried and Killua was beside Gon hands in his pocket watching me intently.

"I'm fine guys I think breaking that illusion took a toll on my brain exhausting it.", I told to reassure them.

"Well, it's great that you're okay now Mia but be careful for a while okay?", said Leorio showing his future doctor qualities.

"Hey, can you suggest any new way to spend time me and Gon have already done everything possible.", asked Killua after some time.

"Hmm… How about telling horror or scary stories?", I suggested.

"but I don't know any though.", said Gon while scratching the back of his neck.

"Me neither.", said Killua.

"Then I'll tell one story but first let me think okay.", I said while thinking about which story to tell them.

After thinking for 5 minutes I decided to tell them the story I made out of boredom.

"Okay I'm ready now listen my main character is yourself okay Killua, Gon. You were born with the ability to know how a person died the moment you see them, and with the use of your ability, you have saved some people as best as you can. Following that years passed and now you are a third-year student of high school and it was decided that your class will have an educational tour. You all were very excited and all were discussing what to pack and how to enjoy the tour.

Next week you all gather as it is the day of the tour after you all reach the hotel where you all will rest the head teacher gathers all of you for dinner as it is already late but right after you enter the restaurant you notice that all the people including your group now have the same sentence above their head i.e. (Death by an explosion) as soon as you noticed that you tried to warn them but it was already too late as an explosion occurred and you all were obliterated and till your last moment you see all your fellow classmate, teacher and other people in the restaurant and the restaurant itself burn.", I concluded my story in a heavy tone.

Though I was telling the story to Killua and Gon others were listening too and Leorio and Tompa were scared shitless. Their expressions were very funny and I almost laughed.

"Wow I have goosebumps right now.", said Gon while rubbing both his arms.

"It was good but not so scary.", said Killua while being sassy but he was fidgeting a bit so I knew he got a little fright from my story.

"Oh yeah then why are you fidgeting then huh Killua?", I asked smiling playfully.

"just because!!", he exclaimed.

"haha Killua you're a scaredy-cat.", I said while pointing at him right after I said that he started to chase me.

(After all the fiasco)

Now only one minute was left Gon was stretching his body while we all were standing by his side.

Right after the gate opened Gon rushed forward while Leorio was shouting," Wait up Gon." 

After clearing all the other crazy tests (from riding a broken mine track to avoiding being crushed to death) of this phase we finally arrived in a room where there were a lot of weapons and a woman's top half body was plastered on the wall and two doors were on either side of it with a screen and a board which Killua read," 'This will be the last decision made by the majority rule, are you ready? Choose O or X.' That's it."

As a regular occurrence, Tompa makes the opposite choice and Leorio gets angry. We were presented with two choices one was where a path allowed 6 people to pass but it was long and difficult while the other allowed 4 people but it was a short and easy path. The long path requires a minimum of 45 hours and the short one is finished under 3 minutes.

All the others were now arguing about which path to take and Gon was telling them to stop quarreling and think of a plan that allows everyone to pass.

"Honestly, having to choose among us I would choose Mia and Gon remaining one can be decided by you three fighting each other.", said Killua while showing his now-clawed hands to Kurapika, Leorio, and Tompa.

(Scene Change)

"Kurapika applicant #404 20th to pass...….."

While the examiner was announcing that Killua was complaining about how his butt was hurting.

"My butt doesn't hurt though guess my butt's stronger than yours Killua.", I commented while teasing him by pointing towards his butt.

"Why you little… and what do mean by your butt not being hurt after sliding through that much.", He said while trying to actually look at my backside.

"Hey! Have some shame Killua.", I said while bonking his head lightly only lightly cause I knew he was actually curious.

"Anyway, why are these old men fighting like this," I said while pointing to Leorio and Tompa, pushing each other while coming out of the exit.

"Gon thanks to you we all passed the exam.", said Kurapika to Gon in gratitude.

"Well after seeing how a weapon could destroy the wall while Tompa was attacking Leorio the idea of breaking the wall of the long path and going straight to the short path came into my mind though Mia easily broke through the wall.", admiringly said Gon while looking at me.

"Come on let's go out all the others are now going outside.", I said while stepping towards the exit of the tower, and others followed behind.

I'm having pain in my liver, kidney, and heart because of Gojo's death(0-0) well one of my readers said about early romance but they will not be in a confirmed relationship until the end of the chimera arc.

Avid_3899creators' thoughts