
Chapter 7: Itto Shura!

Enma was once again roaming the ship, his mind in complete chaos.

He had now a cut on his palm…

'Stabbing someone 100 times…I've tried, cuts don't count, at least not on me, and I'm not inclined to stab myself.

Who will it be? Can I really kill someone? Fuck! I was a normal man up until few days ago, to kill someone so early on…

Maybe some criminal? Yeah I wouldn't mind killing a known criminal. Ugh… I'm such an hypocrite.

In the next test Gon & co. will meet a bunch of inmates. Maybe I can kill one of them? Sigh.. I'm excluded from the next test! Focus! Damn it!'

He was so lost in his mind that he didn't even notice that something was on the floor before tripping on it.


"…the hell is that"

He patted his bum and looked down. The sight horrified him.

There were 2 headless corpses on the ground. Contestants number 390 and 391.

Enma started hyperventilating, but then realization came to him.

'This is Killua's doing. He killed a couple of people after rage quitting the game with Netero in canon'

Knowing the situation better calmed him down a lot.

'It is the first time I see a dead body… It really is nausea inducing…'

Once again the same question came to mind

'Can I really do it?'

'..!! Wait a second! Where was it stated that I have to kill someone? Also, does the person need to be alive at all?'

The boy unsheathed his sword for the umpteenth time that day.

He remained still for a few minutes before steeling his resolution and stabbing one of the 2 men.

[1/100]; [23:59:57h/24h]

He almost puked, but joy overrided his disgust.

'It worked! It really worked! I found a loophole!'

He closed his eyes and immediately started to repeatedly stab the corpse.

Eventually the number on the parchment reached [100/100].

Enma opened his eyes and had to cover his mouth to contain the vomit that surfaced his throat.

Once again the uncomfortable feeling was topped by something else.

An intense burning sensation permeated through his body and his mind was completely filled with scenes of training.

After an unknown amount of time, the experience ended and complementary, the parchment exploded in millions of lights.

Enma exhaled turbid breath.

'This is amazing. I have all the instructions to perform itto shura in my mind. It's as if I developed the technique myself and trained in it for years.

My hands are itching for some action… I want to let loose'

Unfortunately, he was too tired mentally for the day and decided to retire in one of the common room to sleep.


"Everyone! Thank you for the patience, the ship is almost arrived at destination. Thank you for traveling with us!"

-Main hall of the flying ship-

"Good luck you guys! Let's all meet up at the next phase!"

"You can bet on it Enma!"

While they were talking, Killua gave an odd look at Enma.

'Something change in that guy... I can feel some level of threat that wasn't there before. Strange. Well I could still kill him'

He smiled and interlocked his hands behind his head.

'Brrr… what the hell was that? Was Killua sending me killing intent?'

One by one, the contestants exited the ship and jumped on the roof of the trick tower.

Enma was watching with his arms on his waist from one of the windows.

'It's strange. To think that these people that were once mere fiction… for them to become my… friends?

I don't have a lot in common with Killua and Gon, they are kids after all, but both Leorio and Kurapika are really mature above their age, we get along very well!

Friends eh? Never had a lot of those.

Hope you'll pass the test like in the anime…'

Bam! Pem!


"Haaa, huuu"

"Ahh Amazing! Ahahah I can't get enough of this feeling!"

Enma was training in the same room in which Gon and Killua had partaken Netero's little game only a few hours prior.

He was sweating and, from the level of sheer destruction that the walls had suffered, was having a lot of fun.

'I've never thought that exercising could be this fun!

The feeling while using 'Itto shura' is exhilarating! I have perfect focus in that state, every sense is under my control.

Itto shura? More like cheating! It's an incredible ability. Yes it burdens the body, but I think that this body is far better and has definitely higher potential than that of Ikki, so in the long run it's not unthinkable to extend the time limit.

Also, I didn't realize yesterday, but Itto Shura came with a wonderful boon.

Basically I have a better control of all my bodily function, from strength to the 5 senses. I think this is because to use Itto shura, one has to understand his body perfectly. And this condition will only improve after repetitive use of the ability.'

'Now that I'm accustomed with Ikki's abilities, it's time to plan for the next test a little.

The rules of the test are as follows:

-Every person's tag is worth 3 points;

-Every person will draw out another contestant number as his target;

-The tag of one's target is also worth 3 points;

-Any other tag is worth 1 point;

-One can only pass with 6 point in total;

The participants were a even number in canon… With me, there is an odd number.

So either they forcefully eliminate someone to have an even number this time as well, or the test will be a little more complicated.

It's pointless to speculate who will pick who… Thanks to my presence it's very likely the pairing will be different from canon.

There are 4 people that, strength wise, I fear the most. Hisoka and Illumi are the most obvious, followed by Killua and Hanzo.

The others I can more or less manage if I'm really careful.

'Itto shura' is good, but I can't forget that is available 1 minute at the time and to be used again I need at least 1 hour of complete rest. Not to mention that after using it I'll be weakened for a period of time.

My strategy will be to camper in a corner and take out every unlucky soul that cross my path in a single flash.

Even in the worst case scenario, I still have a contingency measure…'

"You all made it in the end!"

"There weren't any doubt in that regards"

"Was is difficult?"

"Bah, it was pretty easy, I would say boring"

"It was fun!!"

"And that were the rules. We have 24 candidates, so everyone will be paired with a different person.

We can start the drawings now. We will go in the order of arrival at the bottom of the tower, from first to last. Mr. Enma will be the last."

"Ah! Poor thing!"

"Shut up Leorio! You are second last!"

"Whhat? You are right….Damn it!"

"You can now peel off the front label to reveal your target!"

Enma anxiously peeled the little white piece of paper, only to reveal…

'105… Isn't that guy with the bulbous red nose and the sword?

My transmigrator's luck struck once again. The guy's name in Kyu if I'm not wrong. Overall he is a weak piece of trash. He was taken out by Pokkle in the original, the guy with a bow.

Talking about Pokkle, I remember him making an appearance during the chimera ants saga.

In fact he had a very important role. It was because of that midget that Neferpitou learn of the existence of nen and how to use it correctly, with all its form and applications.

What if Pikkle doesn't became an hunter? It could slow the learning pattern of the ants tremendously…

That something for later.

Kyu is a rather belligerent person. He is also extremely arrogant, just think that in canon he attacked a range weapon user from a distance with a frontal dash… such an idiot.

The real problem is… who picked me??'

Zevil island, the fourth test site.

To reach it, a 2 hours boat ride was necessary from the trick tower location.

-On the boat-

"I'll do everything to pass the test. Even if it meant going against one of you 2.."


Said Kurapika matter of factly.

"W..what? I mean..Yes! Not that I picked one of you, But in case…Still! I didn't pick either of you so…"

"Relax Leorio, I also didn't pick either of you."

"Me neither."

Enma was happy of not being one of the two's target, and, by the looks of it, Leorio as well.

'I wouldn't mind allying with them. Sadly Kurapika will surely not accept at the moment, at least not until he has a better grasp of the situation on the island

Leorio… he is too proud to ally with me if Kurapika refuse. He wouldn't want to appear weak.'

Just like that the trio parted to scout for information on their own.


"Hey Gon, Killua!"

"Rat boy"

A tick appeared on Enma temple.

'Rat boy? Stupid kid!'

"Hey Killua, why is Gon so downcast? Don't tell me he picked me" He asked jokingly to Killua.

"And why exactly should I tell you?".

'Little shiet! Can't wait to see Illumi spank your ass.'

Killua seemed amused.

"What about you? Who did you pick?"

"Neither of you"

"Don't worry Enma, we dind't pick you either…"

"Gon! You shouldn't tell him that!" Said Killua a little annoyed.

"But Killua, Enma is a friend.."

"He could be lying to let us drop our guard. Maybe he really drew one of us."

"I trust him Killua!"

"But you barely know him.."

"Yeah but I don't think he is lying. Enma is a good person"

'Oww! I'm touched Gon! This kid is always so wholesome!'

"I'm not lying, look"

He threw his card to Killua.

"Tsk! So lucky.. that guy's even weaker than you."

"So..what about you?"

At the end both of them revealed their target.

44 for Gon and 16 for Killua.

'Damn! Gon's target is Hisoka this time too.'

Enma looked at Gon with a smile

"I think you can do it! You have to strike while he is chasing his prey, he would probably be distracted in that moment."

"Thanks… I will try! I can't give up now!"

He then looked at Killua.

"To think you even had the guts to mock my opponent… Maybe Tonpa will do us a favor and take you out"

"What do you mean? Damn rat!"

"Times up! The last examinee can now depart the ship!"

Once at the island the participants unboarded the ship in the same order they got to drew.

'Here we go.'