A normal man reincarnate in the world of HxH at the beginning of the story. How will he use this opportunity?
In the last test location, in one of the hotel's rooms.
A teen was sitting leg crossed on the carpet, back facing a young beautiful woman with light blue hair.
"I'll start now. Remember, try to reign your aura and contain it in your body."
"Got it"
Instantly, Menchi released her nen through the right hand and in the young man's back.
Something inside of him seemed to click, and a dam broke.
An otherworldly feeling spread through Enma's being.
It was like his very own blood was trying to escape outside.
A steam like substance was continuously being emitted by the teen's every pore.
"Focus now! Try to calm down."
Enma took a deep breath and concentrated on the energy that was stirring around him.
He imagined that a ball of mist was converging in his body, not dissimilar from what happened when the shady merchant faded away on that day on the ship.
Slowly but surely, It was working, and, in a couple of minutes, the uncomfortable feeling of the overflowing life force stopped completely.
The controlled nen felt like warm and slimy clothes.
"Good kid! This is Ten! You got it really fast!"
Menchi complimented.
"From now on, remember this sensation. Now, focus on your energy and bring it in your body… yes, like that. That is the state of normal humans. If you take it even deeper inside, you will get Zetsu, but that is for after you practice more.
Nice, my work is done here. I'll inform the chairman of your well being.
It's time to cash my prize hehe."
After a while, Menchi exited smiling.
'She ended up giving me a big sum of cash… Who knew being a cook was that remunerative.'
In the room, Enma trained with Nen for a couple of hours.
'This feeling is amazing. It's like my life force is hugging me. I feel protected.'
After getting the basics for Ten down, Enma started thinking.
'It's Friday today… Almost 2 weeks have passed since the last time I summoned him.
I have 3 more days of time to call the Merchant if I don't want to lose the chance to choose an item...'
Later that day, Enma had the time to improvise the water divination.
"Specialist… like expected.
It's time to summon the Merchant, but…How?"
He sat on the bed and tried to remember what he sensed when he first saw the Merchant.
It was slightly different than Ten, it was more like a slow transformation.
He also focused on the will to summon the Shady Merchant. He didn't need to create the ability, it already existed.
After few minutes of trying without success, something strange happened.
Few distinct words appeared on the surface of his mind.
"Shady Merchant: Booth of wanders!"
Like under the influence of a spell or a chant, Enma's nen stirred, and a vortex of green formed one meter in front of him.
The chandelier was rocking from the winds and the teen's hair floated around in a messy state. Nen coated his entire body and turned green in color.
It condensed at the center of the vortex.
Suddenly the mist parted, and the booth appeared in all his glory.
The curtains opened and 2 bulging eyes stared at Enma.
"The Shady Merchant is here to serve you, my master."
The Merchant did his usual clumsy bow, before flashing a smile.
"The booth of Wanders has been reset. 3 new items are available on this counter for your exclusive inspection."
"Show me!"
"Your orders are my command…"
With a puff of green smoke, 3 boxes appeared on the wooden counter.
The 3 boxes opened one after the other and 3 blinding lights shone only for a moment, before revealing 3 closed parchments hovering in the air.
"You know the deal young master. Take your time to inspect each of them."
The merchant said, rubbing his hands, as if in anticipation.
Let's see…"
The first parchment unrolled.
-Eat 1000 spiders.
Time limit:
-1 day.]
Than the second.
[Illumi Zoldyck's killing intent.
-Kill a person.
Time limit:
And finally the third and last one.
[Netero's special 'Heart' t-shirt.
-Hug Netero for 10 seconds.
Time limit:
"I choose number 1!"
This time Enma didn't need a lot of time to think about his choice.
'Number 3 is useless. Number 2 doesn't help me much and also I'm not ready to kill someone on the spot. So that leaves the first option, which is also the best one'.
"Nice choice! Very nice! Here you go!"
The parchment floated in the teen's grasp.
"Nice doing business with you. Is there something else?"
Enma scrutinized the parchment and then said.
"Shady Merchant: Stall of antiques!"
The booth started rotating rapidly and soon was replaced by a little stall.
Still, the stall was too big to fit entirely in the room, so only the front part materialized, while the rest was seemingly hidden in the mist.
"Welcome! To the Stall of antiques! How may I serve you?"
"I was wondering… Is there something on the stall list? Or is it empty?"
"HeHe, nice guess… There is indeed something, let me show you."
The merchant raised his hand and, after a twirl, there were a scroll in his palm.
"Here, take a look"
Enma took the scroll and opened it.
[Purchasable Items List:
-Sasuke Orochimaru's outfit. Click for details.
-Orochimaru's outfit. Click for details.
-Sasuke Akatsuki's outfit. Click for details.
-Sasuke Chunin exam's outfit
-Basic katana. Click for details
-Basic knife. Click for details
-Basic armguards. Click for details
-Consumable: clothes repair. Click for details
-Consumable: weapon repair. Click for details
-Health tablet. Click for details.]
There were a dozen of clothes options, a dozen of basic weapons options, 2 consumable and the mysterious health tablet.
'These are all of Sasuke's outfits from Naruto. Pretty useless. Let's see the prices. He clicked on one of the voices'
[Sasuke Chunin exam's outfit.
-5000 Jennys + 10 drops of blood.
Infinite stock.]
'The price are the same for all the outfits. Pretty reasonable.'
"Infinite stock?"
"Yes young master, it means that you can buy an infinite number of the said article, if you can pay…"
He clicked on a weapon.
[Basic Katana.
-100 000 Jennys + 10 stolen Katanas.
1/1 in stock.]
'Bahh! Not worth it for a basic weapon! My Kusanagi is a lot better, and is free.'
[Consumable: weapon repair.
It completely repair any weapon. One use only.
-kill 10 people with a weapon.
Time limit:
-6 months.
3/3 in stock.]
[Health tablet.
It completely restore your health to its peak. It doesn't work on birth diseases, Nen's curses and missing limbs.
-50 liters of Nen user's blood.
3/3 in stock.]
'50 liters? A person has on average 5/6 liters of blood…
This is really good! However, 50 Liters are a bit too much… The consumable also are a little difficult.
What is this fixation with killing and blood?'
The merchant knew Enma's doubts the moment they appeared.
"Remember young master, the stronger the item/ability, the more severe the conditions…"
'It makes sense. To have a really strong Nen ability, lot of restrictions are required after all.'
Enma called his Hatsu back, and all the mist was absorbed in his body.
'So, Spiders eh?'
"Spiders? And why would you ate something as disgusting as that?"
Menchi was incredulous.
Was this the same guy that gave her those amazing recipes?
"Yeah, I want to try insects cuisine. Do you know a place, or what?"
"Yes, I know someone… It's not very far from here, just reach the main city, here's the address…"
"Don't mention it. By the way, Chairman Netero is waiting for you in the lobby."
"Ok, I'll meet him now. Thanks again miss Menchi, for everything you've done for me."
"Huff! If you really are that adamant about thanking me, why don't you come with me to work as my sous-chef? I could bring you up to standard very fast!
With your ideas and my skills we could create the ultimate dish!!"
"Maybe another time… Cooking is not my passion."
"Too bad. You have my number, call me when you want to taste real food! First time is on me."
"I'll do!"
Enma went down the stairs in to the Hotel lobby.
There, Netero and Beans were waiting for him.
Netero was sitting on a sofa, sipping on tea and reading the newspaper, Beans was standing at the side.
Actually, the only reason why Netero had delayed his affairs to meet the young hunter was because he didn't want to return to his duties so soon.
He sensed the teen's arrival and looked in his direction. His eyebrows raised a little.
Enma was sporting a beige robe, with black long sleeved tight shirt underneath, black sandals, dark grey ninja pants and the all favorites purple rope, tide with a knot on his waist.
It was Orochimaru's outfit!
"Chairman Netero!."
'This is another level of swag. This pearl was hidden between all the Sasuke's outfits. I've bought a couple others, but this is the best.'
"Sir! Thank you for your help!"
"What are you saying kid? I didn't do anything. Menchi did all the work."
"I heard that you had to cash in a favor for that."
"Oh Oh! Well! That only means that you owe me a favor now!"
"Sure! But why did you do it?"
"I get it! You want to take me in as your disciple!"
"…Naïve!!! I have no intention of doing that! I just think you are not too bad… You could do great as one of the henchmen in my faction, hohoho."
Enma was disappointed.
'Henchman..? I'm still too weak.'
"So, what are your plans from now on, young man?"
"First of all there is a situation concerning a friend of mine…"
"Young Killua I imagine. Your other friends have already departed in his search."
Said an eager Beans at the sides.
"Yeah I know, I'm probably already late."
"Speaking of which, your friends have left this for you… Take it."
Beans threw him a phone.
"All their contact information are inside. I also added ours.
If you ever need a job, call my number. I can arrange an apprenticeship in my office."
'So they really want to rope me in their faction. Netero was not lying.'
"Thanks! I'll think about it."
Netero continued.
"I'll just say it, your fighting prowess is not good… You have a nice little trick, but that is all at the moment.
Ever heard of Heaven's Arena?"
"Yes I have."
"I suggest you go there if you want to improve...
Any self-respecting hunter has to know how to fight."
"That was also my plan!"
"Ehm! Chairman! We need to go now. We can't delay our departure any more than that."
"Waaa, no please, another couple of days…"
"No can do sir!"
"Argh! Fine! Let's go. See you around brat."
"Have a nice trip sir! Beans!"
The 2 waved their hands and exited the building in a hurry, well, Bean was in a hurry at the very least.
'Now what? I could go to the Zoldycks, but realistically I'll not make it in time. So it's Heaven's Arena eh?'
Driiin Driiiin
His thoughts were interrupted by the new phone's ringing.
"Enma speaking"
"Enma! It's me. Leorio!..."