
Husband Of A Rabbit Goddess :RE

It’s all for practice. Don’t have high expectations please, and I don’t know the full depth of the Naruto universe or (others) as it’s just for fun and stuff. I DONT own the stuff mentioned. it’s just a Fanfic so, yeah. I’m just making it up as I go, so, you have been um, forwarned, I guess. Anyway, have a nice day.

Snow_Lux · Khác
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3 Chs

Why Not The Prologuege

Hello readers!

Yes! You, there reading as my story is about to be written… or wrote-en-nen…?

Okay, so hear me out. I'm a character in my own fanfiction.

Yes, I know that is a lot to take in. But it's the truth. As for how I know there is an omniscient audience following along my second life, well, a ROB told me.

Ah, right. For some of you that, for whatever reason still don't know.

ROB roughly means 'Random Omnipotent Being'.

You know, like the eldritch, entities, the divine beings or what-not.

It's all a little gray no matter how one refers to them, but they're out there. I even met one and she granted me three wishes!

My first wish was essentially a two-parter since I was going to be reincarnating as a given and was allowed leeway by the ROB to make a secondary wish that would still adhere to my first wish overall.

Bassically, I get two wishes in one and so, to be transmigrated as Tenji, the Emperor of 'Land Of Ancestors' was the first half as for the second, 'Cultivation' all the way, baby!!

Why I made it so, obviously, because I want to experience the world of Naruto as it unfolds. I don't want to shrivel up and die off as a battery to a tree like what happened to the original Tenji.

And for my offical second wish, it will completely change the game once I enter the world of Naruto.

My second wish… hehehe… it is to have UNLIMITED MONEY!!

Mwahahahaha!!! It may look like a stupid wish. Heck, it may even be usless if I'm in an apocalyptic world, but that's the beauty of it!

You see, money is what makes the world go round. You don't have enough of it, well tough nuts.

But if you have a surplus of it, you're basically a god! A god I say!

Ahem… sorry. But my grandmother told me that sagely advice and I turned out to be a pretty wealthy kid in my past life.

However, the wars started and no amount of money could keep me safe when the bullets started firing.

Mainly at me because I supplied arms and wepaons to everyone as a free merchant…

… what? Don't look at me like that!? Hmph! I may not be able to see your faces but I had to make a living somehow!

My money, my wealth and assets… they're all gone anyway now.

No matter, I'll get my money back. Thus why I made such a wish.

And now, finally. For my last wish. It's a wish that will break the balance of the Naruto world forever.

For my third wish, I wished for noneother than than [Gamer-Mind]. Trust me, it's the most broken thing in all of fictional history be it anime, reality or any other form of media or novel.

[Gamer-Mind] is a must-have for would-be reincrnators. It can both protect your sanity and sense-of-self, as well as 'identify' things you wouldn't otherwise hve no way of knowing.

For one, you would'nt want to end up getting brainwashed, manipulated, disillusioned, or enslaved for the rest of your miserable mutton-chopped life would you?

Anyway, I was just covering my own life as I know that whatever entity that created [Gamer-Mind] was OP in whatever reality or other entities out there.

Like, imagine ending up in the Warhammer 40K universe? The warp, gods and monsters of horrors that trump anything wicked and evil you could think up and dish out soemthing an infinite amount of times worse.

Yeah, no thanks. Some of you may ask:'Why not just wish for something else like I don't know, BEING A GOD?!?'.

Well, to that sassy-pants. I don't know about you, but [Cultivation] is that and more.

Think about it, this way, you slowly come into your own power but if you have too much power right off the bat, you'll end up attracting something much more powerful that will balance the omniversal scales.

Sorry, I know this is off in a tangent but like, can you honestly say you'll survive if such a thing happens?

Not even the ROB who you met will be able to save your hide.

So, play it safe and only take what you can dish out.

Ahem, now, where was I? Ah, yes!

Well, I suppose I have kept you all here long enough, so here I am about to be born.

See you guys soon… maybe.
