
Hurry Cupid

If only we can teach our heart on who to love it won't be a problem for Anne anymore. But she fell in love with the most unexpected person in the world, Will they still experience happiness around the corner or be apart by their chosen destiny?

Whispering_My_Ego · Thanh xuân
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166 Chs

The Sorrow

Anne didn't speak and just stare at one place all the time. We decide to cremate her parents and she can't even look at the jar. 

I tried calling a psychologist and it seems like Anne lost her hope and herself. I blame my action for that. 

When I got inside her room she didn't even eat nor touch her meal. She's just sitting on the veranda staring at the garden. 

"Anne," I called and as usual I receive no response even a stare from her. 

"I'm sorry for bringing you this chaos," I added. 

"I mess your life and I am completely making up on it if you'll just give me another chance," I said. 

"I'm not disappointed in you Lucca," this is the first time that Anne talked to me again, But her reaction is not the same Anne that I knew. Her eyes are like dead fish looking through my soul. 

My heart is pounding in fear and guilt for doing this stuff to her.