
Hurry Cupid

If only we can teach our heart on who to love it won't be a problem for Anne anymore. But she fell in love with the most unexpected person in the world, Will they still experience happiness around the corner or be apart by their chosen destiny?

Whispering_My_Ego · Thanh xuân
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166 Chs

The Belladoma's Empire

I successfully get the antidote from Garb's but there is a thing and a piece of information that I got from him that I don't want A and Lucca to know about. 

"Terrence, his fever is getting down now. Can I have a talk with you outside?" Luna asked as I left A with Lucca. 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"Lucca talked to me after seeing Anne's situation. He told me to tell you that he wants her out of her sight," she said that made me stunned. "What? Are you serious? He even dismissed me because of her." I said but Luna just look at me that made me shut up. 

"What happen while I'm gone?" I asked Luna as she can't even open her mouth. 

"Luna," I called. 

"He decided to let go of Anne fully," she answered. 

"What? Are you even serious?" 

"She is serious Terrence, The problem here is where will we put Anne in that kind of situation," Laven said as she handed me the key to Anne's room.

Why is she locked up?