
Hurry Cupid

If only we can teach our heart on who to love it won't be a problem for Anne anymore. But she fell in love with the most unexpected person in the world, Will they still experience happiness around the corner or be apart by their chosen destiny?

Whispering_My_Ego · Thanh xuân
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166 Chs

Parting ways

"I haven't seen her at all," I said as Aly look worried about Anne. She asked if I was with her the whole time and I just told her the truth about things that Anne's been suffering right now. 

"You have a concert today right?" She asked as I nodded. The IN ONE has a concert today since today is the day that was going to meet our fans again. 

"You must be busy," she said and I didn't respond, Where not that close to talking about our personal lives. 

"I want to tell you something-"

"Indigo? You're done? let's go!" Edward said as he looks at Alyanna. 

"Oh, Hi Aly." He sounds serious as he loses his smile as Aly smiled sadly. 

"Can we talk next time? I really need to go now." I said as she nodded. I don't know what she's about to tell me but it seems important. 

"Are you okay Edward?" I asked since he seems like he's not in the mood. 

"Yeah, I'm okay," he answered and Oncee doesn't look like he was feeling okay.