
Hurry Cupid

If only we can teach our heart on who to love it won't be a problem for Anne anymore. But she fell in love with the most unexpected person in the world, Will they still experience happiness around the corner or be apart by their chosen destiny?

Whispering_My_Ego · Thanh xuân
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166 Chs

LUKE (The Legend Of The underground Kingdom Of Emerald)

Anna woke up in a bad dream and look around as she remembers that her bed is small and now she's sleeping in a queen-sized bed.

"Where am I?!" she loudly gasps as she looks around and sees how precious valuables and antiques are in the room.

'Am I in trouble?' she asked in herself and look around the room as she opens the window as her jaw drop as she saw a man flying around and watering the plants. She immediately closed the window and think properly trying to adjust some stuff in her brain.

"This might be a dream right?" she asked for herself and took a peek from the window but what she saw is true. "What the hell, Where am I?" She asked. "You in Luke." she froze as she heard a man's voice and slowly turn her head and saw a hunk guy in white hair and pale skin wearing a vintage jacket and cloak.