
Chapter 2: GrowingxLearning

I'm five now and for the past four years, I've been experimenting with my aura. It's been strange, to say the least figuring out how to release it from my body and shape it into all sorts of forms. Sometimes I turn it into numbers, other times I turn it into shapes or figures. I've even made things that aren't physical like the objects Bisky used in Greed Island to test Gon and Killua's reaction times with Gyo. I've been pushing myself, testing my limits, trying to see how far I can go.

I'm sitting on the floor now, my hands outstretched with my rattle in my left hand as I concentrate. My rattle's in front of me, encased in nen. I close my eyes, focusing on the flow, the pressure. I feel it settle.

"You're still doing that?" A voice cuts through my concentration. I open my eyes to find my elder brother Tsuradnich, standing in the doorway.

I shrug, not looking up. "I'm just practicing."

"You've been whatever that is before you could walk," he says with a smirk. "You look crazy sitting there with a baby rattler just sitting with your eyes closed."

"I'm fine," I reply.

His expression softens, just for a moment. "Common why don't you go to the royal military school with the rest of us it's fun. I just broke the record on the weapons field stripping and reassembly drill"

"I'm not done yet," I mutter under my breath. "I've got a lot more to do."

I've also been teaching myself other nen techniques. I've mastered Ten, Zetsu, and Ren. I've even figured out how to use In. Encasing objects in nen is easy now like my rattle, which I wrap in nen with Shu. I've been concentrating my aura on different parts of my body using Gyo. now that It's becoming second nature I may even move on to trying out Ko.

"Common Lukey you've just sat there for so long and yet you still keep going," Tserriednich says, crossing his arms. "A big child like you shouldn't be this obsessed with that rattler. Your not a two year old you know."

I look up, meeting his eyes while pouting. "I'm doing something so just go away."

"You're a child. Why don't you get toys instead of a rattler?" He laughs. "You shouldn't be alone in this room just sitting here and doing whatever. Come do drills outside with me or have some fun with kids around your age."

I narrow my eyes. "You're one to talk you idiot. I heard you bundled yourself up in a room for a week until you broke that record."

He tilts his head, his lips curling into a smile. "Indeed." before finally leaving.

Now I am able to completely focus on the nen that's now wrapped around my rattle. It hums lightly, the energy almost pulsing in my hands. I finally got it. I put 80 percent of my aura into my hand and then into the rattle. Now that I've completed what I've been trying for I can go ahead and start learning other things."

As the years pass, I train. I started learning martial arts not starting on another one until I could fight head-to-head with even Benjamin. I start with Karate to build a strong foundation, then move through the other styles. It's about discipline. My body needs to be able to handle the tougher techniques down the line like Killua's "Rhythm Echo" or the 50-kilogram yoyos he uses in Greed Island. The guy can even push open the Zoldyck family's 16-ton testing gate before ever touching Nen. So yeah, physical fitness is key.

It's been eleven years since I arrived here. One day, as I'm finishing up some basic kata in Karate, Benjamin walks into the training hall, watching me for a moment.

"Still going at it," he comments. "How long do you plan to keep training like this?"

"Until I'm good enough to beat you," I answer, wiping the sweat from my brow.

"And then what?" Benjamin asks

"I'm going to master everything," I say, my voice steady. "I'll ask for permission to train in Assassination Techniques, and I want teachers for Karate, Judo, Aikido, Taekwondo, and Shingen-Ryu. I'll master them all until I can beat you with each of them"

He raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "I'll be waiting."

I glance at him, challenging. "You don't think I can do it?"

He pauses, then lets out a low chuckle. "I'm over 15 years older than you Lukey"

After 5 years of constant discipline, I've almost mastered every basic and advanced nen technique except for Ko and Hatsu. I need to develop my own something practical for combat. But before I can do that, I need to figure out my aura type.

I finally decided tonight I will finally test myself. I set up the glass of water, filling it to the brim. I carefully place a leaf on the surface, taking a deep breath and holding it transferring aura into the glass.

Then, the water starts to shift. It turns dark purple and a black ring forms around it. The leaf... the leaf is shredded into pieces, torn apart as if it were paper. I stare, eyes wide.

I can't help but smile. 'Specialist'.

There's no other explanation. None of the other types of Transmutation, Conjuration, Emission, Enhancement, or Manipulation would cause something like this.

Specialization is the best category to be in. It lets me use all the other Nen types. The catch is that my Enhancement won't be as strong so hand-to-hand combat won't be my top strength. But that's fine. I've trained enough. Even though my Enhancement is only about 40% as effective as an Enhancer's, it's still enough to hold my own against a mid-tier Hunter.

I know my nen pool is larger than normal. It's probably because I've been training since I was born, or maybe it's just my genetics as a Netero. Either way, I'm ahead of the curve. I'll be ready for anything once I'm older.