
Hunter x Hunter: Reborn as Ken Masters [StreetFighterxKOF]

This is just for fun, don't take it seriously. Seriously, if you taker it seriously, you are going to be disappointed. It's just a story that I would have liked to read around here, but since nobody wrote anything similar, I decided to try to write something. English is not my native language, and I'm using a google translator, don't complain if there are errors, obviously there will be many errors. And well, I don't care much, as long as it is possible to reasonably understand.

luck_cc · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
9 Chs

Chapter 1 - Beginning x Questions x Death

"So it's true, I really transmigrated." - A boy with blond hair looked at his small hands in amazement. He just couldn't believe this really happened to him. Something he, Leo, only read in fanfics.

How many hours did he waste reading those kinds of stories where one person in his world transmigrated to another with some advantages. He who was just a neet in his previous life, and was constantly looking for something to motivate him. He suffered for a long time with disorders such as depression, which worsened after failing to achieve success in his personal life such as graduating from college and getting a good job.

This caused him to close more and more, and led him to finally meet the manga and anime that brought him a little joy in his gray life.

Over time he got to know the novels and finally, he got to know the self insertion fanfics, in which they opened a new world for him.

Of course, Leo knew that this would be of no benefit to him in his real life. In fact, it was a big waste of time, however, his circumstance prevented him from having a normal life.

He always had difficulty expressing himself and making friends, and with the lack of success in his studies and work, he only made it worse.

When he read some of his favorite stories being invaded by a "foreigner" he made himself imagine himself in the place. And this made him often think about what it would be like to be one of those protagonists and fulfill all his desires as to obtain everything he wanted, regardless of what it was like: fame, power, wealth and of course, womens.

It was then that in one day, while looking for new fanfics that might interest him, his computer started giving problems as if he had been infected by a virus that constantly caused a website to appear with a "Click here" button.

He tried several times to use the antivirus, but it didn't work. Giving up, he decided to format the pc. And after that, it looked like the problem had been solved, however, the site came up again.

This gave him a lot of headaches. Irritated, he decided to click the button, and soon the site was directed to another page where there was a question:

[Would you like to migrate to another world? (Y / N)]

What kind of question was that? - Leo thought with a disinterested look. Despite being a neet, he was not an idiot.

Even so, he was bored and since nothing had solved his problem with the virus before, he decided to answer and see what happens.

[S] - typed leo, then another questionnaire appeared.

[Choose an option below]

[Anime, Series, Movies, Games, Crossovers]

He started to get excited because he loved these elaborate ideas, and besides, he was a little surprised to even have crossovers. He decided to click there just out of curiosity.


CrossOver of two universes.

[Naruto x RWBY]

[OnePiece x ResidentEvil]

[HarryPotter x MCU]




He found it quite interesting as several options, there were over a hundred options. And he wondered who would have so much time to do these things, not that he could talk much, after all, he wasn't much better either.

He continued to lower the roll bar and reached the Crossovers of 3 universes. It was then that he saw one he found intriguing.

[HunterxHunter x StreetFighter x TheKingOfFighter]

Hunter x Hunter was one of his favorite animes, being a story with great potential, with a mysterious and unknown world. Unfortunately he saw good stories from that universe gain. And besides, he knew that the Togashi mangaka would most likely not be able to complete the story due to his personal problems.

And despite not having played for a long time, he remembers that when he was a little boy he loved to play fighting games, and in his generation, this meant Street Fighter and The King of Fighters.

He who was 25 years old was from a time when 2d fighting games were still very popular. The characters were just really cool, as each had a way of playing. They were exciting, and despite not playing for a long time I was aware that they were still very popular in groups of certain, including international competitions.

He was interested in the option, as he had never imagined such a possibility before, and for this reason, he decided to click on it and see what would happen.

After that, another questionnaire appeared.

[Are you: Male / Female?]

When selecting Man, he went ahead.

[Click here to see which male character will you transmigrate to]

Interestingly, apparently he couldn't choose, in a way it made things more exciting. He clicked and then ..

Sorting. ***

After almost a minute **

[You will be: Ken Masters]

[Do you want to leave immediately? (Y / N)]

He laughed, could he even imagine what came next, maybe a troll message?

But he didn't care much, so he decided to move on.


[Are you sure? You can't go back. (Y / N)]

He laughed a little and didn't care.


[Good trip without return]

His eyes widened when he started to feel dizzy and sick. He fell out of his chair, sweating from the cold. He started to lose his sight of him and everything was dark ..

His last thought of him ... was

- "I do not believe ..."

Short chapter. Well, I don't care much, I did it just now just to give it a start and avoid procastination. I will try to elaborate the next one better. I won't have a specific release date, I'll just try to keep having a weekly chapter, at least.

luck_cccreators' thoughts