
First friends!

As I walked back to my room, NotLarry ran up to me and grabbed me by the shoulder.

"You coward. That's no way for a man to fight you pussy. Fight me one more time, man to man. With your fist." He insisted.

"You are such a sore loser, my mans. Look here, firstly, I am not a man. I'm 9 years old, coming upto ten soon. I'm a boy. Also didn't you call me a baby just then? Then what about you who lost to a baby, NotLarry?" I mock as I continue, "And second, all's fair in love and war. Ain't that right NotLarry?"

"Why do you keep calling me ..." he started but stopped midway as I gave him a knowing look.

"Uhh... ya know, .. I just remembered .. I uh..left my stove on...yeah my uh stove... ya know, I'll see ya 'round kay?" He said turning around and tried to walk away.

I reached out and grabbed his hand.

"Now now... not so fast. Isn't it unmanly to not keep your promises. Or are you a lying little pussy? Mister..uh what do I call you? I can't keep calling you NotLarry." I say looking at his dirty blond hair.

"Oh! I know. How about Fido? Someone that, ya know, keeps his promises?" I say imitating his accent.

He gnashed his teeth together and turn around to face me.

"I'm sorry for insulting ya. Can we just forget about this little bet please." He asked.

"My mans, you have some gall to say that after lusting for my little fluffy baby. Would you have offered me the same benefit of the doubt if I had lost? Or worse, if I had died?"

I scold the man.

"A real man does what he says and stands up for his principles, even if it costs him his life. But I guess you are just another hypocrite masquerading as a honorable warrior." I continued, looking at the man with disgust.

"Nevermind. Go. Leave. I want nothing to do with you!" I tell him and return to my room as he skulks away.

Hours later as I retired for bed, a knock rang out at my door. I pushed off Oroma from my lap and opened the door.

There standing was the man. Larry, no, he should be Fido now.

"What?!" I ask with a curt and annoyed tone.

"I am sorry." He says as if a great burden has been lifted off his shoulders.

"You were..are right. I was wrong. I was arrogant. I didn't even consider how I was acting towards ya. It was really unmanly of me. I will abide by the deal. I will be yours. It is only right." He said with a look of determination in his eyes.

I smiled gently at him.

"No need."

"Why? Why'd ya rob me of my one chance to regain my honor?! You were the one who talked me into this?" He implored.

"No. You misunderstand. I already forgave the deal earlier remember. I said to not mind the deal remember." I reminded him of my words and added, "And I am a man of my word. Also, I don't believe in slavery."

"Then why'd you sour yer pucker up like so?!" He asked.

"Well, if I didn't push you about it would you have willingly achieved humility? Let go of that massive ego of yours? If I let you off the hook easy, you'd have never learned to stand up for your principles, would you now?" I smirked at him.

"Arsehole!" He cried, heaving a sigh of relief.

"Hehehehehehahahahahaha...." I laughed out loud.

And so did he.

As our laughter died down, I extended my hand to him.

"Well, Fido, would you like to be my friend?"

He grasped my hand in a firm handshake and pulled me in for a hug.

"Sure thing bud!" He answered.