
Eccentric Nen affinity

Hiruma smiled, his brow a little sweaty.

With his everyday mastery of the newly Nen-awakened Hiruma, using Ren was as simple as controlling the previously uncontrollable leak of his Ten. He was far from a master of the Aura flux but a gifted novice.

He had no choice but to act as if he were...

He acted clumsy only after Kikyo explained what Gyo was and asked if he could perform the most basic application on his hands for the water divination test.

When Hiruma's Nen type was finally revealed to him and his mother, Kalluto's eyes were closed. He abruptly exited the theater after two minutes.

He took little time because Kikyo was not easily duped and because Gyo's basic, non-combat-tuned applications were not considered difficult by her.

According to her, the ugliest form of Gyo Hiruma could show was also a state of Ren. It was not considered difficult for novices to allow their aura to leak out dangerously; on the contrary.

Kikyo had her children join her earlier in the fortified repository and testing room, which also contained rare and strengthened items; she wasn't concerned about Hiruma breaking anything.

He was removing his hands from around the special and overflowing glass cup when she said,

"The volume thickened; you, like your great-grandfather, are an enhancer..."


Hiruma was a happy little ball at the time.

His heart burst with joy when he asked the question— pretending to be unfamiliar with the concept of an enhancer. Kikyo had only given the types a cursory introduction before his mind drifted off.

"Yes, it's one of the stronger body types. Based on your personality, you should be a Transmuter or an Emitter like your father and grandfather. Enhancers aren't as close-lipped as you are, but they share your playful and egocentric tendencies. In our house, the latter feature is not an issue."


(Author: In case you missed it, Zeno and Silva Zoldyck are not transmuters, as the fandom has been led to believe for a long time. Togashi, the master of Hiatus, has revealed their main types. They both have Transmutation abilities, but they are both 100% Emitters.)

"Speaking of closelipped secrets, now I'm perplexed about the light and those seeds you want to avoid discussing with me,"

Kikyo continued before pausing and continuing bemusedly.

"I expected you to be a conjurer or a specialist, Hiruma. Do you have any idea what's going on? Even if it was a stroke of genius, you can't be a specialist and an enhancer simultaneously. Your proclivity for conjuration can't be that strong..."

Instead of responding satisfactorily, Hiruma shrugged and said,

"Who knows what's up, then?"

Kikyo gave him a close look and snorted,

"It seems like you should know."

"Mom, are we doing this today too?"

Hiruma complained.

He had taken precautions, but the surprise came too soon. Would his mother send him to the science department because of some light and small seeds?

"Take my word for it, Hiruma; you're not getting away with anything today."

Kikyo expressed her displeasure. She knew how to keep her cool and get what she wanted from her children, so she didn't give up.

'Yikes. 'I suppose it's coming.'

Hiruma anticipated a long-overdue whipping, poisoning, or electrocution.

'I wish I were a cooler type like Transmutation, but Enhancement may be a godsend in this family of killers,' he thought. I've got a healing skill to help me, and whatever happens later, I can't suck too much at Transmutation with an 80% affinity for it, can I?'

Hiruma wasn't the type to balk and obey when he didn't want to, and he was prepared for the beatings that were to come.

He'd awakened Nen and was a Nen-user regardless of which type he was tested as, so he couldn't care less what ability his family thought he possessed or should be able to develop.

Fuck the complicated things; Nen was Nen in his mind. Those were only complicated when people lacked talent because Hisoka sometimes felt like an Enhancer.

With a system to assist, he felt that the difference between 100% and 80% affinities was overstated.