
Hunter Quinn: Black Magic System

[Check out the new novel, Dragon's Carnage] After losing the woman he loves to an unprincipled yet powerful hunter, Hunter Quinn plans to cleanse the world of corruption and abusive power with his rare bloodline system. The path will not be a walk in the park, but he will do everything in his power to prevent whatever happened to him from happening to someone else. Even if it kills him.

Yuno_Jiro · Kỳ huyễn
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60 Chs

Path To... Greatness of Some Sort

[Go on, then. Read the stats about your Prey Gaze. You'll come to understand why your original eye colour returned to you]

Hunter was suspicious of the system, but then he reminded himself that it helped him when he was at his lowest. Because of that, he was somewhat willing to see through what causes his eyes to change.

[Prey Gaze:

- This ability allows its user to see an entity from over 500 metres. While providing the user with incredible eyesight and a power boost of 20%, it also allows the user to see in the dark, read and feel heat signatures while also allowing them to blend into their environment seamlessly]

"This is stupidly overpowered. 500 metres? That's pretty huge, right?" inquired Hunter as he looked at the system.

[It is. Although you had the appearance of a nerd, you certainly don't act like one. Your intelligence is just as low as your strength. That's not good]

"I'm not exactly an idiot either. I'd like to think that I'm atleast above the average human," retorted Hunter. "Looks like Prey Gaze is my only passive skill... What is it anyways?"

[Passive skills are abilities that don't need to be manually activated. This can come in the form of a strong mental barrier, increase in incite, manipulation, etc]

"I get it. Basically, they're abilities that are always active. Similarly to the autonomic nervous system. The human body has a fight or flight system that doesn't need the brain's permission in order to work, in case of emergencies."

[Perhaps you are slightly more knowledgeable than I thought, Hunter Quinn]

"I told you I was above average," Hunter responded as he pointed at the system. "So, now what do I do?"

[You need to train your body and mind in order to become stronger. One day, you'll find yourself in a similar situation like the one with Charlie Hiroyuki. Unfortunately, not everyone from the Force will be as kind as she was today.

I will heal you and once you're discharged, we will begin your physical training. Hope you enjoyed being a tier 18, because your life's about to get a whole lot harder. (snicker)]

"Did you just snicker?" Hunter inquired as he squinted his eyes. "Wait, what's this thing about Karma?"

[Who said that men are not created equally? This is basically the Scales. If people treat you terribly, they will, in turn, receive a negative reaction. Be it from you, or the universe]

"Wow. Another OP ability."

[Be careful though. What goes around comes back around. So, treat people the way you want to be treated, or the universe will pay you back tenfold]

"A trait that brings balance. Isn't there a way to tip the scale to make it benefit me, no matter how I treat others?" inquired Hunter, his status screen closing afterwards.

[What do you mean?]

Hunter lied on his back and closed his eyes.

"I'm going to be fighting fascists and corrupt hunters, aren't I? Unless they initiate contact first, the Karma trait won't be on my side. I need to tip it to my benefit or else I'm gonna get my ass handed to me. Either by the universe, or other hunters."

[I'm impressed you realised how powerful the Karma trait is. Perhaps you should choose to hide your weakness in order to get picked on again. That way, the Karma will be on your side]

"Are you trying to get me killed?!" Hunter exclaimed as he sat up straight, an angry expression on his face as he stared at the system.

[You truly are sharp. The Karma trait reads your emotions and intentions. So, if you intend to get yourself beaten up just to use the trait, the trait will find someone else to do that to you as well]

"Russian roulette with five bullets... I think I'll focus on improving my strength for the time being. Once that's out of the way, I want to practice magic and receive more spells," said Hunter as he left his bed.

He held out his hand and sighed softly. An ethereal green light surrounded him. Then, his voice barely above a whisper, he said, "Heal," and shut his eyes in the process.

The green light covered his entire body, but primarily shone brighter on his injured left arm. Once the light source dissipated, Hunter removed the bandages and smiled as he noticed the wound on his arm was fully healed.

[Are you ready to leave this place and begin your training?]

Hunter smirked and nodded. Today was the beginning of his journey towards becoming a strong hunter; one who would create the true concept of equality and erase the corruption that plagued the hunter organisations.


Charlie Hiroyuki made her way inside a tall building. Without even looking at the guards at the door, she entered the elevator and clicked the 27th floor. Once she reached the floor, she immediately went to her desk and began typing on her computer.

Curious, her co-worker, Anne, looked through her cubicle and peeked at the computer. She eagerly watched Charlie dig through files on the computer and played with her pigtails as she did.

"Whatcha doing, Charles?" she curiously inquired after losing her patience.

"My job, Anne. You know, like everyone else?" retorted Charlie.

"Oh, I know!" Anne said with a bright smile. "You've met another interesting hunter, haven't you?"

"He's a kid who awakened after his girlfriend was murdered in the same dungeon. Funny thing is, he's a tier 18 and he was in a tier 4 dungeon."

"That is suspicious. You diggin' through his files hoping to find some dirt on him or somethin'?"

"Yeah. His profile said he has brown eyes and freckles, but he had none of those when I saved him last night. I think he might be possessed..."

While Charlie pulled up a file on a mysterious dynasty, System Rosana suddenly began wobbling, concerning Hunter.

"System? You good?" he inquired.

[I am alright, Hunter Quinn. Just a moment]

Right when System Rosana stopped wobbling, Charlie's computer became corrupted and birthed many viruses. Spooked, Anne and Charlie backed away and watched in pure horror.

"You said the kid might be possessed, but I think your computer is, Charles..." said Anne as she hid behind Charlie.

"A virus? Right when I pulled up a folder on him..."

Charlie pointed a finger gun at her computer. As she did, a transparent energy formed around her hand. At the tip of her index finger, a bullet made out of air formed. As if pulling a trigger, Charlie's hand fired the makeshift bullet and instantly destroyed the computer, permanently shutting it down.

Anne and Charlie sighed. Feeling a little relieved, Charlie closely inspected the now fried and dead computer. Holding her chin, she raised a single eyebrow and began thinking.

'There must be a reason as to why this occured. I need to get to the bottom of this. Fast.'


Charlie sighed while Anne quickly ran and returned to her cubicle. Charlie was, once again, in trouble with her commanding officer. And, it looks like he wasn't willing to hear an explanation from her today...

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