

"I said show yourself"as he yelled

She rode off while the police cars surrounded the place and arrest them

Kayla arrived at Maya's place

She knock at the door

"Hi I am Maya's friend we were supposed to do an assignment together"as she smile

"You are from the same school,come in this first time she invited someone over"as she welcomed her

"Where is she"as she looked at the family photos.

"In her room upstairs by the right"as she washed the dishes

"Wow you look nice"as Maya walk in

"Why are you here"Maya look shocked

"For the biology practical we are having on Wednesday"as she checked her desk

"Ohh but why didn't me you were coming over"as maya sat on the bed

"I forgot to ask you for your number and also my phone is missing"as she saw a newspaper on the desk heading lining fraudster being arrested

"First stay away from my property"as she snatch it

"The same goes to you, your father is a criminal"as she brought her phone from her bags

"Take that back"she added

"Like father like daughter you stole my phone and you didn't bother you to return it because of you I missed some important calls"as she scrolled through her phone

"I am sorry I was going to return it tomorrow please don't tell anyone "as she pleaded

"Let finish our project i am sleeping here so don't touch my property"Kayla open the laptop

"Where do you live does your parents know that you are here it like 9:00pm"Maya looked at the time

"It probably best if I stay here my parents knows, so help me with your laptop password I need to use your bathroom "as she gave her the laptop.

"the bathroom is down by the left"as she unlocked her password.

"Fine I will just need to freshen up"as she grab her towel and enter the bathroom.

"Maya do you guys want some orange juice"her mom peep through the door

"No thanks mom"as she smiled

"In case you need anything tell me ok"as she slow close the down.

"Are you done with the assignment"as she walk in wearing her pajamas

"That was quick I just want to ask for opinion on what you would prefer"as Kayla lean closer

Kayla and Maya stayed all night working on the assignment till they both fell asleep on the bed

Maya woke up by strange noises which was coming from downstairs and grab the mop stick to check it out

"Mom,Kayla,anyone"she quietly walked slowly

Then a figure appeared behind her and she swing the mop stick and hit Kayla on her head.

"I am so sorry I thought you were some burglars or thief"as she dropped the stick

"Could at least look before you leap"as Kayla bleeds

"I am sorry I will get the first aid kit"as she knelt down.

"No I think I will be fine now just stay a little longer"as Kayla pull Maya's shirt

"You are bleeding"as she place her hand on her forehead

"Shut up"as Kayla held her hand

"I think I should bring the first aid kit"as she slip and fell down unconscious .

An hour later

Maya groggily open her eyes and smelt something burning

"What happened"as she jumped off the couch

"Darling you are awake Kayla just prepared breakfast it is delicious"as she place the food on the table

"It smells good Wait I need to freshen up"as Maya ran up stairs

"So where do you live and how are your parents"Maya's mom ask

"Fine I don't really live far from here"Kayla avoid direct contact

"Really I don't think I have seen you here, wait what happened to you"as Kayla paused for a moment

"It is just a bruise don't worry about"as she sat down

"At first I didn't notice it when you brush your hair front"as she checked her temperature.

"Does Maya have any siblings"as she looked at the frame.

"She has a little sister she went for a field trip"as she place a napkin.

"Hey mom what is going on with you two"as she wore her tie.

"Nothing dear"as she smiles

"I will be waiting for you outside"as she stood up

"Wow you friend is often quiet"as she smiles

Few minutes later

"Sorry for keeping you waiting"as she rush out

"Wait first"as Kayla untied her band hair and brush it

"Why are we doing it outside" maya ask

"Hop on and hold me tight"as she started the engine

At Clifford high

They both arrived and all eyes were on them

A group of girls started gossiping

The girl next to Kayla Isn't that Maya when did the both of them became close and she even looks a lot different than before

"Are going to stand there" Kayla asks as Maya walked beside her

In class

"Are you Maya friends now how could a beauty like you be friends with a dork" one of the girls asked

"How could someone like you say such nasty things about her ,you are no different from her"Kayla stares at her.

" I don't think you shouldn't hangout with her or you just using her to get good grades"as she concluded

"At least she is unpretentious unlike someone who cares about people appearance and using makeup to cover up how ugly they look "Kayla open her bag as the girl went back to her seat when the teacher arrived

Wait for me after school today as Kayla texted her

"Miss dean don't you dare sleep during class"as she yelled at her

"Maybe I didn't slept well last night"she looked up

"Miss dean come to my office"as the principal announced through the speaker.

"Sorry Miss Kent I won't be around to listen to your lectures"Kayla stood up and left the class