

THE START WAS VERY BAD, BUT AT LAST HIS KINDNESS AWARDED HIM WITH SYSTEM FOR HELPING PEOPLE AND GETTING REVENGE, Banishment place where mortal. life started and killing immortal and using science to build a new kind of cultivation method

Ccosmofantasypen · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

village and wate rsource

  [NAME] : Sevasmos

[AGE] : 10

[POWER] : 4 1[ avergae }

[POINTS] : 400

[ARCHERY] : Level 3 (1400/3000) 


[Array Techniques]: Knowledge Acquired

  luck research: Knowledge Acquired

[Bloodline Inheritance]: Knowledge Acquired

[Cultivation Library] {Immortal History: Available}

[Spatial Ring]

The village flourished under the diligent work of Sevasmos and the orphans. Their efforts to capture livestock and expand their agricultural endeavors yielded fruitful results. Over the course of a month, they managed to capture a diverse array of animals, including goats, pigs, horses, and cows. The arrival of these animals marked a significant milestone for the village, as they would provide not only sustenance but also valuable resources such as milk, meat, and labor.

Sevasmos and the orphans worked tirelessly to build suitable enclosures for the livestock. Sturdy fences were erected to ensure the animals' safety and prevent them from wandering off. The orphans took turns tending to the animals, learning how to care for them and harness their potential. The livestock became an integral part of the village, providing not only nourishment but also companionship and a sense of abundance.

As the orphans explored the surrounding areas, they discovered a variety of fruit trees scattered throughout the landscape. With excitement and gratitude, they gathered the ripe fruits, bringing a burst of color and flavor to their meals. The addition of fresh fruits to their diet further enhanced their nutrition and well-being.

The village continued to grow as more houses were constructed day by day. The increasing population called for additional dwellings, and Sevasmos and the orphans rose to the challenge. With their newfound expertise in brick-making and construction, they built sturdy and comfortable homes for the expanding community. The village now buzzed with the sounds of laughter and camaraderie as more people found solace and belonging within its walls.

Water, the lifeblood of any settlement, was not in short supply. Sevasmos and the orphans had ingeniously directed the water from the nearby river to five different locations within the village. Through a system of canals and channels, clean and fresh water flowed into each designated area, ensuring a steady supply for the growing population. The villagers rejoiced at this feat of engineering, grateful for the convenience and hygiene it brought to their daily lives.

With their collective efforts, the orphans and Sevasmos transformed their once barren surroundings into a thriving haven of abundance. The village hummed with activity, as the inhabitants worked together to cultivate the land, tend to the animals, and build a sustainable community. The orphans, once alone and without hope, now found purpose and fulfillment in their contributions to the village's progress.

Each night, as the villagers gathered around the campfire, their bellies full and their hearts content, Sevasmos shared stories of their journey and the lessons they had learned along the way. He emphasized the importance of resilience, teamwork, and gratitude, reminding them of how far they had come together.

As the flames danced and flickered, casting a warm glow on their faces, Sevasmos and the orphans took a moment to appreciate the bountiful life they had created. They knew that their journey was far from over and that challenges would continue to arise. However, with their unwavering determination and the bonds they had forged, they were confident that they could face whatever lay ahead.