
Humanity's Greatest Warlock

In a time where all that mattered was magic, Aaron was born with what was thought to be a mana deficiency. He was cast out of the family by his father and on his way out of the kingdom he was approached by a strange man who taught him that he wasn't actually lacking in mana but his mana was incredibly rare and the tutors in his kingdom didn't know how to teach him to control it. Aaron is taken under the wing of this strange man and is initiated into the Warlock Society. He returns years later five times stronger than his peers to compete in the howling tournament and request for the kingdom's national treasure as a boon. Follow Aaron from his journey as a Warlock lackey to a Celestial. The plan is to update as many chapters a week as possible. Maybe 10 or 12. Other Genre tags: Reincarnation, Revenge, WeaktoStrong, Character Harem, Multiple wars, Betrayal, etc (I'll add more when I remember them) I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

roe_ · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

The Disappointment

Eight years later...

"Come on, young master. You can do this. Just concentrate. Feel the magic coursing through your veins..."

Aaron's private magic teacher droned on as Aaron tried futilely to manipulate mana. 

'Damn, I've been training for six years now and I still can't manifest mana. Father doesn't pay me any mind anymore. I'm so pathetic...' Aaron thought as he tried to concentrate on the Mana manipulation method his teacher was trying to teach him.

He had been taxing his concentration for hours, and his body was at it's limit. 

"Huff huff huff" He sank down to the ground while panting heavily.

"Young master, maybe you should take a break for today. Your body won't be able to keep up if we continue any longer"  

Aaron's teacher, Thomas Forest, who was a veteran grade 2 mage, extended his hand out to help Aaron get up.

"Shut up" Aaron said coldly at his teacher while batting the outstretched hand to the side.

"Amelia is twelve, and she's already almost a grade 5. At my age she was already a grade 7. I'm the heir, I'm supposed to be the most talented in the family... I'm a Regis... I should be unmatched at mana manipulation. Why am I so weak..." Aaron's expression did not change for a second as he said these words in a flat tone. He had learnt not to show any weaknesses to any one connected to the family.

Thomas looked at him with pity. He had been training Aaron for a few months but he had never seen the boy smile even once. It was as if he had grown numb to personal emotions from all the jeering and taunting and insults he received, even from the servants. They all knew that he had been training since he was just a little older than two years and that since then he had been taught by numerous expert mages but not only was he not able to manifest the crimson flame which was the major elemental trait of the Regis family, he couldn't even use basic mana manipulation. Everyone in the kingdom had already branded him as an disappointment to the Regis family. His only way he could save his image was to gain admission into the Orion Academy of Advanced Magical Studies. 

It was a magic academy named after the great celestial of knowledge, Orion. It was not the only magic academy in Aldesty but it was certainly the best.

It admitted only once every four years and graduated many excellent mages destined for greatness. 

It was the ideal place to train a mage, and children from Aldesty's noble houses were destined to attend it once they turn twelve years. Due to their natural born talent, they do not find it hard to pass the entrance exams and they all certainly graduate at a stage higher than grade four.

Amelia had passed the entrance exams that year and was already preparing to attend the academy, where she would spend the next four years perfecting her magical abilities.

While Aaron couldn't even use basic mana manipulation. He was sure he wouldn't be able to get into Orion academy when his turn came in four years.

"I'm really pathetic," He said as he got up from the ground, "Thomas, let's continue."

"But, young mast--"

"Shut up. I said let's continue" Aaron said cooly to the middle aged man. 

Thomas only nodded his head sadly at his pupil's plight before he continued the training.

"Okay, one more time. Try to feel that Mana lying lazily around in you and channel it out. For you to achieve this, you need maximum concentra--"

"Young master, Lord Stephen has requested for you to join him and the rest of the family for dinner." A servant rushed into the training room to announce and grabbed Aaron by the elbow before trying to pull him away.


Aaron slapped the servant's hand off his own and at the same time grabbing the servant's arm, twisting it until he heard the popping sound of twisting bones. He then flipped the soldier and smacked him into the ground.

"I may not have magical talent but I'm still a noble and you're just a commoner. Know your place" Aaron's cold voice made the servant shudder and run away with his dislocated arm. Thomas smiled as he watched the encounter. 

'He may not be good at magic but he can at least defend himself a little, hehe.'

"I'll be back Thomas, I have to know why father wants to see me."

"...Okay, go ahead. I'll probably not be here when you're back though"

Aaron only quirked an eyebrow at him before dashing out of the room at high speed.

Thomas' gaze remained on the door for more than ten minutes after Aaron had left. He tore his gaze away before sighing.

"Hah... abnormal intelligence and absurdly good looks and that impenetrable facade that hides all his feelings and thoughts... and what matters to Lord Stephen is magic. If this was an ordinary family, this boy would have been the most important asset in the family. Hah, I pity the boy, at this rate he'll never be able to use mana properly. On the other hand Amelia is a prodigy...

... She'll probably come out of the academy as a grade 2 mage or higher... that's just the level of her talent. I really hope Lord Stephen doesn't do something as mean as a birthright swap..." Thomas sighed before walking out of the training room.


Aaron's eye kept twitching as he approached the doors to the dining hall. 

'Why is he sending for me? He banned me from eating dinner with them a few years ago so he can't just rescind the ban out of the blue. Did I do something wrong? Is he finally going to strip me of the heir position? Anyways, why am I bothering myself, it's not like I care right?"

Aaron pushed open the large double doors and stepped into the dining hall. Ten chairs surrounded the rectangular dining table, but only three were currently occupied. Stephen Regis sat at the head of the table, with Amelia Regis to his right and Dorothy to his left.

"Good evening, Father. Good evening, Mother. Amelia, good evening" He greeted in a flat tone as he stood by the door waiting for his father's orders.

"Good evening, Aaron. Join us and eat this delicious dinner." Stephen Regis said while gesturing towards the food.

Aaron made his way towards the table and took a seat near the other end of the table. Immediately, a servant walked in with a tray filled with different kinds of food and dropped it in front of Aaron.

Aaron picked up his cutlery and joined his family to eat in silence. No one said a word until everyone was done eating. So they were all surprised when Stephen stood up to address them.

"Aaron's performance as heir has been unsatisfactory and discouraging, so I'm stripping him of his title as heir of the Regis duchy and I'm giving the title to Amelia. Is there anything you want to say about this, Dorothy?" 

Stephen dared his wife to oppose his words but she just shook her head slowly.

"If that's what you want to do. Then by all means, you can do it. You're the head of the family, it's your right."

Stephen, obviously disappointed at her calm response, clicked his tongue in annoyance before facing Amelia and giving her a rare smile.

"I understand you'll be leaving for the academy in a year. I believe the heir title is enough of a send-off gift. Take care of yourself there and always uphold our family's name."

"Thank you, Father" Amelia unlike her usual haughty self, beamed widely at her father while bowing her head slightly.

She had a beautiful face even at such a young age, and her red hair was knotted into a bun at the back of her head. She was dressed in a grey dinner dress and looked every bit like the noble lady she was. Her smile lit up her face like a Christmas tree, and her crimson red eyes danced around in happiness.

On the other hand, Aaron's expression since the announcement was made was one of calm disinterest. In that single moment, he felt like he heard a string snap and a part of him died. He didn't want recognition any longer, and neither did he want to recognize anyone else.

It was as if he had lost his touch with his humane side. He couldn't muster any feeling or interest in anything happening in the large dining hall.

"So... what do you have to say for yourself, Aaron Regis?"

Aaron sighed before placing his spoon back on the table and closing off his meal.

"I believe it is the most logical option to make Amelia the heir. Congratulations Amelia, you'll make a great heir."

He spoke in a flat voice devoid of emotion, and everyone present was surprised when Aaron stood up and calmly headed for the door.

"Wai...wait, are you not supposed to cry or be sad? What's with this attitude?" Stephen was surprised and flustered at Aaron's emotionless display of nonchalance

"It doesn't matter. I'm not the heir any longer. That should be Amelia's problem from today onwards." Aaron said with a shrug. He couldn't even explain what was happening to him. 

As he looked at his father, instead of the usual fear, or hatred, or awe, all he could feel was... nothing.

The same thing happened when he looked at his mother and sister. It was no longer just a facade... He didn't care any more.

"Can I take my leave now. I have some matters to attend to." He asked with a slight bow.

Stephen who had regained his composure, was drinking from his wine glass to cover his embarrassment. He sipped for a few seconds before he smiled widely as if he just remembered something.

"Right! Aaron, cancel every activity you had planned for tomorrow, because some representatives from the Hope family are coming to visit us. They're trying to push for a family alliance by betrothing their first daughter to you Aaron..."

had fun writing this, you should have fun reading it too

roe_creators' thoughts