
Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Max always wanted a more exciting life, and after being reincarnated into the far future and a Galaxy in constant war, his wish was granted. Discovered to have a high compatibility with his new world's Technological System, he was drafted as a child into training to become one of their elite Mecha Pilots, the heroes of the Kingdom who face down even the mightiest of threats from inside giant Mecha, wielding the mightiest of weapons known to mankind. All he has to do is prove himself worthy. https://discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN

Aoki_Aku · Khoa huyễn
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1266 Chs

643 Crew Suggestions

The crew got settled in for the next few days, and the Reavers were forced to be content with viewing the ship's exterior. Terminus had been moved to her custom-designed bay in the lower levels, and establishing order within the ship was well underway. 


They were still severely understaffed, but a World Ship wasn't intended to be filled to the brim the moment that it was built. As the name suggested, it was intended to be a travelling world, and the population would grow into it and then stabilize. 


For now, that meant that there was a lot of empty space within the ship, frequented only by the automated cleaning drones and an occasional sweep to make sure that the sensors weren't missing anything. 


Once the crew knew what they were doing, Absolution would embark on her first proper mission. The Terminus Trading Company had been chosen to cleanse the Klem from the edges of the Trade Group's territory.