
Humanity’s Decendant

Ancient Humans where once one of the strongest races on the Great Continent of Imera surpassing their Human counter parts each possessing great strength and wisdom. But after being forced to their last string along with many other sentient races by the decay consuming and threatening all intellegent life, they where forced to fire a primordial array wiping out most life ————————————————————————- After Ren is suddenly killed by a truck, he is reincarnated as a young boy in the middle of a forest with nothing but a sword and the cloths on his back. Watch as he traverses through this new world unearthing its history and the secrets of his background (This is my first novel I’ve ever written so don’t mind the bad writing, don’t be afraid to leave suggestions,ideas and criticism)

RiverBear · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs


"Arghhhhh, my head" Ren groaned as he held his throbbing head in pain and sat up. Gradually opening his eyes he saw a sight to behold.

As his vision cleared up, countless trees as tall as skyscrapers filled his entire view, it reminded him of the California Redwoods he saw on tv before but to a larger scale, strange animals varying in size seemed to be living on the trees with some birds even reaching the size of small propeller planes.

Exotic plants and mushrooms littered the lush forest bed.

He was sitting on a circular stone altar with many runes and symbols adorning it emitting a mysterious orange glow. It looked very ancient worn through the ages, he wouldn't be surprised if it's been here for thousands of years.

"Where am I, a magic circle?" Ren finally asked himself while looking around "How am I still alive?"

Just yesterday he was walking across the street when he was suddenly hit by a truck speeding through the red light. He remembered his life slowly leaving his body as he succumbed to his injuries only a couple of hours later at the hospital.

"Is this god giving me a second chance? this must be what they call transmigration like in the webnovels I read, I've come to a completely new world" he thought.

"Woah, what's this? A sword?"(picture in comments)

Finally getting up, he notices a sword on the ground. It was sheathed in a beautiful leather scabbard with a brass-like metal at the end and where it meets the guard. The guard was made from the same brass-like material slightly curved, the grip was made out of the safe leather as the scabbard. It looked very worn down and the guard had many dents and scratches but it couldn't hide the amazing engravings.

Picking it up he drew it. It felt as if it was made for his hand. Many different mysterious runes alined down the blade and in a language he has never seen before but could somehow read was inscribed, "Autumns Return". The blade looked very worn dents and chips littered the blade but it did not take away the imposing feeling the razor-sharp edge gave.

"What a cool looking sword, do these runes mean anything? From what I know from reading many fantasy novels does it means that it's a magic sword?" The thought of fighting with a sword exited him.

Instinctively he swung it. He then started moving and doing moves he never knew he could do, it felt as if he's practiced with swords his whole life.

"Arghhhh, not again" Ren groaned holding his yet again throbbing head

Suddenly, a memories rushed to his head. Like a movie going through his head at the speed of light.


"Not bad little Ren," a big burly man said as he gave a somber smile. He was massive 7 feet tall, he had a squared head with large brows and a large scar across his face giving him a scary look ,his arms were like the trunk of a tree, muscles as hard as Mythril, one could tell that in his prime he was a great warrior with immense physical strength and the vitality of a mountain, but now he was missing a whole arm and covered in bandages soaked in black blood. Soren still wondered what sort of thing could have done that to his uncle

"Uncle Kane! What are you doing here" Ren exclaimed as he wiped off his brow. He was practicing with his sword. From the sound of his voice he could tell that he was quite young.

"You're supposed to be recovering"

"It's no use lad, not even Marsh's magic could heal me, the decay is already deep within me, I plan on heading out one last time rather than await my death here in the fortress, " Kane responded solemnly. as he started moving his remaining arm in a circular motion to get the blood running.

"don't underestimate me just because of the state I'm in right now, I still got a number of tricks up my sleeve and am quite capable"

Kane stretched out his arm. A change could be felt in the atmosphere. His hair started to flutter as if there was the wind blowing through but there was none, small rocks and pebbles around the training field started to levitate from the ground. A yellow-brown aura could be seen rising from the ground in Kane's palm it was slowly forming in a ball of a shiny bronze medal, it then started to take the form of a large battle axe with a large menacing blade on one side and a sharp spike on the other.

"Not bad huh? although it took more work than usual, in my prime It would have only taken a second to creat e a weapon like this" Kane chuckled with pride as his face slowly changed to one of regret and reminiscent of the past.

"Oh before I forget take this"

The scene was then fast-forwarded through a couple memories which he could not make out until finally stopping. He was standing in the very same circular stone altar he first woke up in but it was not worn and the runes shinned a very bright orange and red.

"NOOOO!" Soren screamed, tried running out of the circle but a invisible barrier prevented him from leaving

"Don't leave meeee!!!" He sobbed banging on the barrier, a man stood on the other side.

The man was wearing a luxurious looking dark blue robe and was holding a staff made of what looked like 4 silver serpents coiling around each other until it reached the end where they split to 4 corners while biting into a large red crystal. He looked around 40 with messy brown hair and had a scruffy beard, along with the bags under his eyes it was clear that he hasn't had a good rest or time to care about his appearance. His stern face softened as he looked at Ren with his kind green eyes.

Suddenly, the runes lit up like the sun with a hum as loud as a jet engine. The last thing he remembered was the man saying

"Son, this era is ending".

Hey guys this is my first time writing something so feel free to leave comments down and ideas. Also feel free to make suggestions on my way of writing. Thanks

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