
Human pride

A young man was summoned to another world and became a hero. After successfully saving mankind in that world he returned to earth. 3 years later he came back

Penulis_Novel · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Summons from another world

Tokyo, Tokyo 1st high school, 3rd grade A.

In class the students are not getting a lesson.

Students in the class are divided into several groups, some play their phones, chat and play games.

The only person reading manga is our protagonist Sakami Shin, a former hero from another world.


Author:Shin introduce yourself

Shin: hello readers of Isekai novels, I'm 17 years old Sahami Shin, in 3rd grade in 1st semester, I used to go to another world to save mankind there I became an adventurer to strengthen myself.

At that time there were 10 people who were called to be heroes but only I managed to survive and defeat the demon king, ah to be more precise in subjugating him.

after that peace between the human and demon races was reached.

After spending 100 years there I returned to Earth.

Live life as an ordinary human.

more or less.

Author: thank you to Shin who has agreed to be interviewed and thank you to the readers who have read this novel.


Back to the story..

Sakami Shin is reading manga, the manga he often reads is about romantic life.

Sakami Shin sat in the legendary spot, a corner seat near the window.

more precisely he is in the right corner, because the classroom building has 3 floors he can see students doing activities in the middle of the school field.

By this time Sakami Shin had read the 30th page of the manga My Love grade 3.

Since the story was good Shin didn't notice that the entire class had been empty leaving only a magic circle slowly dimming.

when he raised his head he saw that the whole class was empty.

"Where is everyone?" he looked confused then closed the book in his hand.

Then he realized that there was a magic circle covering the classroom including himself.

He finally knew why the classroom had suddenly become quiet and why he was the only one left.

The magic circle on the floor was a cross-dimensional teleportation magic circle.

From the energy he felt this was the world he used to go to, "Finally I will meet you again, I didn't expect that it will be so difficult to search for that world when I return." After Sakami Shin left the world of swords and magic he planned to return for one year but who knows after he returns to earth.

After a year he couldn't find the world, because there were too many worlds in this universe.

Sakami Shin stood up from his desk and walked to the center of the formation, recited a spell then raised his right hand to the sky.

The sky that was previously bright was suddenly covered with black clouds, the bright city turned dark.

A vortex formed in the black clouds above Tokyo 1 High School.

It didn't take long for a lightning bolt to hit the school, to be precise, the class 3 A room.

Just as Shin's hand touched the center of the dimming magic circle.

A golden bolt of lightning hit Shin's body, then he sent energy from the golden lightning into the center of the formation.

From what was once dim to bright again, then the light of the teleportation circle became brighter until it was impossible to see anything.

After a few minutes the light disappeared and the classroom was silent again with no one here.

The sky of Tokyo is bright again and leaving only an uproar throughout the country.

the teachers check the condition of the students and find class 3 A mysteriously missing.
