
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs


The light wind caused a bit of sand to drift across Human Hunter and Malent's feet. They stood across from each other, about ten meters apart.

Human Hunter gritted his teeth. "Now isn't the time.. there's something I need to do." He said.

"Oh? And what may that be?" Malent asked. His arms were crossed. "Could it be saving the little traitor over there? The one who's helping you and the young girl kill off your own kind? Hah. I've already ordered my subordinates to bring both of them into my custody. I can't let murderers roam free."

This made Human Hunter snap. He threw his speared chain forwards without saying a word.

With a smile, Malent caught the spear with his bare hand, and shattered it. He then pulled Human Hunter towards him with the unbroken part of the chain, and connected his fist with Human Hunter's face, sending him through the air and across the floor yet again.

Human Hunter tumbled for a while, until he stopped his momentum by digging one of his blades into the ground. He pushed his foot off of the floor for an extra boost towards Malent, and tossed a collection of his spiky balls towards the Sapient Lord.

Every one exploded and sent sharp objects everywhere. Malent didn't move, but instead allowed the objects to ricochet off of his armor.

An uppercut landed on Malents chin. Human Hunter had used his spiky balls as a slight distraction to allow himself to get closer to his opponent. The impact of the uppercut blew the surrounding sand away. Malent didn't move, so Human Hunter followed this up with a spinning kick to the side, sending more sand into the air.

More punches and kicks were thrown by Human Hunter. None were effective, so he quickly attempted to cause damage with his blades. Back and forth his weapons went, slicing away at the seemingly invincible set of armor. This strategy was pointless.

With another quick and seamless transition, Human Hunter removed and unfolded a long, double sided, bladed staff from inside his armor. Clanking sounds could be heard from miles away due to how hard Human Hunter was hitting the confident looking Malent.

Malent caught the staff, and cracked it in two, chuckling in the process. He lowered his shoulder, and slammed it against Human Hunter, which again knocked him across the terrain.

Not a second went by before Human Hunter had already made his way back over to Malent. He broke open a few smoke bombs with his teeth, concealing his position, and slid underneath Malent's legs. Appearing behind him, Human Hunter tried prying his mouth open to test the explosive method they had all used on the staff wielding Sapients. Much to his shock though, Malent willingly opened his mouth, and allowed the explosive to go off between his teeth.

"As you can see, your efforts are pointless. Give up now and maybe I'll make sure your death is quick and painless. A mercy that you have refused to show to countless innocent civilians." Malent claimed. He grabbed Human Hunter's arm, pulled it and the rest of Human Hunter's body towards his leg, and kicked him hard into a nearby Sapient scouting post.

The post was severally dented by this. Human Hunter grunted for a second. He held his side, but still stood back up as usual. Removing a green container from his belt, Human Hunter threw it at Malent. It was a poisonous acid from Aurora's temple. This unsurprisingly did nothing when it exploded and sprayed across his body.

Malent sighed, and shook his head. "Don't you listen? As I've said before, no attack you throw at me stands a chance at causing damage. But.. if you insist on ignoring me, I guess I'll have to show you a bit of my own strength to signify what I mean." Human Hunter firmly planted his feet, preparing to dodge. Before his brain could register it though, Malent had already pummeled him several times. He noticed earlier that Malent had plenty of weapons in his arsenal, but apparently in this moment he didn't feel the need to use any of them.

Bone crushing punch after rib shattering kick, Malent absolutely unloaded on who he saw as the devil. A man who threatened to eradicate the very race he had loved seeing evolve over the past few thousand years. "I won't let you kill anyone else! Not a single soul! You Human Hunter, are a devil that shall be slain! All of the pain and suffering you have caused to others shall now be felt by you!" He pulled his head back, and slammed it against Human Hunter's skull. Human Hunter flew into the ground, creating a second crater next to the one that glowed blue.

"How does it feel to be the helpless one, you killer!? Does it feel good? I hope so because this is how your final moments will be spent!" Malent couldn't help himself from revealing how he felt about the situation.

One last time, Human Hunter tried to pull himself up, but he had taken too much damage. He.. couldn't move. All he could think about was how he could no longer protect Aria and Benson. They would never be able to see the perfect world if he didn't win right here and now. "I..." he tried to say something, but it was no use.

"Are you in pain you piece of filth?" Malent stomped on Human Hunter's gut, and left his foot there. "Then allow me to help you with that!" Grabbing Human Hunter by the throat, he lifted him. He began to crush his neck.

"Look at me.." Malent said with a low but powerful tone. "I want my face to be the last thing you see." Tightening and strengthening his grip with each passing second, Malent was prepared to finally end the life of who he hated most. "This may be your first interaction with me, however I've known you since you were a mere infant. Watching over each and every human is one of my jobs. Murderers I hate, but must tolerate due to a variety of factors. But people like you.. are why I need to check the planet's state so consistently. You put the entire race at risk, and I can't allow that. Now.. for the sake of humanity.. die, Human Hunter."

Malent attempted to tighten his grip to its fullest power, but couldn't. Human Hunter had stopped it. With his hands placed around each side of Malent's palm, he resisted, holding onto life with everything he could. "I..." he tried saying again. This time, he was successful. "I... am not going to die... until those kids have seen a world ruled by nature!" Malent's hand was beginning to spread apart. "A world that's been repaired from human destruction!" Now fully escaped from Malent, he dropped onto the Sapient Lord's foot, trying to crush it with as much strength as he had. "And most importantly, a world where everyone can thrive! Not just the human race!" This is when.. Human Hunter finally used his trump card.

With everything he had within himself, Human Hunter began unleashing his final series of attacks. A combination that he only ever imagined himself needing to use against entire nations. He revealed a tiny piece of metal, and shoved it down Malent's throat. Halt finally showed up, flying in the aircraft from above, and dropped Human Hunter a massive club with rockets attached to its end. Human Hunter used all of his remaining power to knock Malent as far away from him and everyone else as he possibly could. The club enhanced the strength of whoever used it by inconceivable margins. The blow landed against Malent with such an incredible amount of power, that everything including the blue age halting crater was incinerated.

Feeling as if Malent was blasted far enough away, Human Hunter pressed a button from inside of his armor. It detonated the tiny piece of metal that had been shoved down Malent's throat only seconds ago, which was secretly a nuclear bomb. Human Hunter typed a code into a hidden pad that was also under his armor. This released a gigantic sweeping forcefield, similar to what a few of Bensons robotic gadgets used, but with a much grander scale of course. This protected himself from the nuclear blast, as well as Benson, Aria, and Aurora who were all somewhere behind him.

Human Hunter waited there. He nervously anticipated the arrival of the grand explosion. Unfortunately.. it never arrived. He seemed confused, but stood his ground behind the forcefield. It was then that Malent made his way back through the rubble created by the club, coughing out smoke.

"I must give credit where credit is due, you were a far more formidable opponent than I expected, Human Killer." Malent's footsteps sent chills down Human Hunter's spine. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, Malent had somehow survived his attack, though his armor was considerably damaged.

Malent coughed some more. "I applaud you for proving me wrong, I really do. You did manage to injure me quite a bit. But no matter.. I believe that was everything you had in your arsenal. If so.. I can finally finish this once and for all." He removed an enormous hammer from his back. The material it was constructed with glistened in the sunlight. With a booming swing, Malent cracked the forcefield. After a few more attempts he managed to fully burst through it. The wind created by the destruction of the forcefield caused Human Hunter to struggle to stand.

Malent swung his hammer at Human Hunter, who tried blocking with his arms. Swing after swing, slam after slam, Human Hunter was pounded into the ground. As a grande finale, Malent picked him up, and tossed him into the air. Removing a large bow from his back, Malent dropped the hammer he wielded to the floor. "You brought this upon yourself, scum. Now die. Our planet is fine how it is." He pulled back on the bow, nocking and releasing a massive arrow from it.

Malent skidded back, wind blew aside, and Human Hunter was impaled. The arrow flew several kilometers away with Human Hunter stuck in the middle of it.

"Hmph." Malent grunted. "He has finally been taken care of. What a foolish man. Thinking he could eliminate the entirety of the leading race of this planet without major consequences. Murderers of that scope must always be dealt with by us." He put his bow away. He picked up his Hammer as well, and placed it alongside the bow on his back.

Some time passed until Aria was made aware of the situation. Benson was still unconscious from the bleeding, and Aurora, had been knocked out by Malent. Speaking of Malent, he was the one to inform Aria of what had happened. She collapsed, not being able to handle the devastating news. "I-I was right.. these aliens.. were too much for us to handle.." she said to herself.

Malent had done what he said he would. Both Aria and Benson were already on his continent sized ship. Looking at Aria, sitting upon his throne, Malent proudly spoke. "I'm aware that as of right now you despise me. After all, I am the one who disposed of your caretaker. However I assure you, you'll soon come to realize that a life of killing innocent humans is one that isn't worth living. Instead, serving under me as powerful overseers will be much more fulfilling. Taking out anyone who threatens the human race will be your new job. Once your training begins, I'm sure you'll take a liking to it."

Back on earth, Human Hunter laid within a pool of blood, motionless. The arrow was gone. Someone.. had removed it. In a desert where everything was silent, a faint bark was heard. Who heard this? Well.. it was Human Hunter, who was still alive.