
Chapter: Partial Success

Due to the heavy attack on their base, the Apocrypha could barely afford to increase security around the royal chamber. Due to this, both the groups responsible for diverting the royal guards and attacking the royals were not experiencing much difficulty.

The group that was responsible for diverting the royal guards' attention was doing fairly well. There were over a hundred soldiers comprised of both Apocrypha and Chimera who were fighting alongside all the humans Apollo had handpicked for the job. The only downside was that none of the Apocrypha nor Chimera were above Rank 3. This made it difficult to fight the royal guards head-on. Thankfully, they made up for this weakness with their massive numbers.

Duncan alongside all the other humans hid behind a wall as the royal guards clashed with the one hundred soldiers. For now, it would be safer for them to wait until things settled down just a little bit more.