
Human amongst Gumm-Gumms

When the Killahead bridge opens Gunmar sends someone he raised as though he were his own son through to help free him. As fate would have it however the teen he sends through sides with the Trollhunter and his friends instead. Pairing: Wei x Claire Wei Yan inspired MC

Grimm48 · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs

the assembly

"Claire, could you please check on your brother?" The latina's mother asks upon hearing her son cry in his crib.

"He's not my brother." Claire grumbles quietly while heading to her brothers' room where not-Enrique is causing ruckus.

"What do you want?" Claire asks the troll annoyedly.

"Get me a sloppy dripping burger, won't you?" Not-Enrique asks cockily.

"Get it yourself, you are not a baby, despite acting like one." Claire tells him.

"What ruined your mood?" He questions with a foul stare.

"You. You ruined my mood. And Jim. We could have already retrieved my brother if he only was willing to trust Wei." Claire says sorrowfully, looking at a picture of her brother, starting to cry.

"Whoa, hold it there. No need to shed tears. He's doing fine. I know that. I'm linked to him after taking his place." Not-Enrique confesses.

"Linked?" She asks surprised, while the small troll jumps out of his crib and onto her dresser.

"Yeah." He says before spitting on her mirror, covering it in a blueish slime through which Enrique can be seen, sleeping in a hanging crib.

"Enrique." Claire says, reaching out for him, but the slime soon dissipates, leaving the mirror as it was originally.

"Sorry, that's only temporary, but hey if you ever want to see your brother again just tell me to hack up a loogie." Not-Enrique offers sympathetically.

"So, what did you want on that burger?" Claire asks then, stepping into the doorway, waiting for him to place his order.

While this is happening, across town Angor Rot, ordered to kill Jim stalks him to learn of his weaknesses.

|next day|

"This is what you're wearing Jim?" Toby asks shocked when Jim arrives at the gym in his usual jeans and sweater.

"This is what I wear every day." Jim counters.

"But where's your costume?! You're going to be presenting your dance's theme." Toby shouts.

"Tobes, I'd love to be Spring King, I mean who wouldn't? But I'm a little preoccupied with not getting killed." Jim tells him.

"There are fates worse than death, well in high school at least. If you become spring king everyone will recognize how cool we are." Toby says dramatically, walking through the stands with Jim.

"If you don't want to do it for your own fame and glory, do it for me. I always felt destined to be a duke." Toby pleads.

"Fine. I'll throw together a costume." Jim agrees annoyedly, leaving the gym to do just that.

While Jim is looking for something that works as a costume, he spots a troll watching him from behind the soccer field, standing in some tree's shade, a ominous looking staff in hand.

Assuming the troll poses a threat, based on his dangerous appearance he races to the soccer field, just as an announcement is made that in 2 minutes the assembly will start.

"Where is Jim?" Toby asks wearily, chewing on his nails.

"He's right. Jim should be back by now." Claire says to herself, lost in thought.

"I'll go look for him." Wei says, leaving the gym with Claire and Toby deciding that they'll stall for their trollhunter friend.

"Now where could he be?" Wei asks himself, wandering through the empty halls of the school. When he's walking through the east wing however he hears a familiar voice shouting, looking out a classroom's window he sees Jim facing off against a golem consisting of earth from the soccer field.

Moments earlier

Jim is walking over the soccer field, looking for the troll he saw before, but sees no sign of it. When he's about to head back however the earth rises up until it's taken the form of a massive golem.

"Uhh, I know we just met. But what are you?" Jim asks before having to dodge getting squashed by the being.

"Ah, strong silent type, I see." Jim shouts, rolling to the side at another attack.

"Look out!" Wei shouts, jumping out of the window, rolling over his shoulder when he hits the ground and storms towards Jim, joining him and helping the teen up, after he got his wind knocked out of him by the golems fist hitting his back.

"Do you know what that thing is?" Jim questions.

"Golem. They have a token somewhere inside them, break it and you defeat the golem." Wei explains, pulling Jim to the floor, dodging a swing of the creature.

"Come on, try the chest. I'll get it to stop moving." Wei says, summoning his voulge while Jim transforms into his suit.

Wei then runs past one of the golems legs, severing it and expecting it to fall to the side, but the severed leg simply grows back and Wei gets hurled across the field curtesy of a backhand slap.

Jim stabs his sword into the golems belly, where it gets stuck, with him hanging from its hilt until the golem shook him and the sword away from his body, sending Jim flying into the soccer net.

"Let's attack it from both sides." Wei shouts, getting ready to slice up the g8lem with Jim following his lead.

The two them dash towards the golem and Wei slices through him vertically while Jim slashes across its chest horizontally.

Both their attacks hit its figurine like token, making the golem collapse into a pile of earth and mud, completely burying Jim.

Wei quickly digs him out, helping him out of the earth pile while Jim's armor dissipates, revealing a dirt covered Jim from head to toe.

"The assembly." Jim says, remembering what is going on right now.

"What about a costume?" Wei asks.

"No time." Jim says.

"How about your armor? You know like knights and such as theme." Wei suggests.

"Good thinking, thanks." Jim thanks him, transforming again in a flash of blue.

"Let's go." Jim then says, entering the gym with Wei, getting everyone's attention.

"And here we have Jim's theme. Knights, kings and queens." Toby announces.

"Yeah! Jim, Jim, Jim" Most of the student body starts chanting before it gets interrupted by someone remarking "and what is he supposed to be? A beggar?" They ask, pointing at the dirt covered Wei.

He then looks down on his clothes, nor having realized it and is about to make his way over to the stands when the gym teacher screams "get out now! Don't you dare drag this dirt into my gym."

Wei glances at him and the mass of students laughing at him, the only ones not laughing being Toby, Jim, Darci and Claire and leaves without another word.

"I'll go check on him." Claire tells Toby, handing him the microphone she was holding for when she was singing the anthem to stall.

"Looks like we have our winner. Jim Lake Jr. And his theme of the medieval times won." The coach announces while Claire is leaving.

Claire after leaving the gym goes looking for her Goblin-leading friend and looks for him in their classroom and the boy's bathroom before looking at the outdoors sport area.

"Wei?" She asks, hearing a faucet running in the area she arrived.

"Yeah?" He asks, turning off the faucet and steps out from behind a wall, only dressed in his underwear, being wet with water dripping down his muscular body.

"What. Why are you not wearing anything?" She asks, turning sideways slightly, shielding her eyes with her hands, peeking through them however, her curiosity getting the better off herself.

"Sorry, I washed up here since I couldn't get to the locker room." Wei explains, drying off with a towel from his duffle bag where he keeps his gym clothes.

"Ah, right. What happened anyways that you were so dirty?" Claire asks him, deciding to stop shielding her eyes, which now roam over his muscular body, noticing many smaller scars on his body as well as a few larger ones.

"Jim needed help fighting a golem, which was made from dirt." Wei explains, motioning to the pile of dirt next to the soccer field.

"Golem?" She asks.

"Magical beings erected via a token. I don't know who created it though." Wei explains, throwing on a shirt quickly when he notices her paying attention to his scars.

"Wei... those scars. How did you get them?" She asks carefully, before the bell rings and students start to leave the gym.

Wei quickly disappears around the corner again, stepping back into her view moments later, wearing gym shorts added to his T-shirt.

"Wei. Please." Claire asks, knowing he heard her but hopes she'll let the matter drop.

"Fine, I promised myself to always tell you the truth. Most of them I got, just falling or stuff in the darklands, some are from fighting some gumm-gumms and the big ones are from my fa... Gunmar." Wei tells her, nodding for her to follow her around the corner, where he's wringing out his wet clothes.

"Gunmar did that? Why?" She asks, thoughtlessly letting her hand roam over the larger scars.

"Please don't make our situation harder on me than they already are." He requests gently, pulling her hand away from his chest.

"Sorry." She apologizes awkwardly, looking down to hide her blush.

"Don't worry. I didn't say I disliked it." He says, still holding her hand, before letting go, after giving it a slight squeeze.

"Anyways. My scars. The one across my abdomen is from Gunmar's sword, when I was young and thought I should try overthrowing him to get out from under his rule. The ones on my shoulders are from his horns, when we were fighting hand to hand. When I got those, I managed to break off the mask piece before passing out." Wei tells her, leaning against the wall beside her.

"Sorry you had such a bad life. And here I thought my problems were like the end of the world." Claire says guiltily.

"Just because our problems are different doesn't mean yours aren't important." Wei tells her, putting his hand over the back of hers testingly, with Claire looking at him with a smile before they get interrupted by two newcomers.

"Hey. Thanks again for your help earlier and sorry they laughed at you." Jim tells Wei, stopping in front of Claire, who hurriedly freed her hand from Wei's.

"It's fine, but did you see who created the golem?" Wei asks.

"I think I saw some weird troll before the attack, why?" Jim asks.

"Did he have yellow eyes and was more humanoid than other trolls?" Wei questions hurriedly.

I don't know, I only saw him for a moment from the distance. He definitely was leaner than most trolls I've seen, what is this about?" Jim says.

"I am fearing that something worse than Gunmar is here in Arcadia. A troll magician qith the name Angor Rot." Wei informs Jim and Toby.

"What makes you say that?" Jim asks.

"The other night I thought I was being watched and when I went to the source, it was empty exept for yellow powder, radiating with energy of death." Wei informs him.

"But why would he be here in Arcadia?" Toby asks slightly frightened.

"I don't know. Why is the trollhunter here? Why is killahead bridge hear?

Somehow this town is like a troll magnet." Wei says.

"Well what do we so when we see this Angor Rot?" Toby asks.

"Run. And try to get into light." Wei says.

"Can't anything work out in our favor?" Jim groans tiredly.

"What do you mean?" Wei asks.

"Right, you two left early. Strickler is back. He's principal now." Jim answers.

"Hmm, think he'll continue trying to free Gunmar?" Wei asks.

"I don't know." Jim sighs.

"Well what now?" Claire asks.

"We'll get through classes today and meet up at the bridge, maybe Blinky found something that can help us." Jim says, brushing his hand over Claire's arm, with Wei noticing this with a slight frown.