
Hulk vs DC

The Hulk is drawn into a portal that transports him into the DC Universe. (Hey there! I'm new to writing, so if you have any feedback, please be gentle and offer constructive criticism. Thanks!) (English is my first language lol) (If the wording and paragraphs sound like AI, it's because I used Grammarly to revise a lot of the content.) (It will not be a harem story. I'm sorry, I also enjoy a harem story like any other person. But I'm not comfortable and don't have the experience to write that) (image is not mine)

Berserker84 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
16 Chs

Chapter 10

After the intense battle against Bane and Killer Croc, the Hulk returns to the Watchtower feeling equal parts victorious and drained. His battered emerald form trudges into the station's dining hall, greeted by awed stares and whispers from other members

(grumbling) "What stupid heroes gawking at? Hulk just doing his job" Hulk said

He makes his way over to the long service counter, surveying the various offerings with a skeptical look. Piling his tray high with entire roasted hams, turkeys, and other hefty portions, the Hulk grunts contentedly

"About time they put out real food instead of dumb hero nibbles," Hulk said

With his overloaded tray, the towering jade giant casts his gaze around the crowded dining hall, suddenly feeling a tad out of place and unsure where to seat his incongruous figure. Just then, a familiar voice calls out

(waving) "Over here, big guy! Plenty of room at my table" Black Canary calls out

The blonde bombshell is seated by herself at one of the larger dining tables, a modest salad and water before her. She pats the space next to her invitingly

"I was just about to dig in. Want to join me?" Black Canary questioned

The Hulk hesitates for just a moment before lumbering over, unceremoniously depositing his tray and taking his seat, hunched over the comically undersized table and chairs. He eyes Black Canary sidelong as he tears into a turkey leg

(mouth full) "Whatchu want, Loud Girl? Hulk have enough bother just getting stupid heroes to stop gawking" Hulk said

(chuckling lightly) "Is that any way to greet the person who specifically requested this table to make you feel more at home?" Black Canary said

She delicately skewers a forkful of greens, popping it into her mouth and letting the Hulk's boorish manners roll off her back

 "I figured you might appreciate a friendly face after all that...excitement outside," Black Canary said

The Hulk pauses mid-bite, actually looking slightly abashed for once as he mulls over her consideration. He clears his throat roughly

"Oh. Uh...yeah, guess you got a point there, Loud Girl." pausing awkwardly "So...thanks?" Hulk said

Black Canary hides a smile, reaching over to pluck a dinner roll from his tray and butter it idly

"No need for thanks, that's what friends are for. Although if you really want to show your appreciation... (winking) maybe you could tell me a little about your latest smashing adventure?" Black Canary said

Instantly, the Hulk seems reinvigorated, his eyes lighting up as he launches into a play-by-play of his brutal takedown of Bane and Killer Croc. His fists pound the table, causing the dinnerware to rattle as he acts out the fight moves

"So then the stupid muscle-man tries grabbing Hulk for a bear hug, right? But Hulk just busts right out like it was NOTHING!" Hulk yelled

He flexes his tree-trunk-sized arms, reveling in the retelling as Black Canary looks on in amusement, her chin resting on one palm

 "I have to admit, I'm impressed you were able to take down juggernauts like those two singlehandedly. Bane's pretty much the strongest human on Earth" Black Canary said

(dismissive snort) "Puhh, human shmu-man! Those losers didn't even make Hulk breathe hard! Speaking of which..."

He abruptly stops, leveling Black Canary with an uncharacteristically earnest look, almost seeming nervous

"You, uh...you weren't worried when Bat-Man sent Hulk in alone, were you?" Hulk questioned

Caught off guard by the question, Black Canary seems to consider her response carefully. She offers a warm smile

"You know...for a second there, I'll admit the possibility crossed my mind. Those guys are bad news in the best of situations" Black Canary said

She reaches over without hesitation, giving the Hulk's massive forearm a reassuring squeeze

"But then I remembered who I was talking about - the strongest there is, The Hulk. Honestly, I didn't have a single doubt you'd clean their clocks without breaking a sweat" Black Canary said

The words seem to sink in, causing the Hulk's usual simmering scowl to soften ever so slightly. He averts his gaze quickly, focusing VERY intently on devouring another turkey leg to hide his reaction

(gruffly) "Yeah, well...good. 'Cause Hulk definitely didn't break a sweat. At all. Those chumps were a piece of cake" Hulk said

(giggling) "I'm sure. Although judging by your..." she gestures vaguely at his increasingly voracious devouring of the heaping portions "...post-mission celebrating, I'm guessing even cakewalk fights work up one heck of an appetite, huh?" Black Canary said

Too late, the Hulk realizes he's basically inhaling everything in arm's reach - piling of bones, crumbs, and scraps scattered in front of him. A slight olive tint colors his cheeks

"Uh...yeah. All part of Hulk's training regimen, y'know...?" Hulk said 

Black Canary simply laughs again, sliding her salad plate over

"Here, maybe wash some of that down with a little greens. Wouldn't want to derail all your hard work in one sitting, after all" Black Canary said

To her surprise, the Hulk accepts the plate without complaint, hungrily shoveling in the leafy roughage alongside his mountain of proteins. As the two teammates sit in comfortable silence enjoying their impromptu dinner date, a new sense of warmth and belonging seems to radiate from the Hulk.

Maybe those dumb superheroes weren't so bad after all

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