
Hugs And Headpats

Dissociative Identity Disorder—also known as Split Personality Disorder—is a mental disorder that makes you "switch" with alternate personalities. Our protagonist, Yuuji Akamatsu, is diagnosed with this disorder, and his alter was later nicknamed as "Ryuuji." Because of the words of Yuuji's mother, Ryuuji had stopped appearing, and now lives as a normal high school student. However, despite those changes, some other ones arise. In order to keep these problems from spreading, he'd still need to live a normal high school life. But the question is: is that even possible?

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35 Chs

A Class President's Sleepover 0.1

I'm now home, laying on my sofa and channel-surfing, not even changing out of my uniform. I'm wondering myself how I got home. I tried recollecting my thoughts.

I was in the rooftop of the abandoned building at my school, and I was keeping a girl company for god knows how long. Then, another girl came saying that their club has dismissed and then we left.

…Yeah, this isn't enough to occupy my thoughts. I still remember everything that happened.

It was getting dark. I also got home later than usual. I was currently in the living room, sitting on our sofa while channel surfing.

The situation earlier left me unable to think about anything else. The desire to comfort another person after middle school kept nagging my mind, and it feels like it's gonna burst out any minute now.

To try and contain it, I tried erasing my memories, which obviously doesn't work, thought of random thoughts, which didn't work either. Now, I'm resorting to the channel surfing, but it still didn't have no clear effects.

I heard the bathroom door opening. My sister, Yuumi, had probably just finished with her bath and was now going to remind me.

"Yuu-nii, bath's ready."

And yes, I was actually right. However, she started walking towards my front, unplugged the TV, plugged the hair dryer, and sat on my lap.

"Can you dry Yuumi's hair?" she asked.

She was holding the hair dryer, offering it to me, while holding a manga on her other hand.

"I thought I was supposed to be in the bath."

"Is that a no?"

"As you wish."

In the end, I still can't beat my own little sister. She always makes me want to spoil her, and I have no idea why.

I turned on the hair dryer, and her long black hair flowed as if it was deep underwater. I started to dry it while she opened up her manga and started reading it.

A few minutes later, she started speaking.



"Miku-chan-senpai went here today. She enjoyed Yuumi's cookies again, and borrowed some books."

"Oh yeah?"

This was our usual banter. Whenever we had nothing to talk about, we would make Miku Akiyama our subject. Of course, it would probably be bad to talk to behind someones back, but I guess if it's Miku, then she wouldn't mind.

"She's actually reading them in your room right now."

"I see… Wait, what?"

Suddenly, the door to my room upstairs opened, and down came a blue-haired woman reading a shoujo manga.

"Hey Yuumi-chan, do you have any more volumes of this…?"

She saw both me and Yuumi. Yuumi didn't even look at her, and just flipped a page.

"Is this incest I'm witnessing?" she asked in such a casual tone that you could probably tell she was joking.

"Like heck."

Her name is Miku Akiyama. She's my classmate and class president. Ignoring the fact that she's an otaku, she has a long blue hair and a beautiful face.

She was currently in her pajamas, as if she was living here.

What was she doing in our house? Well, she's an otaku. And not just her, but my sister as well.

All of my sister's manga, light novels, and even anime, are all piling up in our house. She's read every single one of them, all the way from elementary and her junior high years. Even now, she's reading one. It's piled up to the point where we needed to buy five bookshelves just to fit everything. Also, that's not all the bookshelves in our house, but rather the bookshelves in my room.

But the most baffling question is—

"—Why are you still here?" I asked as I continued to dry off Yuumi's hair. "Also, what's with the pajamas?"

It was already turning ten o'clock, so some students is supposed to be at their homes right now.

"I told Yuumi-chan I'd stay the night tonight. Is it fine?"

Normally, asking for someone's permission is supposed to be asked to the parents, but both Mom and Dad went on business trips, so we were pretty much alone here. Specifically, Dad was in a business trip, while Mom was there to look after him.

Both me and Yuumi were the ones who needed to hold down the fort, so we needed to do the things around our house with minimal help from our parents, so as to not disturb their private time—jobs.

"Well, I guess it's fine. There's probably one more futon on Yuumi's messy room, so you can use that."

"Yuu-nii, what are you talking about?" Yuumi asked.


"Miku-chan-senpai is staying at your room. Yuumi already prepared the futon there."



It was the dead of the dark inside my room. I could hear breathing that sounded rhythmical, and it felt as if I wanted to make a tune for it. However, that rhythmical breathing was all staged by one person.

"…Hey, Miku," I called out to her.


"Can I ask one thing?"


"…Why are we sharing the same bed?"

We were currently lying on my cramped bed, facing each other so close that a single movement could probably make our faces bump into each other.

Her breathing was so warm and close as well. It was hitting my face, and strangely enough, it felt comfortable. But my mind wasn't currently directed at her cute breathing.

"I mean, I suggested it, right?" she answered.

She actually did. Yuumi took the liberty of placing down the futon inside my room, just next to the bed. That would've been efficient, considering that the bed would be too cramped for two people. So who in their right mind were to suggest that even though it's obviously cramped, still wanted to sleep with each other?

You got it right folks, it's Miku-san.

She made an absurd reason of "It's your house, so why not just sleep in your own bed too?" I objected, but when I turned her back on her to sleep peacefully in the futon my gracious little sister prepared for me, she suddenly pulled me in like a black hole sucking me towards singularity.

"I mean, sure, but, this just feels wrong."


"Aren't people close to each other the ones who're supposed to do this?"

Even though it's dark, due to my eyesight adapting to the darkness of my room, and my heightened hearing because of the dark, I could tell that she was currently making a pouting face and a pouting sound.

"Yuuji, are you saying that we're both not close with each other?"

"You think? We've only known each other for, like, what? A month and a week? I can't seem to grasp how that's supposed to make us closer with other."

"You made friends with Matsubara-kun when you got better from your illness three weeks ago, and that's much shorter than the time you spent with me. But look at you both, you're so close with each other that I could probably mistake you both being childhood friends."

Hearing the words "childhood friend" made my heart sting a little, but I managed to endure it.

"Kentarou's one thing, but we don't sleep like this. Heck, I don't think we've been on any sleepovers, and I don't even think I've been in his house."

"Look, it all depends on the person. We just happened to be completely adapt with each other that we wouldn't even mind if we happened to touch each other's private parts."

"That is just something messed up to say, even for a girl, you know that?"

"I decide what words comes out of my mouth."

We fell silent. The only sounds that came to our ears were the humming of the crickets outside, and our match breathing.

Let me say this again, her face is so close to mine. So much so that a single movement could probably make our heads bump. Not just our heads, but also our lips.

For that one single reason, I decided to turn my back on Miku. However, when I did that, she suddenly cuddled up on my back, startling me. But I handled the situation just fine, because I already had a cute and smart little sister that clung onto me from time to time.

"Hey Miku?" I asked. "Is something wrong?"

When I asked that, the feeling of her shaking her head suddenly transmitted through my whole back. It seemed like she was denying my statement. Also, is she burying her face in my back?

We stayed like this for a couple of minutes. I wasn't sure if it was the fatigue or Miku cuddling my back, but I could tell that I was slowly starting to fall asleep. In just a few seconds, I would be sleeping.

Just when my consciousness almost completely vanished from me, I heard Miku speak again, in such calm words that I wasn't sure if she was the same person or not.

"Hey, Yuuji."


"Do you wonder what happens when we get separated from our loved ones?"


I was unsure how to answer to that kind of question. I wasn't even certain if I could even answer her. That question shocked me so hard that it just left me thinking of a response, like a person leaving their friend on read.

"…It's not like I'm going anywhere, aren't I?" I asked. Even though I was speaking to Miku, I was mostly directing it towards my little sister who was in her own room. "Besides, even if I decided to be separate with them, it's not like someone's restricting me to going back. And most important of all, I'm not leaving Yuumi behind."

Just like how I did with Rina, I tried slipping in those words, but she probably wouldn't get it, so I didn't.

Since I was unsure of how to interpret her question, I decided to not think too much about it, and just answer truthfully. After all, it's not like Miku would play with words right now.

"Deciding whether of not to leave someone you truly love can be a tough decision. But the way I cope with it is to think about the future," I said.

"That does sound good. So I'll just need to reassure myself that we'll do this again in the future. Got it."

"Is there really going to be another one of these in the future? I highly doubt it."

"I don't."

Silent then enveloped the room. The breathing that I could hear now was rhythmical like before, but this time, Miku wasn't faking it, and was actually doing it.

And so, she started to sleep in peace. She kept her cuddle with me, but after a few moments, she eventually wrapped her arms around me, giving me a hug, which she wasn't conscious of as well.

All I did was face my back towards her, not moving an inch so as to not wake her up. Eventually, I started to fall asleep, visiting the world of dreams.


I woke up earlier, as that was now supposed to be part of my routine, and saw Miku in my bed, hugging me tight. Her sleeping face looked so cute it almost made me want to poke at it.

"…Hm…?" she groaned.

"Oh, sorry."

I actually poked on it.

She woke up from my touch, wiped her eyes with her hand, and looked at me with squinted eyes. Her head was currently on my chest, with the rest of her arms wrapped around me, so her face looked really cute when she looked up.

After a while of processing the situation, she slowly unwrapped her arms from my body, and moved a little to the side, turning her back on me.

"…Good morning," she said in a low voice, barely audible.

The door opened, and from the other side came Yuumi, still in her pajamas with her bangs wet and a towel hanging on her shoulder. It seems like she had just washed her face up.

She looked at me, then at Miku, and then spoke.

"Is Yuumi smelling the atmosphere of a newly-wed?"

"That is definitely not the case."

I kept trying to figure out what term I should use, and I settled with Class Representative. Class President are only for chapter titles now

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