
Huehuecoyotl ¿Can we see each other again after I die?

Struggling artist, Alvaro Gael, cares for his young daughter all alone. He has been since the day of the accident that took his loving wife away. Scarred and broken, hope remains in the form of his little miracle, Milagros. The pueblo comes under attack by the cruel Commandante. He pits neighbor against neighbor by using their ignorance to usurp control. A beautiful demogod reveals herself in time. She tries to strengthen Alvaro's heart and hope for the future. ¿But will it be enough to see him through the turbulent path ahead?

Joel_Portillo_1676 · Kỳ huyễn
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47 Chs

Chapter 22

"Come here, Milagros. We will walk along this path to the Mercado."

"You can see, Huehue?" Milagros just noticed that Huehue's sense of vision miraculously returned. "Did something change?"

"In a way, yes. I can see, but it is only for a short time."

Is that how you saved me? You were able to see the whole time?"

"No, pequeña. I couldn't see back then. I was as I normally am." I can sense the urgency in Huehue's mind despite her not showing it. "I will explain it later."

It is plain that Milagros and Huehue have a connection that I am not fully aware of. I couldn't hold back any longer. {What is she talking about?}. I feel compelled to ask.

{Nothing to worry about. She doesn't know that you are present.}

{Shouldn't you just tell her?}. I hate keeping secrets.

{She may not want to say everything out in the open if she knows her father is watching.}

{What is that supposed to mean?}

{It means that some things may be deeply personal. Would you like to tell her every thought in your head?}

{True.}. She has a point. Huehue takes Milagros by the hand, and they walk into a nest of shoppers.

"People of our wonderful pueblo!"

{Who is that? Is that the Commandante? Did he follow you?}

{No. He is still a ways off. I can hear and smell things from a long distance.}

{Por dios…is everything this loud for you?}. I feel as if I should put my hands…arms around my ears to block the noise. The only physical feeling I sense is that of being in Huehue's body. I don't have access to my own limbs, only hers. And she is not relinquishing control either.

{No. I've learned to control it.}


{Um, thank you?}

{Well, you are.} I compliment Huehue because it's the truth. Huehue grows silent. I guess to allow us to hear the rally that is taking place a distance away. I feel a sudden warmth in my cheeks. It's an odd sensation. I no longer feel my body but experience that tactile information from Huehue's own body. As if I share more than just her eyes but her body as well.

"It is time that you declare your full loyalty to me. The crown has forgotten about you. And now, these savages come and provoke you." No way to hide the Commandante's particular voice, even at our current distance. "They take away your homes and your food and even your jobs. What will you do?"

{Can't he be silent for one day!} I think to myself but I know that Huehue can hear my thoughts as well. I'm not trying to hide them.

{Is he normally like this…this 'Commandante'?}. Before I can respond, Milagros intervenes.


{He tries to get people worked up into a scuffle. The only danger is that he uses the. scapegoats as a way to control the good people here. Most, like myself, are uneducated.}

"Huehue?" Milagros' voice tries to control the meeting.

{You appear very well-mannered and educated, Alvaro.}


{Partly my mother is to blame, partly my wife. They were both well-read ladies. I only learned about the legends and stories of the people of this land through my father. He was a hard worker, but unable to read. My mother would read to him from time to time.}


"Huehue! Are we going to stop now? We need those items for Elena and Papi."

"You are right. Here. Let's see what this vendor can do for us. Excuse me…"

Huehue stops mid-sentence. "Milagros, get down!"


{A gunshot!}. I know that sound anywhere. I'm too familiar with it. Huehue turns us in the direction of the gunshot. A man known to frequent political rallies is screaming obscenities. He is firing into the crowd. People are running for their lives.

Huehue's hearing picks up the Commandante's voice. "Good! He made it to the event." He must be speaking to one of his favored soldiers. "Maybe then the people will learn to follow me."

{He's allowing this to happen. Huehue! Get yourselves out of there!}

{Alvaro. I need your help. I know that you want to control the situation but you need to let me do what I can. Don't speak just concentrate on the mirror and our connection. I'll get Milagros to someplace safe.}

{What are you going to do? Huehue?}

{What I was asked to do.}. A puff of smoke clouds my vision.

"Huehue. You changed. Is this your highway bandit outfit?"

Huehue looks into a mirror as she moves Milagros to safety. I manage to get a glimpse. Her dress is shorter along with a mask pulled over her face. Her body is poised and ready for action. Her ears and tail are no longer hidden from view. She looks wild, fierce, feral almost.

{I am amazed.}

{Thank you, Alvaro. Now be quiet.}

Huehue likes to be the center of attention. Why else would she let me get a view of her body?

"Milagros. We…I am going to leave you here."
