

Rita Ross sat at her desk, engrossed in her work, when she overheard her colleagues whispering with excitement. Their hushed voices carried across the office, and Rita couldn't help but catch snippets of their conversation.

"I heard the new president is incredibly handsome," one of them said.

"Really? I can't wait to see him," another replied.

Rita's curiosity was piqued. She had been so absorbed in her tasks that she hadn't paid much attention to the news about the company's new president. Intrigued by the gossip, she decided to steal a quick glance at the office entrance, expecting to see a strikingly attractive man walking in.

To her surprise, as she looked up, her eyes met the gaze of a familiar face. It was Jefferson Ted, the man she had married just months ago ! 

Rita's heart skipped a beat as she realized that the handsome new president was, in fact, her husband.

A mixture of shock and confusion swept over Rita as she recalled the detailed occurred several months ago. 


Rita sat nervously at the restaurant, waiting for her blind date to arrive. Her friend Esther had set her up with the date, promising that he was a great guy. Rita had been hesitant at first, not particularly fond of blind dates, but her friend's insistence and gushing description of the guy's handsome features had convinced her to give it a chance.

As the door swung open, Rita's eyes widened in surprise. Jefferson walked in with a confident stride, exuding charm and charisma. His chiseled jawline and sparkling blue eyes left Rita momentarily breathless. She couldn't deny that he was undeniably attractive.

"Rita, right?" Jefferson flashed a dazzling smile, making his way towards her table.

"Yes, that's me," Rita replied, her voice slightly shaky.

As they settled into the conversation, Rita found herself drawn to Jefferson's magnetic personality. He possessed a natural wit and an ability to make her laugh effortlessly, putting her at ease. The hours flew by as they delved into various topics and shared stories, their connection growing stronger with every passing moment.

Caught up in the whirlwind of their conversation and Jefferson's undeniable charm, Rita couldn't help but overlook the fact that they were practically strangers.

"Since we came here for marriage, and tell you the truth, I am much satisfied about you. Why don't we register the marriage today? What do you say?" As Rita felt a bit reluctant to part from him after the date, Jefferson suddenly offered.

His question shocked Rita, she wondered if their connection was built on a solid foundation. Did they truly know each other's dreams, fears, and vulnerabilities?

She gazed into Jefferson's eyes, her own filled with a mixture of longing and uncertainty.

"Jefferson, I can't help but feel like we're moving too fast," Rita admitted, her voice tinged with worry.

Jefferson stopped, his expression turning serious as he regarded her. He squeezed her hand gently, offering her reassurance.

"I understand your concerns, Rita," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I just want you to know that I'm committed to building a solid foundation for our relationship. Let's take the time to truly get to know each other, beyond the surface level. We can work on understanding each other's hopes, dreams, and fears."

Rita felt a wave of relief wash over her as Jefferson's words sank in. She realized that, despite the initial allure of his good looks, it was the depth of his understanding and willingness to address her concerns that truly mattered.


Hours later, Rita found herself standing in front of the city hall, ready to embark on a new chapter of her life with Jefferson. She trusted her friend's judgment and believed that Jefferson was the right partner for her. His striking resemblance to her ideal type further solidified her decision.

As they stood before the registrar, exchanging vows and rings, Rita's heart swelled with a sense of happiness and anticipation. She was convinced that this man, whom she had just met once, would bring joy and fulfillment to her life. Their shared interests and similar traits led her to believe that they were destined for a future filled with love and companionship.

With their marriage officially registered, Jefferson got a phone call, and then he looked at Rita apologetically.

"Rita, I have some news to share with you. I have to go on a business trip for a while. I am so sorry..."

"A business trip? How long will you be gone?"

"It's hard to say exactly, but I expect it to be a few weeks. I promise, once I return, we will celebrate our marriage with my family!"

"Alright, we'll have plenty of time to celebrate when you come back." Rita said with a bitter smile.

"Thank you for being so understanding, Rita. I truly appreciate it. I promise to stay in touch with you while I'm away. We can talk on the phone and video chat whenever possible!"

Rita was somewhat relieved and replied, "That would mean a lot to me, Jefferson. It will help ease my worries. Just remember to take care of yourself and stay safe during your trip."

Then weeks turned into months... 

Rita's excitement gradually transformed into concern as she failed to reach Jefferson. She tried calling him, sending messages, but all her attempts went unanswered. She couldn't understand why he had gone silent and left her in a state of uncertainty.

Till now...when she met him in her company...

Flashback Ends

As Jefferson walked into the office, he scanned the room, his eyes finally landing on Rita. A smile curved on his lips, and he made his way toward her desk. 

Rita's mind raced with thoughts, trying to comprehend the situation. 

Jefferson approached Rita with a charming grin, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "Good morning, everyone," he greeted the office staff, his voice confident and charismatic. "I hope you're all settling into the new year smoothly."

Rita remained silent, still trying to process the unexpected turn of events. She observed Jefferson closely, searching for any signs of ulterior motives or hidden intentions. Yet, all she could see was a genuine happiness radiating from him.

Her colleague Emma walked over and saw her abnormal expression. "Rita, you almost drool over the new president!" Emma said, ready to tease her friend. But then she noticed Jefferson staring across the room at Rita. 

"What is he looking at?" Emma thought, surprised. She followed Jefferson's gaze to see him and Rita locked in an intense stare. 

The long gaze between Rita and Jefferson didn't go unnoticed. Soon all the women were watching and whispering amongst themselves. "Rita? Really?"

Emma leaned towards Rita and whispered, "I think the new president might like you!"