
25 light that cuts through the dark

"You haven't seen the beast centaur not yet"

Richard proclaimed before letting his soul loose. The power and intent flowing into his body as all the aches and pains were cleansed in a warm current, all his circuits active. Od lingering under his skin exploding in an fiery heat as Richard's own body glowed like a lantern.

He could see, the darkness was no longer a hindrance. He looked up to see the centaur loosing the arrow, but it was too slow. Tilting his head to the left to evade the arrow, Richard burst into action. His body trailing in yellow light.

He left into the air from sitting, kicking the centaur with enough force to send it flying into the hill.


The centaur impacted the dirt heavily, however Richard is not one for mercy. With a kick to the ground, he dissapeared from his position before reappearing next to the centaur with his knee aimed at its side.

It bellowed in pain. But Richard paid no heed as he punched the centaur's body exactly twenty times at the speed of a gattling gun with just the right amount of power so he won't die. Then he abruptly turned and left before saying something that made the near unconscious centaur puzzled.

"I didn't kill the Unicorn. I just came by it and decided to take some useful things. But whether you want to believe it or not is up to you"

The centaur fell unconscious from the wounds before he could make heads or tails of the statement.

Then with a flash of orange, Richard left the forest, leaving the troublesome centaur behind . He quickly gathered his belongings before dashing into the castle.

But instead of going back to the dorms, he went straight to the baths where he dipped himself in the mild warm waters.

The orange glow that had enveloped him dimmed before completely vanishing as the water began to hisss and boil, and Richard was assaulted with a wave of fatigue and sleepiness.

"Damn that horse....Yawn.... for picking a fight ... without even looking... wait didn't I pick up the ...Yawn fight?" Richard mumbled as he laid in the tub .

" Oh.. what ever. I didn't kill him. Next time I get assaulted, I'll definitely... make.. horse kebab.... SNOREEEEE!"

Next morning, when he woke up in a tub full of cold water, Richard had fallen sick. And hungry enough to eat a mountain. However when he was about to enter the great hall, he was confronted by one dishevelled professor McGonagall and the Griffindor prefects who had bags under their eyes.

"Mr Cloverfield! Where have you been?"

"What do you mean ma'am?"

McGonagall looked at Richard with a gaze that promised him pain.

"Mr Cloverfield, After yesterday's Quiddich match no one managed to see you. Not at the banquet, not at the common room and certainly not at your bed. If you don't have a valid excuse, then you better pack your bags. Because you will be on the train back home tonight!"

"Oh.. I ahhh... fell asleep in the bath in the fourth floor." Richard answered with half truth sheepishly before releasing a loud ear shattering sneeze.


"So I ah.. snort!... think I'm sick. So i was going to grab something and report to the infirmary for some pepper up" Richard finished as he wiped his nose with a large handkerchief.

Professor McGonagall didn't look pleased, however her gaze turned less stern.

"I see" she replied while using her wand to clean herself from the spray. "And why, did you not attend the Quiddich match."

"I had prior commitments" Richard replied, "besides i don't like Quiddich"

Then ignoring the horrified looks of the prefects and the professor, he asked," can I go grab something to bite now?"

"Just go to the infirmary. You can have your breakfast there. And make sure there won't be a next time. Twenty points from Griffindor"

Giving a curt nod of acknowledgement, Richard dragged himself to the hospital wing, where Madam Pomfrey recommended him to stay for a day as she diagnosed him with heavy exhaustion. Which Richard was quite delighted to do. He had many things to ponder.

I feel like this chapter was a bit sucky. I promise to deliver better ones in the future. Apologies

vishwa_dulacreators' thoughts