
HP: Werewolf? I prefer Worgen

Waking up in an orphanage in a new body with a certain letter in my hand is a bit of a shock, but hell, I can make this work. Wait, my name is what? ... They must never know... Pairings -I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine. -

0DarkWolf0 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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20 Chs

Chapter 10

The weeks following the miraculous recovery of the Longbottoms take all of Wizarding Britain by storm as numerous experts are brought in and the two are put through every test imaginable.

The press swarm the hospital daily for any news on the source of their recovery and gain little beyond the discovery someone snuck in and used unknown means to heal them.

Alice was questioned repeatedly when it was found out she had briefly spoken with who she described as a young man proclaiming to be a friend of her son, but beyond that nothing more was found.

Neville was asked but could give no further information, as in his words, there were few he knew that he could claim as being called true friends.

As the Quidditch World Cup grew closer, less and less details were discovered and eventually things started to die down, letting things begin to go back to normal.

The relationship between Rose, Hermione and myself continued to grow, as the two slowly and subtly began to wear more revealing clothes during working out, and during regular times, clothes that emphasized their figure. Though obviously this was still very conservative due to both their upbringings, it was still noticed.

A few days before the start of the world cup, I decided to meet with Dumbledore briefly, and give him a copy of the ingredients and instructions for the potion, and the runes for the talisman used to cure Neville's parents. I only asked to have my name kept out of it and that I had only done what I did to help their family heal.

The look of pride the headmaster gave me was heartwarming as he merely gave me a nod, though I did tell him that if they pressed, he could tell the Longbottoms as long as it went no further.

I gave it a 50/50 shot of either being contacted before the next school year, or by Neville on the train before even arriving.

The day of the world cup arrived with Hermione, Rose, Sirius and myself appearing at the VIP apparition point due to the tickets Sirius received for his time spent in Azkaban. Though he had eventually received some gold as well, all in all the Ministry gave very little in recompense. No one thought much of this, it was expected for the Ministry to try and scrape by with doing as little as possible.

Sirius was just glad to be free and see Peter get what he deserved. He had little doubt he would last long in the company of the dementors.

After climbing a bunch of stairs, the four of us arrived at the VIP box where the Minster was currently talking to other Ministers from different countries. Badly at that, as the looks on their faces were of long amounts of suffering dealing with the fool.

Upon seeing us enter, Fudge immediately tried to bring us into the conversation.

"Ah, and here we have Miss Potter and guests." The fact that she was only here due to Sirius and myself bringing her was not even once brought up. "Come, come, let me introduce you to my fellow Ministers."

As he tried to reach for Rose, I took that moment to step in his way.

"I apologize for interrupting but miss Potter would like to focus on the upcoming match." I give everyone a smile as I continue. "She's not one for the spotlight regardless what any rumors might say."

Rose slightly touches my back in thanks as Hermione and Sirius lead her to our seats, and I notice out of the corner of my eye Lucius Malfoy who is also attending, slowly leave his current conversation to head in Sirius' direction.

The Bulgarian Minster was talking to the French Minster as others watched Fudge acting his usual self, mocking him in their native tongues.

Taking a few minutes to distract him, I spoke to a few of them in their native languages, showcasing some impressive translations and gaining a bit of intrigue from the other ministers. Still keeping an eye on the starting conversation between my father and Lucius, I did not stay for long and excused myself, heading to my seat and to the growing argument between the two men.

"Mr. Black, there is no reason for you to have removed your cousin, my wife, from the House of Black. Certainly, there is something that can be done to remedy this misunderstanding and the debt you are attempting to call from my House." The tone Lucius is using, while seemingly polite, is anything but, as Sirius and I can clearly hear the derision hidden underneath.

Sirius however has had enough with his excuses. "There were plenty of reasons for doing as I did. The contract you agreed to was for you to provide a male heir for the house of black through my cousin Narcissa, which you clearly have not done."

"Now I'm am not one to care about a child's gender but the contract is clear, the provided date agreed upon has passed, and you have clearly shown actions that you believed yourself exempt from the consequences due to my unjustly imprisonment." At this his face twists into a glare as he continues. "Something of which I have heard you were involved in."

Lucius tries to cover himself as he is quick to state. "I assure you I had no.." But before he can get far Sirius continues on.

"I don't care what you try to assure me of. The point stands that you failed to abide by the contract you agreed to and will deal with the consequences of that agreement. Narcissa has been cast out and you have until the start of the next Hogwarts term to reimburse the gold that was given for her bride price. Failure to do so will see the seizure of most of your current estate if I am not wrong."

A certain glint of joy grows in his eyes. "I also believe that is only a couple of days away. Best get a move on, time's almost up."

"There are certain circumstances that affect the fulfilling of the agreement and as such.." Lucius continues to try and explain reasons behind his failure.

Once more Sirius interrupts. "Yes, I have heard rumors regarding this, and how someone had problems when trying for an heir. Resulting in needing to use questionable actions in order to have your daughter, actions that destroyed any chance for further children." There is little pity in his words. "This is of no consequence to House Black, the point stands that you failed to provide a male heir."

Deciding to at least be a little polite he reminds Lucius of the details regarding Diana. "Your daughter is still a daughter of House Black. She will still have at least a family vault, but you and Narcissa will still face the consequences of your actions. Nothing will change this, so accept what is happening."

A look of rage crosses his features as Lucius fails to convince Sirius to reconsider his decision, and after a few more tries, eventually leaves to join his family in watching the upcoming match.

Finally being free of his presence, the four of us talk about the upcoming match, well everyone but Hermione who is really only here to spend time with Rose and the rest of us, until Fudge seems to hear some unspoken signal and steps out onto an overhang.

Before he can begin saying anything, the Irish team flies into the stadium, to the applause of many, and a giant dancing leprechaun appears in the sky, though not long after the Bulgarian team flies through, dispersing the magic and the audience start to chant 'Krum!'.

As both teams are introduced, the mascots for both are out supporting their nations as Leprechauns and Veela fight for the crowds attention. Unfairly of course, the Veela have a leg up as the large amount of them cause their allure to affect the entire stadium.

Almost every man in attendance try to gain their attention, a few from high positions in the seats even fall over the railings in their fervor.

Hermione is disgusted while Rose is listening to Sirius explain what is happening, something that could be attributed to his years dealing with the effects of dementors, he certainly has had enough time coping with auras that affect his emotions.

Hermione is the first to notice my attention not even once shifting to the dancers as I watch the screens rapidly shift around the stadium, showing details about each team member for both teams. Noticing her attention however, I raise a brow in question only for the action itself to give her all the answers she needs.

Soon after Fudge starts the match as both teams rush at each other, and the game is on.


The end of the match came as a surprise, as Bulgaria actually won. Krum still caught the snitch but did so only 130 points behind Ireland, giving them the win.

Out of all the changes that could have happened from my being here in this world, I did not expect something like this to be one of them, though truthfully there is no way to tell what will and won't change.

Thankfully I had plenty of gold being my father's heir, and as such had no need to bet on the outcome, though that would have been awkward if I had.

Another surprise was after the match had ended, the Bulgarian Minister had grabbed my attention, inviting me and my companions to join in the celebrations with the team.

Rose of course was delighted and all for it, as Sirius told us he would be along eventually and that he needed to speak to some of the people in the Minister's box regarding upcoming Wizengamot meetings.

Following behind the Bulgarian Minister, we arrived to the party already in full swing, team members dancing and drinking with Veela and other invited individuals.

Hermione stuck with the two of us while Rose occasionally would slightly wander off before almost immediately returning, sometimes with a drink or snack in hand.

Over the course of the night we met a lot of nice people, and learned much about their country and about Veela in general, some of the dancers only there to support their country while others were there for the monetary support it gave them. Most absolutely hated how their race was viewed but saw little in the way of being able to change public opinion.

Hermione had long chats with a few of them learning of how they were seen growing up, and the troubles that would arise from being what they are. How they had no desire to steal men from other women as most are lead to believe and that they just want to be loved and understood.

Eventually Sirius had shown up, because there was little chance he would miss this, and immediately he dove at the crowds of Veela trying to fulfill some kind of teenage dream. He actually seemed to succeed as he was later found with two older women, clearly Veela, hanging off his arms giving him a particular smile.

I gave him a manly nod and thumbs up after getting his attention and continued to walk around talking to new people, usually as a translator between the girls and whoever we were talking to. Not many had a good grasp of English after all.

While the country side festivities gave no sign of ending, Sirius had decided it was time for us to head home as he pulled the three of us aside, the two women from before following along. Rose and Hermione of course gave Sirius a blank stare but it was as a breeze ruffling his coat slightly and he just gave them a wide grin before turning and heading towards the exit.

It wasn't until we reached the exit and parted the curtain to the tent, that the screams became audible, the charms to the tent having previously blocked all outside sound. Looking out, there was panic as people rushed to and fro, other tents aflame and the festive atmosphere long gone.

At first there was confusion before Sirius turned to the rest of us behind him.

"Something's wrong, Jacob, take Hermione and Rose and head back home." Turning to the two women he gave a sad frown, obviously upset at the missed opportunity. "I'm sorry Anna, Naomi, but we'll need to reschedule." Giving them a wink, he adds. "You should hurry and leave, stick together with whoever you can and keep a look out."

The two Veela give him a nod, before with a kiss to his cheeks, the two rush back to the other people in the tent to explain the current situation.

I, however, am not just going to let things lie, as before anyone can say anything I twirl my hand to the right of us, and with a jerk back the recently opened portal overtakes the girls sending them back to Grimmauld, before almost immediately closing after passing their forms.

I turn back to Sirius who just looks gobsmacked. "I'm not going anywhere father."

My actions have obviously drawn attention but before anything more can come from it, a body on fire is flung through the entryway of the tent, as the man flails in pain. A flick of my wand later he is covered in water and the flames are extinguished.

The event snaps Sirius back from his stupor as he just accepts that I'm sticking around. "Very well, I trust you will watch out for yourself, though I'm sure the girls will have a few words for you when we get home." Obviously he'll enjoy watching whatever they have to say as he smirks, turning to exit the tent and go help wherever he can.

Following behind him, I turn in the opposite direction as I search directly for the cause of the panic, having a very good idea of what's happening.

It only takes me a minute or two to find the group of men in full robes, wearing hoods and skull masks, floating an older man, presumably the muggle owner of the land we are on, and a few younger boys and girls in their teen years, also presumably muggleborns or members of the older man's family.

Taking in the situation before acting, it is clear that the group of Death Eaters have caused no one to stick close to them, as they set tents alight and torture whoever comes across them.

After getting a close look at the surroundings and number of people in the area, there are about a dozen Death Eaters, with one in particular seeming to be the leader standing mostly in the front directing the others forward. With a few waves of my wand, I set up a few wards to stop them from escaping before with almost a silent pop, a few copies of myself appear around me, and all of us precede to zip around the group, quickly putting them down.

A few, including the leader, are quick to defend themselves and are able to adjust to the attack but even then only the leader himself is able to hold off attack until only he remains conscious.

Sadly the copies I created don't last much longer after that, as the use of magic they used resulted in them fading away, unable to keep form for long in actual combat situations.

As the leader takes in the missing attackers, his sight eventually lands on me, growing still as he growls. "You.." The voice easily recognizable as Malfoy.

"Me!" I smile back at him, being my lovable self.

No further words are said beyond Malfoy going for broke, as he starts with a killing curse, a flash of green screaming its way towards me. With a simple flick, a pile of debris flings itself in the way, the unforgivable causing it to explode, before with a jab I send hexes and charms back at him, while resuming my jumps around the area.

I have to give it to him, as while I certainly was going quite easy on him, he was adapting to the style of combat I used at least as far as defending himself went. He certainly had a preference for defense first and foremost. Nothing he sent when he found a moment to actually do so came close as even though I am certain he raised an anti-apparition ward himself, it did jack squat to my method of travel, as I continued to play with him like a cat does a wounded mouse.

All the while his mood continued to drop, as time went on, him gaining no ground whatsoever while I occasionally taunted and laughed at him.

Our little play date ended abruptly however, when a burst of green shot into the sky, someone a good ways away from us casting the Dark Mark, a giant ethereal snake flowing in and out of an open mouthed skull.

The sudden appearance startled Malfoy more than he already was, as he seems to come to the conclusion that nothing can be gained from staying, as he twists to the side attempting to apparate away, leaving the other men who came with him to their fates.

My prior precaution however causes him to crash to the ground, unable to break through my ward, and I make the decision to stop paying around, a moment later his form bound in rope, and his wand in my hand.

Calmly walking forward, I repeat the same with the other unconscious men in robes as I check for any hidden items like port keys, or extra wands, finding a few of both.

By the time I finish, I only have to wait a couple more minutes before pops of apparition ring out in the area as Aurors swarm the place.

The sight they come to is to me siting on a conjured plush chair, my feet raised on the back of Malfoy's bound form as he tries to wiggle around and get away from me.

"Welcome to the party gentlemen." I raise a cup of what looks to be tea, but is actually just an empty cup, pretending to have a nice cuppa.

"Jacob?" A voice comes from the back as Tonks pushes through a few of her fellows.

"Oh, hello Tonks." I give her a jaunty wave as some of the aurors start to lower their wands, though not all do. "I got a present for ya." I lightly kick Malfoy's bound and silenced form, as he rolls towards her.

"I think you'll enjoy it greatly." I add further with a smirk, as the other Death Eaters are apprehended, masks being ripped off.

By the time Malfoy is hauled up and his own face revealed, Sirius has arrived as well as a woman who looks to be Amelia Bones. The look on their faces, as well as Tonks when Lucius is revealed is priceless as the glee my father expresses is accompanied by a whoop and jump, as he does a little dance in joy.

Tonks as well recognizes him almost instantly and gives me a look as if saying, 'Oh you shouldn't have!', I bet relishing the events to come as Lucius tries to talk his way out of the situation.

"I've been framed! Accusations have been thrown at my family and this child is trying to set me up to ruin me further!" Lucius shouts as two Aurors hold him roughly by the upper arms.

Bones nods her head but her comments don't offer any escape. "That sounds possible true, but regardless we will need to bring you and the rest of those here for questioning. This will take a few days at the least for things to be sorted and even then a few more days still for evidence to be compiled in either case." She motions the two holding him to take him away. "We'll be sure to show you to comfortable holdings until such a time as we can figure out the situation."

Panic flashes to his face, as Sirius grins and gives him a wave, and he remembers he only had a few days more before most of his possessions are lost to him, the goblins no doubt not caring who holds the gold as long as they are the ones tasked with storing and guarding it. With no gold to his name, he will be unable to bribe his way out of this situation, as the thought causes him to plead and argue further, though no one gives his words any credence before the aurors leave with him and his fellows.

Turning back to me, Ms. Bones turns her full attention to me, only occasionally turning her head to take in the Dark Mark still in the sky. "If you would be so kind as to tell me the events that happened here." She pauses a moment, her expression showing no change before she almost absentmindedly adds. "Please."

Despite the politeness of the words, she no doubt has no intention of letting me leave without answering her questions.

With a nod I stand up and vanish my conjurations, motioning us to head towards the location of the apparent casting of the mark in the sky. "Of course, though I suggest we walk and talk, there seems to be a commotion over yonder."

Walking towards said commotion, Sirius and Amelia walk along as well, Sirius deciding to poke fun. "Over yonder? Really?" He asks with a teasing smirk.

I merely shrug as Ms. Bones gives no change of appearance, the look on her face remaining the same stoic glare at all times.

Turning back to her, I take a few minutes to go over my side of the altercation, glossing over my methods of attack, only saying I got the jump on the group and only the leader was able to defend himself until the Dark Mark being cast distracted him long enough for me to subdue him.

The entire time I spent explaining, she kept the blank look on her face, as she occasionally nodded and hummed at certain points, my words coming to a stop as we arrived at the other commotion currently happening, which turned out to be Crouch Sr. complaining to a few aurors as his house elf clutched a wand in her hands, shaking like a leaf.

"I'm telling you, I did not cast that blasted mark, I found my elf unattended with the wand she currently has. I have no idea who cast it, and I have already cast the creature from my house. Do with her what you will!" He half screams, half states as the surrounding aurors show no signs of moving.

"And as I have told you, you are no longer an employee of the Ministry, and as such have no authority to tell us how to do our job. You were found in the area of suspected dark magic use and as such will be taken in for questioning. The elf, formerly yours or not, is not the target of our questions at this time."

As Bones walks up to take command of the situation, Winky, after relinquishing the wand to another auror, has slowly walked away bawling her eyes out and commenting on how much a failure she is as an elf without a family.

Taking the opportunity when presented, I am quick to walk up to her. "Winky?" I state her name as if unsure, and asking if it is indeed her name, the words drawing her attention. "I couldn't help but overhear what happened, and I am sorry for what has happened to you." I continue on as I kneel down, putting a hand slowly on her shoulder. "My family is in need of another elf if you would like to join."

Crouch, now arguing with Amelia, hears my offer and twists around to me. "Who do you think you are! That elf is a failure and doesn't deserve to serve anyone else!"

Giving his opinion the respect it certainly doesn't deserve I wave his comment away dismissively. "That is no longer for you to decide, you lost any right to that when you cast her out."

His posture shifts as he inhales deeply, certainly about to continue as Amelia decides enough is enough, and stuns him before he can continue. Turning to Sirius and me, she calmly adds before leaving. "We will be in touch if we have any further questions for you. Good day gentlemen."

With a pop, she leaves with Crouch, as only a few aurors remain to clean up the area, and look for anything else that might be useful for the coming trials and questioning.

Turning back to Winky, she remains speechless as she stares blankly at me. It's not until a few more minutes pass that she seems to shake herself and whisper. "You would take in Winky? Even though she is a failure?"

"You are not a failure Winky, your former master was at fault, and was wrong to treat you the way he did."

"Winky will not betray f-former master, if that is why you be offering." The thought seems to appear, being the only thing she can think of to explain the offer I am giving her.

"Of course not Winky, you don't have to tell us anything you don't want to regarding Crouch and his House." I am quick to assuage her.

After a few more minutes talking to her, she agrees to join the House of Black, and the three of us apparate back to what is sure to be an eventful few hours as I am sure Rose and Hermione will have much to say about my actions.


Much to say is an understatement, for as soon as we appear back home, Hermione who is pacing in front of the bottom of the stairs near the fireplace whirls around at our arrival before marching towards me. With a slap, my head turns to the side and she starts in on my actions, while Rose sits up from the couch she was sitting on to join Hermione.

The entire time Sirius is standing there leaning against the wall, while Winky stares on in confusion.

Deciding not to argue, I let the two girls get everything out of their system, making no excuses and apologizing when appropriate and explaining I did what I did with their safety in mind.

Finding no back talk and only decent responses, their anger falters as I remain calm and polite.

Sirius unfortunately decides it a good time to let out a chuckle, regretting it instantly as the sound draws the attention of the two girls.

Seeing the glares come to their faces, as they slowly direct their ire on him, for the second time this summer he decides retreat is the better part of valor as he once again turns around, shifting into a grim and tears off into the house, Rose and Hermione rushing off after him screaming.

That must have happened often growing up as it seems to be a common reaction to ire being directed at him.

Shaking my head, I just head to my room to wind down for the night, having enough excitement for one day.


Aside from the fallout of the attack by the remnants of the Death Eaters, the next few days before the next term starts is mostly uneventful. Hermione is seen coming and going frequently as she gets her things ready for school and Rose enjoys the peace and quiet of actually having a home to look forward to coming back to, before having to leave for the next year.

There were still rumors of Lucius trying to find help for his current imprisonment but no one is willing to take his word on any supposed rewards he claims to offer. The goblins are counting down the seconds til he defaults and they can take everything he has, including fees for having them do as such. That's how they get you, all those damn fees for everything.

Narcissa has been seen repeatedly trying to get access to the vaults in order to give Sirius something, hoping for some kind of extension but the goblins are using numerous loopholes to block her, taking glee in her suffering. The longer this goes on, the worse and worse she seems to appear as the realization of what's going to happen sets in. It's even possible they won't have enough for Diana to be able to stay past the upcoming year without covering for herself from her vault provided by Sirius, which required his approval past certain limits. If he truly decided to, he could block all efforts to do so, though I doubt he would.

Remus was currently recovering from a full moon, the attic having been converted into a stronhold to use during such times, and with my help, has worked out fantastic. Dumbledore has approved the use of the Shrieking Shack during the school year for his use, so one of the first things we'll do once we get a chance is to spruce up the place as it were.

Sirius has been in talks with the Longbottoms and Bones to try and get some legislation changed or outright removed, and has been running around trying to get things settled and taken care of, though last night he had seemed to have a couple of visitors late in the night and certain noises were heard occasionally throughout.

I give a fist pump for my father, though no one sees it.

Rose has been using my gift to practice Occlumency with Hermione, and while they have made great strides, she still seems to have the occasional nightmare that I've overheard her telling Hermione involve being a snake in an old house.

It seems Voldemort is still kicking, and I'll need to keep an eye out for the upcoming year.
