
Drinking with Hagrid

This morning, Anthony was rudely awakened by sunlight streaming through his forgotten curtains. He had planned to visit Hagrid the previous night, but Professor Sprout, on her way to gather herbs, had enlisted his help.

Upon his return, he'd only managed to leave a note for the sleeping Hagrid, mentioning his intention to share a drink with him. The last time he passed by the hut, the enticing aroma of wine had confirmed that Hagrid had indeed stocked up at the pub.

Fang had likely sensed his presence outside and was excitedly scratching at the door, but Hagrid's gentle snores remained undisturbed.


A barn owl perched outside the window, patiently waiting. As Anthony prepared to wash up, it politely tapped on the glass. He cautiously scanned the room before opening the window, spotting his cat crouched in a corner, tail swishing with interest as it observed the owl.

"No," he warned the cat, then unlatched the window.

The owl hopped inside, presenting the small note attached to its leg. It was from Hagrid, with a simple message: "Of course, how about tonight?"

Anthony circled "tonight," added a smiley face, and tied the note back to the owl's leg. Under the cat's watchful gaze, the owl eyed the spectral mouse napping amidst the parchment on the desk.

Hagrid stood at the entrance of his hut, a welcoming silhouette against the darkening sky, his unruly hair and the edges of his coat outlined in a warm, golden glow.

"Henry!" he boomed, waving enthusiastically.

Anthony hurried over, offering the bottle of wine he'd brought. "Why are you standing outside?"

"Wasn't sure when you'd be comin', so I thought I'd keep an eye out," Hagrid explained. Behind him, Fang bounded towards Anthony, slobbering and attempting to give him a face wash.

"Fang!" Anthony raised his head and tried to push the enthusiastic dog away. "Alright, alright, I'm happy to see you too. It's been a while..." Hagrid grabbed Fang's collar and pulled him aside, allowing Anthony to bypass the large dog and enter the hut.

It had indeed been some time since he'd seen Hagrid. Sometimes when he was free, Hagrid was swamped with tending to the magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest. And when Hagrid was free, Anthony was usually busy preparing lessons or holed up in the library or staff room, barely stepping foot outside the castle.

But when he needed a break from theoretical models and historical texts, Hagrid was the first person he thought of. As Tom from the Leaky Cauldron had said, everyone liked Hagrid, especially when it came to sharing a drink.

"How've you been?" Anthony asked Hagrid as they clinked glasses.

Hagrid downed his drink in one gulp and shook his head. "Busy, very busy. Spring, you know, everything's happening. The hibernating creatures are waking up, and I need to do a headcount. Dumbledore's orders."

Anthony sympathetically refilled his glass and slowly sipped his own brandy, courtesy of Hagrid. Fang rested his head on Anthony's lap, looking up at him expectantly, then at Hagrid.

"Oh, speaking of Dumbledore." Hagrid pushed back his chair, stood up, and lumbered over to Fang's snack cupboard. He retrieved a large bag and thumped it onto the table. "This is for you, Henry."

Fang, who had been excitedly circling Hagrid, trotted back in confusion, sniffed the bag, then lay back down under the table, disinterested.

Anthony untied the bag and peered inside. It was filled with colorful balls and dried fish. Their limbs were tangled in odd shapes, their tiny scales still shimmering.

"Freshly made," Hagrid said, rubbing his large hands together. "Hope your little fella likes 'em."

Anthony tied the bag back up and placed it at his feet. "Wonderful, thank you. But, what does this have to do with the Headmaster?"

These dried fish seemed more connected to Professor McGonagall than Dumbledore.

"Merlin's beard, I forgot to tell yeh," Hagrid exclaimed. "Dumbledore told me everything. Henry, Aragog is so happy. He won't say it, but I can tell."

Ah, the basilisk.

"It was the least I could do," Anthony said. "Speaking of which, since Aragog's been cleared of killing Myrtle, will you receive any compensation for being wrongfully accused?"

He had initially wanted to ask if Hagrid could re-enroll as a student, but reconsidered. Even he had become a professor due to his age, and Hagrid was considerably older.

Besides, even if the rules allowed it, Hagrid might not want to leave his creatures and hut to attend classes with pets not allowed at Hogwarts - be it an Acromantula or a dog – and learn about the Goblin Rebellions all over again.

Hagrid took another swig of his drink. "Aye, Dumbledore said the Ministry'll clear my name. I can use magic in public now." He paused, then added, "Still gettin' used to it, though."

"That's hardly compensation," Anthony countered. "It's the bare minimum they should do."

Hagrid shook his head, his voice somber. "Dumbledore said just Aragog alone is enough for a whole load of charges. He always believed I didn't kill anyone – he's a good man, a great man – when he convinced the Headmaster to let me stay, it was just to compare, uh, the regulations regarding Acromantulas."

Anthony understood. As he had experienced firsthand, Dumbledore had found a loophole, rendering the intended punishment nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

He and Hagrid raised their glasses to the Ministry's incompetence.

Anthony discovered Hagrid had a peculiar habit.

After a few drinks, he insisted on taking Anthony to see Aragog.

"He'll be so happy!" Hagrid boomed, his voice like thunder. "C'mon, Henry, let's go find Aragog and have a drink with him!"

"What if he's gone to bed..." Anthony tried to reason.

"He won't be, I know him," Hagrid said confidently. "I have to introduce you! You've been such a help!"

Anthony attempted another tactic. "But I already know Aragog."

This only seemed to delight Hagrid further. "Really? I don't remember. Haha, you're already friends? Well then, let's have a drink together, the three of us!"

Anthony gave in with a sigh. "Alright." He set down his glass, put on his coat, and reminded Hagrid not to wear his hole-ridden dragon-hide boots.

Hagrid, unconcerned about his footwear, chattered excitedly about Aragog. Fang tried to follow them, but Hagrid shooed him back inside. Anthony turned and waved at the large dog peering out the window, then followed Hagrid into the darkening Forbidden Forest, a sense of anticipation stirring within him.

The last time they had visited the Acromantula colony was in winter, when they had encountered the centaurs.

Anthony wondered what surprises the Forbidden Forest held on a spring night.