
HP: The Midnight King

#Plot based Fic, with some Wish-Fulfillment included# _Harry Potter Crossover with Wizards of Waverly Place, Twilight, Shadowhunters, Miss Peregrine's home for Peculiar Children, and Game of Thrones._ Note: It is imperative that you read the, -Author POV-, Chapter before continuing, as it will allow you to decide whether or not this is the story for you. Also note that the Gore tag is not for laughs and giggles, at times it will get uncomfortably descriptive. This is unfortunately necessary to bring out the full scope of the Fic, so best believe if your uncomfortable, just think for a second what I'm feeling writing this ****. Synopsis: Disclaimer, this is a fan-fic, so credit goes to original authors. And this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I don't claim ownership over the Cover Photo. ____________________________________________________ There will be plot holes and other grammatical issues, as I'm not a Pro-Writer, but I will try my best to address and fix such issues as soon as I can. No promises, but my goal after a certain point is to be able to write at least 3 Chapters a week.

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17 Chs


"Yo Bobby you got the.. stuff". A grown man with scraps for clothing, asks a passing individual. The individual proceeds to look around taking a moments glance at the night sky. The moon's light reflecting upon his cold eyes. Then proceeds to put his attention back on the man in front of him.

"Perry.. to be frank.. I like you, we both know that says a lot on its own since I don't like people in general, and that's not even putting into consideration my line of work..". He then proceeds to take a breath of air and looks at the man with.. sadness present in his gaze. If anyone that he works with saw him make this expression, they would comment that it looks unnatural on his face and actually looks quite fucking scary.

As from their experience he was a not only boring, but a brutal and cold man, not having enough emotion left to spare for the world or anyone for that matter.

With these facts in consideration, it would explain the other man's surprised expression as he wasn't expecting that look from anybody.. especially him.. of all people, not his drug dealer.

"Despite the many.. many terrible things I've done in life and no matter how weird it is, I care for you.. so I'm begging you.. go home, get your life together.. please"! He said looking directly into the man's eyes with a pleading look. The man just looks down in shame, not sure what to say. He looks back up to say something but.. nothing comes out. He honestly isn't sure if their is anything that can be said. So he just looks at him one last time, shakes his head and walks away.

The other man watches him leave.. and then does so himself.


#Time Skip: 2 Hours#

#Mc POV#

As I make my way into an abandoned building lots of catcalls are thrown my way. I ignore them and make my way into my gangs base. I see a bunch of new members, they look at me and cower in fear, nodding their heads to show they acknowledge my presence. They make way, as I came to a stop in front of a door. I knock and then open it. As I walk in my boss Mr. Lang nods his head in respect, and motions his hand towards a chair in front of his desk, I sit.

"How are you Bobby". He asks with a fake smile. "With all due respect, let's skip the chit chat and get to the point we're you tell me why I'm here"! I said looking directly into his eyes, not intimidated at all, I really just want to go home, maybe watch Wizards of Waverly Place, it being the last remnant of my innocence.

"You do know that most people would die with shit in their pants if they talked t.."!

"We've done this same dance hundreds of times and my response is still the same, I'm not most people". I said interrupting him.

He just stares at me.. and starts laughing. "And my response will always be the same as well, no, no you are not". He says sitting back on his chair.

"Let's get to business". He says his face serious. "Lets". I say in exasperation, as he finally gets to it. He then bends over his desk and opens a drawer, pulling out a envelope. He then proceeds to slam it on the desk dramatically.. drama queen.

"This is a list of all the people we need takin care of, you get the memo". He says as I open and peer at the list of names, each one a dead man. As I slowly make my way along the list I notice a name. "Perry"! I say. The boss looks at the file I'm on and comments. "This one in particular not only owes us a lot money, but stole something that belongs to a particular clientele of ours, a valuable artifact". He says trying to read my face. "Is their a problem"? He asks with a grin on his face. I knew depending on my response I wouldn't even have time to say fuck you before I died.

Although I wasn't afraid of him, I knew he himself had some powerful backers, backers I don't want on my ass. "No their isn't". I reply as I get up and head out.

"Good, good". I hear him say before I close the door and head towards my untimely end.


#Time Skip: 5 Hours#

I had already completed half the list, disposing of the body's and evidence, wall cleaning the blood off my hands, I asked myself, can I really find it in me to kill him, he was the only person I would consider a friend, family even, considering how long I knew him.

As I make my way towards the alley I knew he lived in, I look around, noticing how stupid I had been, he didn't have a home, drugs and digging in trash cans was all he knew. I also notice that he isn't here, I turn around intent on finding him...

I found him talking to business owners.. looking for a job, he had been filling out applications all morning. If I wasn't so dead inside I would have cried. He was trying, wasn't he. So I made my decision. I ran to him grabbed him and ran us both towards an ally. After I look at him. "You need to go, I don't care were, but you do, I will give you what you need but you need to leave the city, Now"! I say seriously. He looks at me opening his mouth to say something, I stop him. "We don't have the time, I need to get you somewhere safe". I say as I let go of him and tell him to follow me.


#Time Skip: 3 Hours#

#Mr.Lang POV#

Inside an abandoned building, in a room, you could see two people talking. "He didn't do it, did he, he didn't pass my test". Lang says to a associate. "No he didn't sir". he replied.

"Sad, he was very good at what he did, a worthy asset, it really is a pity, send someone to clean up the both of them".

"Yes sir, I'll make it happen". He replied, taking out his phone, making a call...

#Time Skip: 1 Hour#

#Mc POV#

Me and Perry are on a highway, over a cliff, the quickest way out of the city. It's quiet in the car, well that is if Perry wasn't smacking on doritos again for the hundredth time. As I was about to yank them out of his palms, I noticed a car at the very end of my sight, a personalized car, and I knew immediately they were on us. I hit the gas, closing in on dangerous speeds, I swerved left, left, then right, and I slowed and stopped next to a bunch of trees.

I got out of the car, though not before popping the trunk, went to the passenger side, got Perry out and slammed a duffle bag into his arms. "Keep going straight, don't stop for nothing, a contact of mine will meet you at a waterfall and get you the rest of the way, good bye". I said as I began to get back into the car. I grabbed my glock out of the glove compartment. "What are you doing"? He asked. I looked at him and with a smile, my first genuine smile in years I said, "I'm buying you some time". I closed the door and drove off...

Perry looked at him go and started crying, turning around he walked forward only to looked back one last time and whisper, "Thank you.. thank you"! As he then ran into the forest...

#Mc POV#

As I was speeding I saw in the rear view that the one car soon became multiple. They started firing machine guns at the car, bullet holes appearing in the wind shield. I grabbed my glock, pointed out the window and shot round after round. I swerved and came to a stop, firing consecutive rounds at one of the cars tires. Successfully taking one of the cars out of commission. I turned and continued speeding away. I came upon an intersection, I looked to the side of me.. all I heard was a crash, and then everything went black...


A organism was being created, a human, as all the peaces of the puzzle were connecting, 1 Yellow Ball, a key, Red and White colored Orbs, angel and demon blood respectively, 1 Blue String, which in particular was coming from what humans refer to as the dna. We're emerging from different parts of the body, they each faced one another, and suddenly the body lit up as these three different forces were in battle. Releasing unprecedented amounts of energy, they battled and battled until the angel and demon blood suddenly sent an explosive burst of energy in all directions forcing about not only coexistence but fusion, becoming something new, something different, bringing about the creation of a new being, the Crimson Devil...

(Word Count: 1536)


~ ' ' = Important Thoughts maybe/ect

~ " " = Talking

~ * * = Sounds/Maybe

~ ° °, • • = Incantation/Spells

~ | | = Mc Incantation/Spells

~ # # = Pov Change/ect


I will Edit this chapter further at a later date.

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