
HP: The Magical Gamer

A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him. He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it. And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.

Kitamari · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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166 Chs

Chapter 47: Wha- No!

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"Stop! Greengrass! Davies!" A sourceless voice made the two girls train their wands ahead. They were currently on the Astronomy Tower, trying to find a quiet place for themselves. Obviously, they failed in doing so.

The air shimmered in front of them and a moment later Harry Potter stepped out of an invisibility cloak. They still had their wands pointed at him but their wariness dropped down a bit.

"Potter! I dread to think what else you could do with an invisibility cloak." Daphne exclaimed, lowering her wand. Tracey followed her example and stopped pointing it at him.

"Don't worry, I am a Gryffindor. We don't attack from behind even if we have an invisibility cloak." Harry said, folding his cloak and putting it in his bag.

"I was thinking along the lines of 'peeping tom' kind and not 'stab in the back' kind." Daphne smirked.

"Wha- No! I don't do that! I am not some degenerate." Harry blushed and shook his head insistently.

"What a wasted opportunity." Daphne mumbled loud enough for him to hear it. Tracey elbowed her and shot him an embarrassed look.

"Ignoring my girlfriend's perversion, let me ask, what do you want?" Tracey questioned him in a stony tone.

Harry, for a moment, was taken aback by the revelation that the two girls were a couple. He didn't even know if there were other couples like that. But he ignored the spike of his curiosity and replied in the same voice.

"I know that Henry was your friend-"

"Henry is our friend." Daphne corrected him tartly.

"Yes, that. And I am assuming that you both know what really happened last night since you both were there. Yes, I know that you were present. Now that he is on the run, it falls on me to keep you both safe. I wouldn't be able to meet his eyes if his new friends were hurt while he was absent. I am here to propose an alliance."

"Nope! I am good. I can take care of myself. And if anything big happens, Henry will come back to save me." Daphne waved away his offer, not interested in playing with fire. Harry didn't miss that she always touched the silver bracelet on her wrist when talking about Henry.

"Is that a gift from Henry?" He couldn't help himself, his curiosity demanded to be fulfilled. Daphne nodded in affirmation.

"Well, that brat didn't give me any parting present. I see blatant favouritism here." Harry joked.

"Of course, I am Henry's favourite. He is my little cute brother after all. I am just waiting until he comes back. When he does, I am going to hug him so tight, he will die. And then I will give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to revive him." Daphne grinned with a dreamy look, shivering from excitement.


"Ignore her." Tracey blew a long suffering sigh and elbowed her hard. "That's all you can do if you want to remain sane."

Harry nodded quickly, not wanting to get roped in whatever craziness this trio had begun.

"I agree about being allies. We can use all the help in surviving this tense time. And I don't want Daphne to jump in danger just to see if Henry will come." Tracey added reluctantly, giving an exasperated look to her unabashed girlfriend.

She was not totally sure about her decision though. The choice of joining Harry Potter's side would have its pros and cons. Still, she would try to keep the cons to a minimum by keeping their alliance a secret.

Daphne shot her a dubious look, not seeing any benefits from this decision. But she kept her silence, letting Tracey handle it.

"Thank you. You don't need to worry now. I will regularly keep an eye on you to see if you are in any trouble. Also, watch Malfoy. I think he is going to do something big this year." Harry said resolutely.

"Hehe. I don't think we gave you permission to peep on us. That is only allowed for Henry, not you." Daphne giggled while Tracey gave a deep thought to his warning about Draco, expertly not listening to Daphne.

Now, that Harry mentioned it, Draco hadn't been his pompous self this year.

She decided to keep her guard around Draco Malfoy and his ilk not that she hadn't been doing that earlier.

Harry, as instructed by Tracey, absolutely ignored Daphne and marched away, chanting 'Ignore the pervert' in his mind.


A stormy wind slammed against the glass window making a loud rattling noise. The blue walls of this house were covered with strange runes. Bloody strange runes. Two mutilated corpses, one male and one female, were sprawled on their backs on the white tiled floor which wasn't white anymore.

A small preteen boy was cowering against the wall, staring at the old man sitting in the centre of the room, directly below the chandelier.

The old man had a long silver beard and no hair on his wrinkled head. Currently, he sat naked inside the blood-drawn circle and had his eyes closed, the blood having been taken from the cooling bodies.

The little boy whose shirt was soaked with his sweat, had been witness to everything that the old man did to his parents. He had watched how the man had easily trespassed into their house and into their living room where the family of three were watching TV.

He had looked on morbidly when his parents seemingly fell unconscious with the wave of his hand. He had then stared dumbly when the old man slit their throats and undressed them.

He had puked when he carved on their stomachs and pulled out their intestines before burning it with a snap of his fingers.

The little boy, Roy, was almost numb now after watching all this. He wasn't crying, he wasn't raging anymore. It was as if everything was muted. His sight, his sense of smell, his hearing, even his thinking. Everything was blank like a white canvas paper and a low static sound.


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 35+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

