
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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114 Chs

Chapter 97: Fidelius

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The eyes that opened were bright red, and somehow, completely percipient.

"You should be dead," she calmly said, although Harry clearly knew who was talking.

"So should you. Why did you kill Dean?" he asked calmly, staring unblinking and expressionless at his prisoner.

"How did you survive? She asked, her eyes gaining an odd gleam as she ignored his question, "The serpent wouldn't have let you come in here."

"She didn't have a choice."

"But the Fidelius-"

"Has no effect on me anymore."

The red eyes widened drastically before they darted over to his scar, and the girl burst out laughing.

The shrill cold laughter echoed in the small room over and over again, and if in his current state Harry could have felt much of anything, he would have felt apprehensive and uncomfortable.

Instead, he simply asked, "Something funny Riddle?"

The laughter slowed into the occasional chuckle, before she answered with a grin on her face, "I was just thinking how lucky my real self is, and how you have absolutely no idea what you are. What he made you into…"

This piqued Harry's interest. Was this something related to him being the Gamer? Maybe Riddle had seen something that he hadn't. "And what would that be?"

A chilling grin ripped across the girl's face, "Oh you'll find out. But not from me. Ha! This is just too good to be true!" and she burst out laughing again.

"You are not really in the position to show attitude, Riddle. I could crush your bones right now. You said you and Turpin share this body. So if she dies, you die. Answer my questions Riddle or else-"

The laughter stopped with a start.

"And what will you do if I do answer you Harry?" she sneered, "Let me go? You won't do that. Keeping you curious keeps me alive Harry, and I get more time to find a way out of this little trap of yours."

Harry stared at her, not responding.

"A little advice Harry. Learn to fear death. Not everyone dies a valiant death fighting Lord Voldemort as your parents did.

Most people die meaningless deaths. Disease, accident, robbed, murdered… age… being in the wrong place at the wrong time. That was how your friend died."

Harry pushed down the spike of anger that threatened to push him over the wire-thin edge he was standing on.

The red-eyed girl continued, "Tell me, Harry, would it have made you feel better if I had told you that he was some vital part of my master plan? Essential, in fact, and that without his death, all my work would have been worthless? That his death was needed ? It wasn't.

He followed me down the entrance pipe, and my basilisk took care of him. He died a meaningless death, just like you and everyone you hold dear will when I inevitably rise again."

And she burst out laughing again.

Feeling his anger starting to bleed through his shields, Harry dropped to a knee and slammed his fist into the girl's face, knocking her out.

"That's enough," he said to himself, wiping the girl's nose blood off his fist. He pulled the golden ring he was wearing off his finger, before turning it into a bow. He pulled the string back, notching an arrow as he took aim at her.

One shot, and both of them would be finished. Riddle would be dead. Dean would be avenged, and Lisa would simply be collateral damage. He would dump her body in an ID, and she would simply become the girl who had been lost to the Heir.

No Auror would ever find her.

He stretched the string and frowned. He wasn't imagining it. Gandiva was growing heavier in his hands, as if the ancient bow refusing to obey him this time.

And in front of Harry's eyes, without his instruction, the arrow he had notched disappeared, and with a flash of light, the bow turned itself into its ring form and teleported itself onto his finger.

Harry frowned and cast an Observe on it.

The Gandiva

This 6000 year old legendary bow is one of the most powerful magical weapons out there. It is indestructible, can create arrows inexhaustibly and fires arrows with the strength of a thousand bows.

Its arrows can be enchanted to do a variety of things and can penetrate most magical shields. It can turn into a ring when not being used. When in ring form, it can protect its user from all forms of poison.

Its unable to be lifted by anyone it judges unworthy. If you hold this, you've impressed a lot of right people.

Attack-100 + (10 x level of Archery)

+50% when used against the ill-intentioned.

+100% when used by a magically competent being.

There was nothing wrong with the bow. Harry shook his head. No matter. He didn't need a bow to end someone's life.

Dropping the bow to the ground, he sent a thick tendril of mana into Lisa's bloodstream, fighting against her own magic as he focused it around her heart.

It would be quick and painless, he thought and was about to give the mana a single twitch to stop her heart, when suddenly the voice of a young girl reached his ears.

" Don't do it, Harry! "

Harry whirled around, and the mana connection broke with a snap.

The voice had come from Hedwig, who had been quietly perched on the upturned cauldron and watching the events unfold.

"You're speaking…" he muttered in awe, looking at her with wide eyes.

Hedwig however, completely ignored his mutters, before agitatedly shifting her weight from foot to foot and ruffling her feathers, " She is innocent Harry. She hasn't done anything. You can't just kill her. "

"I have to!" Harry insisted, begging her to understand, "Don't you see? If Riddle gets out into the world, then there is no knowing what will happen! Just in a year, he did this to the school! Imagine what two of him will do to the world at large!"

" But you aren't killing to protect the world are you? You are killing for revenge. Revenge for Dean.


If you want to read more chapters ahead from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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