
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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114 Chs

Chapter 79: Tirelessly

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Several cuts, bruises, broken limbs, magical burns, and the giant gaping wound in its flank.

Harry pulled out the bottle of Essence of Murtlap he had in stock and applied it to the edges of the wound.

Essence of Murtlap, High level

Restore subject's health by a rate of 10% a minute.

At least that was counteracting her bleeding status. Harry was about to apply more of the medicine when an angry voice snapped from behind him.

"What are you doing wizard! Put down your weapon and walk away from the mare!"

Harry looked around. It was a group of young centaurs; the human half of the oldest of them looked barely seventeen.

Each of them had an arrow notched in their bows. Harry spread his inventory between himself and unicorn, ready to shield himself and the mare from arrows.

"I was helping her. She was hurt by a wizard in a cloak and I was trying to help her." Harry said while slowly backing off.

"And why should we believe you? Mayhapx it was you who hunted her down!"

They aimed their bows threateningly.

"I need to help her. She's bleeding out and I don't know how long I can stop it for. Don't let me near her if you don't want to but if there is any magic you have that can aid her - Help! Please!" Harry pleaded. He didn't have time to fight.

The Murtlap's effects would fade soon and it needed to be reapplied to counteract the bleeding.

Perhaps they heard the sincerity and desperation in Harry's voice, for they slowly lowered their bows.

The eldest of them came closer to take a look at the unicorn, before gravely replying, "Our healing magic is not fast enough to save her, but whatever you have done seems to have helped her.

We will guard you and your patient young sorcerer, weave your healing magic without fear. Save her." The leader of the group of young centaurs said.

Harry promptly got back to the bottle of Murtlap Essence and started reapplying it along the edges of the wound, while taking off his jacket and using it to put pressure on the unicorn's flank as he desperately shoved away the memories of the werewolf John's death by bleeding. This wouldn't end the same way. He was going make sure of it.

The bleeding didn't even slow down.

"Her time has come," A centaur from his left muttered to his friend, his pity clearly audible in his voice.

"Not today," Harry snapped, "Not if I can help it."

And not even sparing a look at them he put away the Essence of Murtlap, realizing that there wasn't much more that it could do for her wounded side. Her wounds had started slowly clotting. Next thing he had to do was now was to tackle the blood loss.

Harry didn't have blood replenishment potions on him, so the Wiggenwald potions he had left would have to do. He poured the potion down the unicorn's throat while maintaining the pressure on her flank, attempting to stem any and all bleeding.


Unicorn (Status: Bleeding -10% hp per minute))










A female unicorn that has the ability to run fast at the expense of her innate magic. She can also sense the worthiness of a person by the very same magic.

One of the most powerful and potent magical creatures out there, they are said to represent true beauty and purity.

She is dying from the massive dark magic cut she's received on her side. She doesn't know Harry.

It wasn't working!

Quickly trying to think of anything else, Harry looked around. His eyes caught a bird flying above the clearing and an idea struck him.

Desperately pouring all of his mana into his voice, he screamed into the night, "HEDWIG! HELP!"

A minute passed, and nothing happened, but just as Harry was about to give up, two balls of fire burst above the clearing, coalescing into two familiar birds. It was Hedwig! And she'd brought Fawkes to help!

They both flew down and without even needing to hear anything, joined Harry in healing the unicorn. Fawkes flew onto her flank and started dripping tears onto the wound, which instantly started closing much faster than before, while Hedwig perched near the equine's head and started singing a soulful tune, easing both Harry's nervous franticness and the unicorn's heavy breathing.

Slowly, more and more centaurs from the Forest's herd came, standing at the edge of the clearing, fighting off spiders and maghiras and any other dark creature that came towards the clearing with their lethal arrows.

They watched, as the boy and the two birds tirelessly labored over the unicorn.

Fawkes would lift the unicorn's legs and Harry would set them back into position and cast a solidifying spell at the broken bone with his wand.

Hedwig sang a soothing tune, relieving the mare's pain that it felt from having its bones and joints snapped back together. One by one, as if they were putting a scattered puzzle back together, they worked tirelessly with naught a thought of giving up.

At last, Hedwig and Fawkes, armed with their ability to lift incredible weights, helped Harry lift the unicorn to a standing position, and Harry used his strength to balance the unicorn and help it take its first shaky steps.

When the unicorn started trotting around the clearing, albeit with a limp, Harry understood for the first time why becoming a healer was such a popular profession in the wizarding world.

The sheer sense of relief and satisfaction that filled him upon seeing his work successful was beyond compare. Harry fell down to his knees with relief.

The unicorn saw him drop to the ground and idly ambled over to him to give him a lick on the hand and then going back to trotting around the clearing.

He smiled at that.


Quest Completed!

Save the unicorn!


+5 stat points

5000 Exp

A brand spanking new perk!


You have gained a new perk!


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