
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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114 Chs

Chapter 69: Precisely

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"Your detention with Snape?"

"Starts next Saturday."

"What about the Potions essay?" Michael asked in dismay. "Surely you couldn't have finished everything!"

"Already finished!" Harry tossed over his shoulder, running down the stairs and out of the common room.

As Harry walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, he opened up his skill list and scrolled over to his ID Create skill.

ID Create, Lv-5 (20%)

Used to create Instant Dungeons. Higher the level, stronger the dungeon.

Current list-

Empty Dungeon- no monsters.

Monster Dungeon- Zombies

Harry had unlocked the Monster Dungeon- Zombies in Hogwarts a few days ago while repeatedly breaking in and out of IDs in order to grind and level up his skill.

Since then, Harry had checked out a book from the library to explain exactly what the differences were between Inferi and Zombies were. He opened Newt Scamander 's book to the required paragraph and read it.

Zombies are "living dead" creatures that dwell in the southern part of the United States of America. They are able to be identified by their greyish skin and rotten smell.

While zombies have much in common with Inferi, they are in fact, two distinct creatures. While inferi are made out of soulless dead bodies, Zombies were created out of live humans by a dark wizard in an experiment who wanted to use the zombified person's soul to sustain himself.

However, this turned upon him as it turned out that creating a zombie takes a permanent drain on the creator's magic.

The wizard was turned into a squib after making his sixth zombie, and being defenseless against the half-dead monsters, was devoured.

Many others have experimented with zombies but all have either been killed or turned into squibs and then into zombies

Many attempts have been made to eliminate zombies by wizards, however none have been very successful, due to a zombie's ability to infect muggles with a bite and turn them into new zombies.

While wizards have been proven immune to this infection, a zombie's extreme strength can prove a danger to anybody. Fire is their only known weakness since they are very flammable.

Impossible to domesticate and known wizard killers.


'Fire… I can do fire,' Harry thought to himself. He looked around to make sure no one was watching and then intoned clearly, "ID Create: Zombies!"

The world's sky turned red again as Harry took out Riddler's wand, sheathing his own back into the inventory and ran off towards this dimension's Forbidden forest and entered it.

After all, where else would the zombies be?

He quickly flitted in and out of the leaves of the trees he was running on, making every landing and grabbing every branch he wished to. Nothing seemed impossible for him.

It was the first time Harry had truly appreciated how his high Str and Dex had affected his body.

Every muscle seemed perfectly toned, responding to his every thought and command, not showing even a single trace of fatigue as he jumped, ran, and swung from branches and treetops, searching for his first opponent.

A massive thunderous crack emerged from somewhere deeper into the forest.

Harry was about to wonder what it was, when suddenly he caught something out of the corner of his eyes.

It was a man… or at least looked like a man, putrid grey going by skin color, his eyes were popped out of his sockets and his skin was peeling off in several places. Pressing down his sense of disgust, Harry quickly observed it.




MP: 20/20







An undead come back to life for one thing and one thing only, the meat of the living. Thinks the word Zombie is offensive to zombies and wants to be called a Walker.

Kill to get- 50 Exp

Harry dismissed the screen and tossed a fireball at the zombie from his position in the tree, scoring a one-shot kill.

The zombie disappeared in a shower of dust, leaving behind a 2 £ bill. He jumped down from the tree, pocketed the bill, and then walked further into the forest in search for more zombies.

It didn't take long for Harry to find what he was looking for. Or more precisely, for what he was looking for to find him. Less than five minutes into his walk, he was ambushed and quickly surrounded by a horde of zombies in a forest clearing.

Harry looked around. There were 5….14…..28 zombies out there. Some of them armed. For a moment, he considered killing them all in one shot with his elemental control. He could, and rather easily too, but he decided not to.

He still had a few hours of free time left, and it was that he would much rather spend grinding rather than waiting around for his MP to regenerate from a massive Remomancy attack.

'Guess I'll have to do this the old fashioned way then,' he decided.

Another thunderous crack ripped through the forest.

Ignoring it and smiling like a maniac, Harry lit a fist on fire and punched the nearest zombie in the face with his full strength, snapping its neck backward and setting its head on fire. One down, 27 to go.

Taking a quick look around to judge the numbers around him, he ran towards the least concentrated area and jumped, delivering a flaming kick to another one's gut, setting it on fire and sending the flaming zombie stumbling back towards its friends.

Any other zombie that came in contact with it caught fire as well, thinning the horde significantly.


He turned and saw a small group of zombies coming too close for comfort.

Sending a blast of wind to push most them back, he then parried the incoming armed zombie's sword with a push to the flat side of the blade and placed a hand on its stomach, blasting a hole in its midsection.

He then let rip a small wave of fire at the remaining members of the group, deciding for once and all to screw the saving mana plan. He was having fun .


If you want to read more chapters ahead from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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