
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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114 Chs

Chapter 68: Philosopher

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Luckily for him, his celebrity status often worked in his favor and gave him an advantage in social interactions.

Most people already liked him and were quite friendly with him, so he didn't have to worry too much about them hating him from the moment they met him.

Harry was glad for that.

"Hey, Harry!" Terry's voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"Morning, Terry," Harry chimed back, "How is the Transfiguration essay going?"

"It just never ends, does it!?" Michael exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air. Harry and Stephen dodged the droplets of ink that flew from the quill in his hand, "How are we supposed to explain why Metamorphmaguses-"

"Metamorphmagi," Stephen corrected.

"-Metamorphmagi can change their appearances! Isn't that contradicting itself! How can it not kill them if they can transfigure themselves? And don't they teach human transfiguration in the sixth year! How does that even- Argh!"

Harry listened to Michael's rant with a bemused smile as he pulled a chair out and sat on it.

"You've finished the essay haven't you? Why don't you help us out here?" Terry asked curiously.

"Alright then" Harry pulled a parchment and a quill to himself. "Well, its a bit like this." He drew three circles on the parchment before writing down, 'Metamorph' 'Human Transfiguration' 'Animagus' in them.

He pointed at the circles and spoke to the three Ravenclaws around him. "These are the primary oppositions that most people make with the whole 'No transfiguring people or stuff that goes into people' theory. The Professor explained why Animagus wasn't outright free transfiguration last week-"

"It's limited," Terry interrupted, "They can't go transforming into whatever they like. Limited transfiguration isn't free transfiguration, so it's not the kind of Transfiguration that we're doing."

"Exactly," Harry agreed, "It's the same with Metamorphs. They are limited too, otherwise, the ones that had fought in the last war would've been able to turn into a horde of bees or… I dunno… ten dragons… and destroyed the Death Eaters.

As far as I've read, they can change only their facial appearance, bone length and skin color. That's pretty limited. And like Terry said, limited transfiguration is not free transfiguration."

Harry crossed off the Animagus and Metamorph circles before continuing.

"And human transfiguration is usually done by spells, since it's impossible for anyone to know a human's anatomy and the target transfiguration well enough to imagine it all in their head. I think I read about it in some book from the common room shelf last night."

He neatly wrote down the word proficisentor.

"Pretty sure that's the spell that is used in human transfigurations. So, if you have to make your hair yellow, then you just add the prefixes and suffixes and it comes down to…"

He paused to remember what the spell was, before writing down pilorum proficisentor flaviosa on the paper.

"This spell. I mean, it looks pretty hard to do. That's probably why they teach us that in NEWT year."

Stephen, who had been quiet the entire time, spoke up. He had a small smirk on his face. "I think I have a pretty good idea of why McGonagall was warning us against practicing human transfiguration."

Harry looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Just take one look at the third years and above," Stephen said, "They're all just spending their time trying to impress some girl or boy.

Don't you think they'd change their own appearance in a jiffy if they could? Make themselves prettier or more handsome? Even if they risk losing a nose or a head of hair? You see where I'm going don't you?"

"I do," Terry replied, stroking his chin, "McGonagall was trying to make sure that all of us respect the dangers of Transfiguration enough to not just go transfiguring ourselves into Lockharts to get girls? That… actually doesn't sound unlikely. I did read that puberty does pretty crazy stuff to you…" Terry spoke while stroking his chin.

Harry was impressed. He'd underestimated Stephen and Terry.

"Exactly!" Stephen exclaimed, "And even though human transfiguration and Metamorphs and Animagi are much less dangerous than free Transfiguration, McGonagall is also trying to make sure that we accept who we are as people.

Most people probably get over their issues by the time they get to the final years, so that's when they start teaching human transfiguration!" Stephen said excitedly.

"And… thus… not… free… Transfiguration! That's the essay done!" Michael exclaimed. Stephen looked at him, slightly taken aback, before he realized what had happened.

Michael had been writing his essay the entire time Stephen and Terry had been on their tirade.

Terry smacked him over his head. "Don't you have any sensitivity you buffoon! We've been discussing the theory of transfiguration and how it affects the psychology of wizards, and you haven't even been paying attention!"

"Oi!" Michael protested, rubbing the back of his head with a wince, "I've been listening! Besides, my essay is done and yours isn't, so you don't exactly get the moral high ground."

Stephen and Terry sent a dirty look at him and picked up their quills to finish up their essays.

"Well, I'm off to the dorms. Have to change out of these robes. Why didn't you tell me we could go without these on weekends!" Harry asked.

"You didn't ask. Now come on. I'll go with you and let these philosopher types finish their essays." Michael said with a smile.

Together, they both walked up the stairs to the Ravenclaw dorm. Anthony Goldstein was still snoring off in his bed. Harry looked at the wall clock. It was eleven in the morning.

"He's still sleeping?" Harry said with a wry smile on his face.

Michael chuckled. "Let him be, its Saturday."

Harry grinned and put away his robes. They wouldn't survive what he had planned for the rest of the day. Michael was rummaging around in his book bag as he turned around to leave.

"I'm off exploring. I'll turn up at the flying class and then probably turn up straight in the midnight astronomy class. Don't worry about me if you don't see me much today." Harry said.


If you want to read more chapters ahead from here you can visit my Patre-on.

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