
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

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Chapter 166: Hunting Dementors

The incident in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class quickly spread.

The Gryffindor students praised Lupin and found his lessons very interesting.

It seemed like he had a conflict with Professor Snape.

As long as they didn't get along with Snape, they considered him their good friend in Gryffindor.

But the students from other houses weren't impressed with Lupin.

Arthur exposed his tricks in class, and many people knew that Lupin intentionally manipulated Neville to embarrass Snape.

This made the Slytherin students angry.

As for the Ravenclaw students, they distanced themselves from Lupin due to Arthur's attitude.

As for Hufflepuff, they chose to stay neutral and not get involved.

Professor Snape also found out about this, and he gave extra points to Ravenclaw in the Potions class that week.

It was a response to Arthur.

He also secretly added a substance to a potion for a certain Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, ensuring that Lupin would be paralyzed for a week after drinking it.

Lupin was also troubled. The students had different opinions of him, and the response to his next classes was average.

At this point, he already regretted tripping Snape in class.

But now it was too late to say anything.


After the semester began, Arthur started observing Filch.

He wanted to understand why Filch couldn't use magic.

He wanted to figure out why Squib couldn't use magic.

Arthur looked up information and found that Squibs were very different from Muggles.

Just like how the Muggle-Repelling Charm couldn't affect Squib and some special magical creatures that Muggles couldn't see but Squib could.

Just like in the original story, a Squib responsible for observing Harry could see Dementors.

But the Dursley family couldn't see anything.

Therefore, Squibs were like a group of half-finished wizards, which made them highly valuable for research.


Arthur was interrupted from his thoughts and looked at the person before him.

"Harry, why do you look like this?"

Arthur looked at Harry in front of him, holding a broomstick and wearing a Quidditch uniform.

The mud on his clothes continuously dripped onto the ground, and his black hair was wet from the rain.

Harry looked at Erwin with a hint of resentment and said, "I told Wood about you having two Firebolt brooms. He went crazy and made us train. Who do you think is to blame for all of this?"

Arthur couldn't help but smile at Harry's resentment.

He knew about Wood.

It was his seventh year this year, which meant that if he couldn't win the championship this year, he would have no chance again.

No wonder he started training like crazy as soon as school started.

Arthur had given him too much pressure after all.

"Don't worry, I've already quit the Quidditch team, so you still have a chance."


Harry's face brightened when he heard it and then quickly returned to normal.

After all, Arthur was still here.

Arthur wanted to pat Harry's shoulder, but seeing his messy appearance, he didn't do it.

"Yes, I have a lot going on right now. Quidditch is a waste of my time. I've already talked to Roger about it."

Arthur was now eager to improve his strength, and there were many other problems that needed a lot of time to research and solve.

So Arthur decided not to participate in Quidditch matches.

Roger Davis tried to convince him for a while, but after Arthur repeatedly refused, Roger gave up and accepted it.

The only thing that made Roger feel better was that Arthur agreed to lend his Firebolt to the rest of the team.

If Ravenclaw had two Firebolts on their team, they would have a big advantage.

"Mr. Filch, Look over here."

Suddenly, Arthur called out to Filch and motioned him to come closer.

When Filch approached, he saw that Harry was covered in mud and the floor was all dirty because of him.

Filch immediately felt happier.

"Potter, you've made a mess of the castle. I'm going to punish you by making you clean the entire floor."

Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing from Arthur.

Is this how he was going to treat him just because he heard that he had heard that Arthur was quitting the Quidditch team?

Tired and hopeless, Harry thought that this world was beyond saving.

With a smirk on his face, Arthur glanced at Harry and then started observing Filch.

He carefully sensed Filch's entire body and vaguely sensed a slight magic fluctuation in him.

But it was so faint that Arthur couldn't be sure if he was sensing it correctly.

"Thank you, Mr. Gaunt. You helped me catch this undisciplined kid."

Filch was still polite to Arthur. Recently, Arthur had been trying to get closer to him and had even given him some nice little gifts.

This made Fergus, who was somewhat insecure about himself, feel touched.

"It's nothing. It's everyone's responsibility to protect Hogwarts," Arthur replied.

"I have nothing else to do here, so I'll take my leave."

With a gentle smile, Arthur smiled kindly and left the area.

Harry was left feeling sad, having to clean the entire corridor.


This semester, Arthur only chose to take one elective class, Care of Magical Creatures.

So, compared to other students, he had more free time.

If it weren't for the school's requirement that every student must choose at least one elective class, Arthur probably wouldn't have chosen Care of Magical Creatures.

This Sunday, he had to start training Hermione and the others again.

The first class would definitely be about the Patronus Charm.

Arthur needed to prepare some teaching aids, which in this case were Dementors.

Although Arthur didn't have a Dementor, he could use a Boggart as a replacement.

But the only Boggart in the school had been taken by Lupin as a teaching tool.

Arthur couldn't help but do anything but think about those Dementors.

The current Dementors usually live in the Forbidden Forest if there is no task.

Dumbledore had already marked out a large area for them to move out, allowing the magical creatures living there to relocate.

Arthur planned to secretly go there and see if there were any stray Dementors.

And then...

It was still pouring rain outside, and even though it was only afternoon, the sky was as dark as night.

Arthur found a hidden spot, cast the Disillusionment Charm on himself, and headed towards the outside of the castle.

Meanwhile, the Dementors roaming in the Forbidden Forest had no idea about him.

The young wizard who had brought them deep fear was slowly approaching them.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.