

It had been a few weeks since his journey through Diagon Alley, he had discovered a whole lot more things about himself since he had left there.

Number one was the striking personality change, ever since his soul existed as a product of the fusion of two others his personality took a turn. He had become much more charismatic, and his words had a certain flow to him, he had become much more analytical toward people, it was quite strange really.

Now and then he would catch himself speculating on what his caretaker's life was like based on only the few movements and expressions she exhibited. It was almost certainly manipulative, as he even speculated on what was the best way to convince someone based on the smallest actions.

Number two was his appearance, strangely enough, he had no recollection of his appearance before the fusion, even though there was a mirror in the communal bathrooms of the orphanage. He was much larger than a kid his age should be, in terms of height, but his face was already showing the signs of being riddled with acne, and his hair was slicked towards the back practically permanently, ending with a particularly messy and uncared for mullet. He was just a little fat, to the point where it slightly showed on his face with his cheeks bulging out slightly, from his previous memories he could remember how the neighboring grannies fondly pinched his cheeks every time he passed by.

All in all, he looked well enough for an 11-year-old. No, not really, he looked more like a cowboy's bastard child than a soon-to-be Hogwarts student. 

"Deacon! Deacon get ready! You have to be at King's Cross by 11 and it's 10!" 

The old matron was worrying excessively, apparently to the muggles Hogwarts was an exceptional private school, so imagine her surprise when he got a letter in the mail that was sealed with wax. 


He couldn't make her wait any longer, if he did she would practically die of worry.


His boots clacked on the wooden stairs of the orphanage as he lugged himself past all his other brothers and sisters. They loved him and hated him with a passion, but who cares? They're just kids in a run-down orphanage in the middle of London. There are practically 13 other orphanages in this school district alone! Probably.

His clothes, books, and other such goodies were in the trunk of the car that was about to take him to the station, unfortunately, he would be going alone. The matron had to stay behind and care for the other rascals and he was going to be taken by a hired taxi driver. He... didn't mind it so much, well he and his personality didn't, after all, he felt a sort of strange homesickness as he was going in the taxi.

Diagon Alley was the furthest he had been taken from the orphanage and it was just a small walk away, King's Cross station on the other hand was quite a bit farther, just 20 minutes by car but most certainly at least an hour on foot and the streets of London were not particularly safe.

But what had soothed his heart a little was the witches' weekly magazine in his trunk, after you get through all the praises sung for celebrities and that god-forsaken Gilderoy Lockhart, there were quite some interesting things.

There were spells for cleaning and washing, special deals for magic dusters that automatically detected any dust and swept it right off! There were recipes for food and potions! There were multiple advertisements for specific potion beauty products, some being outsourced from bizarre locations throughout the world!

This monologue about the magazine had to come to a stop, as the taxi dropped him and his trunk off at the station. It was barely 10:30 so he still had just a little time to spare but knowing what would happen in the books, thanks to his nerdy past life, he couldn't miss out.

So he did what any self-respecting Hogwarts student did and found himself at the platforms looking for platform 9 3/4, now in the book it said that the students would have to run through the wall between platform 9 and platform 10. The problem? Too many walls. 

He had to wait and see a wizard pass through the platform which made him struggle so much, and there was too much time to wait until other students would make it here so that was also a problem. It appeared he wouldn't be so lucky today, considering how it was freezing outside and the train would likely be filled with warming charms and whatnot.

He had to guess it on luck, so he picked a wall and casually walked through it... or tried to. He ended up gently becoming close friends with the brick wall. He picked another wall, went... and made another close friend, that close friend being, guess what? Another brick wall.


The third time's the charm as they say and... well this time he certainly got it. He didn't care about descriptions of the train being correct, quite frankly it didn't matter to him as much as not staying in the cold. It was so cold his balls went up high, so high in fact if he waited for another minute out in the cold they would disappear.

God that would be scary, ball-vanishing spells, considering how versatile magic is, he wouldn't imagine it to not exist but he certainly hoped so.

As for where to sit... well there were no empty compartments, even though there were no parents outside or swarms of reporters, each compartment had at least a single first-year. He wasn't the most social one of the bunch, not in this life or the other, and even though he seemed more charismatic... It only showed to those he was familiar with.

So he sat in a random compartment, placed his trunk on the top compartment, and laid on his seat, basking in the heat. 

"Um, hello!"

There was a girl who sat just opposite to him, she looked like a noble with her almost crimson hair and gray eyes, she seemed oddly familiar, and not in a good way. But Deacon was sure, positive, certain that he had never met her before so there was no need to antagonize her.

"Hello! My name is Deacon Butch, nice to meet you!"

Her eyes sort of widened. He was not too sure since he wasn't directly looking but it was certain that she didn't recognize his last name. Although he didn't understand why it was particularly shocking. 

"Nice to meet you too Butch! My name is Susan Bones"


Well, there's an awkward silence now. What could he do to make the conversation interesting...


Suddenly a voice came from the compartment's door, it burst open, revealing a pink-faced blond girl with a giddy smile.

The two began a conversation, and it was quite obvious it wouldn't end. This would surely be an interesting train ride right... right?