
HP: The Demon King System

Traveling through the world of Harry Potter, Wayne awakens the Demon King System. This system rewards him for causing chaos and breaking school rules, leading to a period of unprecedented liveliness at Hogwarts. Dumbledore acknowledges, "Every student should break a few rules in their lifetime, but Wayne... please try to exercise some restraint." McGonagall adds, "I always thought the Weasley twins were daring, but I never expected Wayne to surpass them in bravery!" Snape exclaims, "Azkaban! He deserves to be sorted straight into Azkaban!" Voldemort proclaims, "Forget about the Children of Prophecy. My only desire is to kill Wayne Lawrence! Right away!" Wayne raises his hands in a helpless gesture and explains, "I'm just doing System missions!!" **************TRANSLATION************** Original Chinese Title:- 霍格沃茨:求求你快毕业吧 ****************************************** If you want to Support me then, Check Out~~ p@treon.com/FicReader OR buymeacoffee.com/ficreader Uploading Daily 1 Chapter Just a Translator and a Reader

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30. The Explosive Genius Is So Terrifying

As Professor Flitwick said, the lighting spell is very basic.

After learning the spells and gestures, along with some tips mentioned by Flitwick, the young wizards quickly got started.

The classroom was lit with flickering stars. To make the light more visible, the professor thoughtfully closed the curtains.

A bright light appeared at the tip of Wayne's wand, with moderate brightness and a stable source.

Unlike the other young wizards whose lights flickered, Wayne's was steady.

"Very good, Mr. Lawrence, two points for Hufflepuff," Professor Flitwick praised him as he approached.

Wayne didn't show too much excitement.

After all, the lighting spell is quite simple and can be mastered with practice. Flitwick merely added two points to show his encouragement because Wayne's light was large, round, and durable.

Hermione glanced sideways, raised her head, snorted coldly, and recited the spell.

The tip of her wand lit up, but it wasn't as big as Wayne's. The light was too bright and somewhat dazzling.

When the young witch tried to lower the brightness, she lost control of the spell and it dissipated.


Wayne found her funny and accidentally laughed out loud.

"Why are you laughing? You're more skilled than me," Hermione snapped, and then cast the lighting spell again.

Unfortunately, her performance this time was even worse. The wand only lit up once and then stopped responding.

"You have to have a calm mind to achieve stable output," Wayne pointed out. "So, Miss Granger, can you tell me why I made you angry?"

Hermione said sourly, "No matter what I do, go find your senior Ravenclaw."

Wayne's head was filled with questions.

First of all, even if he and Cho exchanged a few words, Hermione could see them, but no one else could.

Secondly... what does the young witch mean by her tone? We have no connection yet.

"No..." Hermione also realized there was something wrong with her tone and quickly explained, "When we first met, you tried to cheat me out of money, but you treated that Ravenclaw..."

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about!" Wayne looked around and noticed that Professor Flitwick had walked away, feeling relieved. "Am I trying to cheat you? I'm doing a good deed."

"Knowledge is priceless. I only spent two Sickles and read books for a week. You can tell me whether you're making a profit or not."

"It's quite profitable." Hermione nodded subconsciously.

But something still feels off.

"That's alright. Just because you love learning so much, I reluctantly lent you the book."

"I can guarantee that if Cho asks to borrow a book, I won't give it to her."

There was yet another round of deception, and Hermione unknowingly smiled, completely unaware that Wayne began to call Cho by her first name.

Throughout the class, the young wizards were practicing magic, and Toby approached Wayne distressed.

"Wayne, is there a way to stabilize the light? It's almost blinding me, like a police car's light."

"How can I explain it..." Wayne pondered for a moment, then said, "Just imagine that you're holding a torch instead of a wand, and focus on that idea."

Toby returned to his seat, deep in thought.

"What did Wayne say?" Norman asked.

Their only issue is that the lights keep flashing, one resembling a police car and the other an ambulance.

"Wayne said to imagine you're holding a torch instead of a wand and to concentrate."

"Then let me give it a try." Norman nodded, raised his wand high, and exclaimed powerfully, "Lumos!"


Light appeared, but it was in the form of fire.

The flame snake spewed out, startling Professor Flitwick, who quickly summoned water to extinguish it.


Wayne was amazed. His roommate was indeed extraordinary. He chanted the lighting spell but come out the fire spell.

If this were a battle, Norman would be a valuable asset to the people.

"Mr. Sherlock, what Mr. Lawrence said is correct, but don't get too excited. Remember, you're holding a torch, not throwing it out."

Professor Flitwick explained, still shocked from the scare earlier, but relieved that the wand was held upright. 

If he had to chat with Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary again, he knew he'd be in trouble.

After a few more reminders, Professor Flitwick continued patrolling the classroom, helping the young wizards master the magic spell.

He initially thought Norman had taken it too far, but little did he know that even more powerful magic was to come.

"Mr. Finnigan, please loosen your grip. Your wand is about to break."

"There should be a pause when reciting the incantation, Lumos~~. Remember the rhythm."

No wonder Professor Flitwick had won the title of Hogwarts' most popular professor for sixteen consecutive years.

He was patient, had a good temperament, and gave students countless internship opportunities. It was no wonder everyone liked him so much.

Seamus, who had been nervous earlier, became more relaxed under Flitwick's comforting words.

He raised his head confidently, and the wand in his hand turned into a baton, drawing a graceful arc.

His desk mate, Neville, looked at him expectantly, and Flitwick also gave an encouraging look.


Wayne frowned, feeling an ominous premonition in his heart.

Was this the explosive genius?

Wayne and Hermione were seated at the same table as Norman and Toby. Wayne's anxiety grew as he heard Seamus begin to recite the spell.


"Get down!"Wayne impulsively pulled Hermione, causing the restless little witch to throw herself into his arms.

Simultaneously, a loud booming sound reverberated through the magic classroom, accompanied by a powerful explosion.

Over a dozen young witches screamed in terror, their eardrums rattled by the blast.

Seamus and Neville, the two individuals at the epicenter of the explosion, now sported charred faces and afro-like hair. Professor Flitwick, however, managed to escape unscathed thanks to his small stature, a fortunate circumstance indeed.

Due to his proximity to the explosion, the professor's hearing was temporarily impaired.

"Hiccup~!" Seamus belched, blowing out two smoke rings. Ignorant of his condition, his eyes shone brightly.

"Professor, did you see it? It lit up just now!"

"What did you say?!" Professor Flitwick inquired loudly.

"I said it lit up!"

Flitwick's foot stumbled, nearly causing him to fall.

"That's excellent news, just avoid repeating it!"

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