A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
"The most important meal of the day, as Minnie never fails to remind me." Harry stated laughing. Minnie had, during the past months, taken up personally the role of mother hen to both Severus and Harry to the two wizards' great amusement. Needless to say, they adored the elf to bits. "And we're supposed to ride up to the Quidditch pitch today to oversee how the restoration's going." Harry reminded him. It turned out that the last three or four generations of Princes had decided Quidditch was useless and had allowed the pitch to fall into decay. That and the fact that it was located almost three miles and a half away from the castle gave them the perfect excuse for not caring for its condition. It also gave Harry and Severus the equally perfect excuse to ride in order to get there; Severus had indeed kept his promise and, when the weather allowed them, the two wizards rode around the fields of the estate. The boy had come to enjoy those moments immensely and had discovered a natural talent for horse riding in the process.
"I'm supposed to test the spells they placed today right?" Severus asked trying to remember exactly what said spells were. Turns out, it wasn't just the field itself that needed tending to; there was a series of specific wards and spells required for a Quidditch pitch to be in perfect condition.
"Yep. And you'll be happy to know it's a lovely day out there; no cloud in sight whatsoever."
"That's something at least." Severus agreed. It was an hour later that found the two wizards riding towards the field, after Severus had been properly scolded for missing his breakfast by a miffed house elf and treated to a double ration, to Harry's great amusement.
"So at what hour did you wake up today?" Harry asked as they rode side by side, passing a lake that was part of the estate.
"A few minutes before sunrise I think." Severus admitted. "I had an inspiration, or thought I had an inspiration." He sighed exasperated. "It's all in the basic ingredients; there's something missing I'm sure. I wish I knew what."
"If anyone can find it Sev, that would be you." The boy assured him decisively.
"Thank you for the vote of confidence Harry." Severus said smiling. "But really I feel like the solution staring me in the eye and I just can't see it."
"You will; it took four years of intensive study to develop the original Wolfsbane, not to think about how long it took for the concept to be thought alone." Harry stated making Severus smirk.
"Someone has been studying potions I see."
"And someone has forgotten I'm an apprentice in potions, says I." Harry stated with a wide smile.
"Cheeky brat." Severus said fondly.
"What can I say?" Harry asked. "You must be raising me right!" He exclaimed and urged his horse faster, soon followed by a chuckling Severus. He had placed more than a dozen charms on that saddle to make sure Harry wouldn't fall down even if a troll tried to throw him off the horse with its club, but the boy didn't appear to need it. They reached the Quidditch field laughing and Harry observed carefully as Severus showed him how to test the wards. The spells and charms required where too advanced for him still, but it never hurt to learn the theory, as Severus reminded him. Checking for the wards of course, demanded looking towards the sky quite a lot. And looking towards the sky reminded Severus a very crucial detail about the weather in late autumn; it was -in addition to cold and cloudy- completely unpredictable.
"No cloud in the sky whatsoever, right?" He asked Harry amused.
"There wasn't one when I last checked." Harry stated sharing the same amusement. Both were dressed quite warmly for the occasion, Severus's surprising preference of military style overcoats having rubbed off on Harry. Still none of their outfits was waterproof and shielding charms couldn't completely protect them from the storm that was gathering ahead.
"Maybe it would be wise to head back." The potions master suggested, hurriedly completing his checking of the wards. Harry could only nod his agreement as he approached the horses. They both headed back a few minutes later but the clouds seemed to beat them to it.
"I believe it's time for those rainproof spells Sev." Harry proposed as the first thunder made its appearance overhead. Severus drew his wand in agreement and they stopped their horses so he could cast properly. "Sometimes I wonder if we'd be better off living in a sunnier place; a desert perhaps?" The boy asked joking but Severus didn't react. He just stood, seemingly petrified, his eyes wide in surprise, his hand extended as he had just begun to cast the spell needed. "Sev?" Harry asked confused. As if that was the sign the skies expected, a heavy curtain of rain fell over them, drenching them to the bone. Harry was beginning to worry. Severus hadn't moved a muscle, not showing the slightest reaction to the downpour. His mind however was racing.
Desert, Severus thought, his mind travelling back to the list of ingredients he was considering for improving the Wolfsbane. A desert, as in those large usually sand-filled wastelands where only few specimens of flora are native. And in one of those deserts, there was a specific plant, a tiny little flower, a very rare flower, that bloomed only during the summer when the heat was at its worst. It wasn't the complete solution to the Wolfsbane's problem, Severus was certain about that. But it was a hell of a start.
"Severus?" Harry's concerned voice pierced his thoughts as if coming from afar. "Severus!"
"I'm fine Harry. More than fine actually!" The potions master could feel the smile spreading on his face as he spoke. "I feel amazing and you know what?" He asked the bewildered boy.
"No?" Harry stated, looking at Severus as if he had gone crazy.
"Remember what I promised you last summer? That I would take you to see the world?" He asked and saw a small smile breaking on Harry's face despite his confusion.
"I remember."
"I believe I should make good on that promise, don't you think?" He asked and started riding back towards the castle. "Come on Harry! There's lot to do and I'll need your help!" Severus called turning his horse slightly to face the still frozen boy, completely disregarding the heavy rain. Harry commanded his own horse to follow, chuckling all the way back to the castle. This had blackmail material written all over it!