
Chapter 49

In the afternoon, they have Defence against the Dark Arts and boy; it did not disappoint. Professor Bakrauf Brodt was a humorous old man with wavy blonde hair and a thick bushy beard like Hagrid. He was wearing a robe, but his well-defined muscles could be seen. Albert was pretty sure in his younger years Professor Brodt had the physique of a Greek God, or Nordic God, in his case. As soon as class started, he got all the students' attention and dropped a bombshell of information.

"Good afternoon, my name is Bakrauf Brodt," Professor Brodt said, as he wrote his name on the blackboard and, as he said that, one pure-blood boy started laughing. "Get that laugh out now because I do not tolerate insolence in my class, boy."

No-one dared to speak. Professor Brodt said the last sentence in a monotonic voice with pure rage seething out of his mouth.

"Some of you may or may not have heard the rumour about my current teaching position. Today, I am going to clarify that. The rumour is true. My teaching... Quiet down, you filthy maggots," Professor Brodt said while the children were making a large ruckus. To quieten them down, he levitated a stack of books and slammed down onto his desk. The classroom was stunned into silence. "As I was saying before, my teaching position is cursed and somebody was spreading misinformation. Professor can teach for more than a year but misfortune will follow them. One professor, after teaching here for two years, went home and found his family dead. He fell into a state of rage and turned into an obscurus. However, his daughter was still alive. She killed him after being tortured in unspeakable ways. Do you know what the crustiest thing was? He was conscious and saw everything the obscurus did to his daughter. To his day, the daughter never spoke of this event, but most of us can imagine went down. Hint: she's paralysed from the leg down. Talk about misfortune."

When hearing this, some students felt uncomfortable from what it implied and one ever threw up. The professor had to send the child to Madam Pomfrey due to how pale he looked.

"Professor, can't you break the curse?" Roger Davis raised his hand and asked.

"Helllll no! I would even bet every single keg of ale I have stored at home that Thor Odinson could not smite that curse with his lightning," Professor Bud Brod said as he shook his head. "In the last thirty years, many curse breakers and professor have tried. None succeeded. Not even Dumbledore himself. Anyway, into the lesson. Turn your textbooks to page five and we'll start with vampires first."

"Vampires are a dark, magical humanoid being that is famed for biting people on the neck and sucking their blood. They are part of the family of beings known as the Living Dead, along with zombies. They are pale and gaunt, with sharp fangs for puncturing the necks of their victims. Vampires have the same lifespan as a wizard. There is a 'Society for the Tolerance of Vampires', which by its given name, campaigns for greater acceptance of vampires and their culture in the magical world."

Professor Brodt mentioned their diets, famous vampires throughout history, and do/don'ts when meeting them.

"Girls need to pay special attention when they encounter vampires, because most vampires like to target young girls," Professor Brodt said.

"Why not boys?" a Ravenclaw girl said.

"Most vampires you will meet are male and vampires like the opposite genders. The likelihood of a male meeting a female vampire is equal to the likelihood of a female meeting a male vampire and not being turned into a blood bag. Also, female vampires do not leave their coven because only female vampires can give birth to true vampires. Take Vlad the Impaler as an example. His father, Vlad Drakul, was a True Vampire and his mother was a mere, but his son was only a half-blood vampire. Meres are witches or muggle girls that are taken and are used as breeding slaves," Professor Brodt said.

"Now, onto the next chapter, my favourite werewolves. A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, is a creature who resembles a human being, but, upon the complete rising of the full moon, becomes an uncontrollable, fearsome and deadly wolf. Infection called lycanthropy causes this condition. There were various differences between werewolves' wolf form and actual wolves, making it easier to detect one," Professor Brodt stopped to see if any children were uncomfortable with this subject as Fenrir Greyback killed one student's family. "A mixture of powdered silver and dittany applied to a fresh werewolf's bite would seal the wound and allow the victim to live on as a werewolf, although tragic tales are told of bite victims begging for death rather than becoming werewolves. The Wolfsbane Potion, invented by Damocles Belby, allowed werewolf drinkers to keep their human mind during transformation. Although some work for the ministry, a large number are lone wolves or work for Fenrir Greyback. If you ever meet a werewolf, run and don't look back."

Professor Brodt then described their political affiliations during the first Wizarding War and around the world. He also described how to tell if someone was a werewolf.

"Sir, what do we do if we meet one and have nowhere to hide?" a Ravenclaw asked.

"Pray to Odin for a painless death. There's not much you can do in that situation," the professor said.

"Can we not duel them or fight them off like Gilroy Lockhart?" a Gryffindor asked.

"Four things. One: Gilroy Lockhart is a fraud. Two: fighting a werewolf in close combat is suicide. In their wolf form, they have superior strength, speed, regeneration and overall better senses. You'll be dead before you know it. Three: you don't have any experience in duelling. Dumbledore shut down duelling club when he became Headmaster and since then Britain, except for Flitwick because he was in Hogwarts when he entered competitions, has never had a duellist win a duelling award. And four: Gilroy Lockhart is a fraud," Professor Brodt said.

Before the class starting clamouring, Albert raised his hand and asked, "What if your bite by a werewolf who hasn't transformed?"

"Good question. The part that was bitten would have to be treated quickly, so that limb does not be become crippled," Professor Brodt said. "Our first lesson is ending in a few minutes, so you may being to pack up once I finish speaking. I hope you practise the spell I taught you today and if you learnt anything from today's lesson, let it be 'Werewolves and Vampires can be dangerous creature but don't judge them based on one person's action.'. Thank you, you may pack away and leave."


"I hope we can have more classes like that," Lee said. "It was fun and informative at the same time."

"He didn't follow the book and told us about his experience," Fred said. "I hope we can learn more spells from him."

"Fred, I have some many pranks we can do since he taught us the Flare Charm," George said. "But what I truly want is the Duelling Club. That would be so much fun."