After learning of the impending doom, most people would want to flee, but I am from a Norse Village. My people think dying in battle is the way to heaven. I'm the only one who has experienced death, I think that's what made me numb to killing. Since I knew that death was only reincarnation, it wasn't an actual true death. After the announcement, everyone returned to their homes. When I arrived at my house I saw my father, brother and mother placing all our weapons on the table.
My mother began "I will take Estrid west toward the coast then north." My father grabbed a spear and sword saying "The army will be here soon so you best set off in the morning. I will sharpen your spear and a spare sword for yout to take with you." My mother agreed as my sister sat to the side with a sad look on her face. She knew that her brothers were considered men now and had to fight. With a smile on my face I sat beside my sister. I told her "This will all be over before you know it. The wolves have been blessed by a True Dragon. They will be a great help in this battle and once we're done I will have Coro fly you a message to return.
Knowing that my mother and sister were to leave the next morning, I went to Matt's Smith and grabbed a few metal bands. I cut them to size and began to forge them. I made 8 rings from the scrap metal, they weren't the prettiest but they would work. Then for the rest of the night I carved protection runes and on two of the rings I place a space rune allowing the ring to grow in size. On the two space rings I placed a teleport rune which would allow my family to travel to one place they knew as the ring would fall apart after one use. Luckily I has noticed everyone in the village had residual mana on them. This allowed for them to use simple runes but not cast magic. Using soul sight on my family, I could see small cores the size of a salt crystal, whereas mine was the size of a baseball.
As I finished the last ring, I began pouring magic into rings. I took most of my magic, but each ring was primed as the protection rings could work a few times as the portal rings only worked once. As the morning rolled around my mother and sister were preparing to go west towards our cousins and then with them north to Sweden, where hopefully the king would allow them refuge. Finland is currently a group of villages supposedly owned by both the Swiss and Russian, but both sides still don't agree with the other one. Unfortunately the invaders are coming from Russia which is closer to our village then Sweden. I walked out to the road where families were saying goodbye. Grabbing Randvis hand I bring her to my family giving my sister and mother 4 rings and randvi two. I said "These a rings of protection, they should block a couple of attacks but they will brake eventually. Thus last ring is a portal rings. Simply take it off, wish on the ring where you want to be then drop it on the ground. The ring will get larger and a portal will open to wherever you imagined. This can be used for emergency escapes."
Using my occlumency I began to visualize a place from my past in America which has yet to be settled. I remembered playing in the woods near my house beside the Ohio River. Then looking into my mothers eyes I pushed the memory into my mom's brain. After a minute my mom had finished the memory I said "If you run into trouble recall that memory and is the portal ring. That is a place I know will be safe, there is fish and water." My mother gave me a big hug and kissed me on the forehead telling me "Protect your brother, I know you are powerful so protect him. I love you." She kissed me again and said goodbye to the others. My sister gave me a big hug and while crying began to walk out of the village with my mother and Randvi's family behind her.
Sending Coro and Bran to scout I returned to the forge with Matt. I said "I will need round metal balls and as many rings as you can make. I also need some metal bands." The bands were used like bracelets, I began to engrave all the pieces as Matt finished them. Each ring and band was engraved for protection, the rings were good only for one use as the bracelets were for 5 uses. Using the metal ball I engraved a fire rune on them as I imagined the whole metal ball exploding when used. I essentially made a magical grenade. While everyone remaining in the village was preparing in there own way the chief was sending out messengers to allies for help.
After two days of crafting we had made a hundred grenades and 200 protection rings. I had made a band for my father, brother, Matt and myself for extra protection. After my crafting I was so drained that I slept through the third day. On the fourth I woke up early and went out to the fields. Using my wind elemental slash i cut down all of the eastern trees for nearly a mile giving us a battlefield. Then using my earth manipulation I created 3 trenches around the whole village with only bridges connecting to the front gate, I even put our farms inside the trenches. I used the excavated dirt two make large a large wall around the village. With that, my prebattle preparation were complete and with no mana I fell asleep soundly the night before the battle. Waking up my father handed me my axe he had sharpened and my family went to sit in the new wall waiting for allies or the enemy.
Eight hours after waiting, a few villages have sent their warriors. Coro and Bran returned informing me "The army has picked up pace and will be here in less than 2 hours. They have two hundred men and 10 trolls, a bone dragon and 7 bone wyverns. There are about 15 wizards amongst the warriors." I told Bran to tell the other men as I began to levitate bows and arrows to the top of the wall. Most of the warriors were sitting on the walls as the rest were ready for any breaches.
The first to be seen was the bone dragon as its size dwarfed the Wyvern by three times. (Wyverns are the movie version of Hp Dragons) The bones were an orange color, the Wyvern had white bones. The attacking mages were all black robes with a black and orange dragon face mask. The soldier were like any vikings only they had a pale complection with dark circles under their eyes. When everyone was in position the raiders ran ahead as the mages began coalescing dark mana around them. One of the wizards used his darkens to power up the warriors around him as they began to go berserk. As the warriors ran toward the wall a hail of arrows met their advance. As many of them died the rest began to get faster. Once they were halfway they began falling into the pitfalls I had made, this only made the berserker stronger. As they were a near the wall two of the mages combined their dark mana tendrils to smash against my poorly made wall causing it to crash down. Then they moved the tendril across the bottom of the wall destroying the wall. I began levitating everyone to the ground resulting in almost no deaths. This clearly passed off the mages as the tendril began to shoot toward me.
Using light based magic, I invisioned a light slash as I mixed my wind cutter with light mana. The tendrils are being cut as they approach me. The villagers began creating a shield wall as some of them remained behind it, hitting people with arrows along with the remaining people on the side walls. Switching to soul sight I could see that the warriors and trolls were being controlled by the wizards as it seemed each of their souls had a strand being held by said wizards. The wyverns on the other hand were being controlled by the large bone dragon that is watching. With each death the bone dragon eats a small portion of the deads souls before they vanish.
More then half of the invading warriors are dead while the other half are still fighting. My father and brother have joined the shield wall now in combat with the berserkers as I shoot light slashed like a cannon on the battlefield. I began pounding each wizard with spells. Unknowingly I am yelling out "light slash" as I do so. When I had overpowered the third wizard the trolls stood infront of them like shield. Using the trees in the area I spear them all to the ground. I even managed to hit two of the Wizards with the tranfigured tree trunks. With a roar from the Dracolich everyone was paralyzed and my transfigured trees fell from the sky's. I couldn't catch the tree trunks but luckily they were above the enemy.
Now that most of the invaders are dead the bone wyverns began their assault. Attempting to use my new light cutter the wyverns waved it off. The wyverns landed on each part of the battlefield, tearing people apart from both sides. I started by taking out the closest ones first. Using the trees again I made them into metal spears which impaled the bones from multiple angles. The wyverns continued to thrash as I could only contain them and not destroy them. Seeing that the battle wasn't going his way the Dracolich stood up and began approaching me.