
CH 62: No Name [23]

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

Fleur suddenly stood up, her face contorted with fury, but rather than reducing her beauty, it added a layer of edgy sexiness that I have never seen on her face. And, after a moment's consideration, I decided that I liked it, especially since it was accompanied by a transformation of her allure as well, turning the previously soft blanket into the flickering flames of arousal, making my blood flood faster.







And it wasn't the only change that had occurred. She put her hands on my shoulders, and pushed me back until I was lying on her kitchen table, which she promptly climbed on as well.

"Maybe later, my dear husband," she shouted vindictively even as she aligned herself with my shaft, displaying an unbroken display of initiative for the first time in our twisted relationship.

"Just consider it, you need to learn how to cook better food," Bill shouted back, determined to make my job even easier.

"You mean English food," Fleur answered, somehow managing to compress her utter disregard for English cuisine and the utter loathing she felt against her husband in these four little words.

while she was busy sinking herself onto my shaft. A soft gasp escaped her mouth when I decided to help her, and pushed my hips up, filling her up with my presence.

"The same thing," Bill answered, which couldn't have come in a more opportune moment. Insults to the cuisine of her homeland might not be as bad as fucking a man on the kitchen table of their own house, but sometimes, an excuse was all that was needed.

Fleur didn't answer, leaving Bill alone with the delusion that he was the victorious one of that verbal sparring, while she focused on her insidious revenge.

She sank herself as deep as she could manage, her face contorted with pain an pleasure.

She stayed deep for a moment, enjoying the sensation of being filled before pushing herself up once more, and replicating the move.

Soon, she lost her ability to speak as well, her whole attention focused to contain her moans. Meanwhile, I leaned back, enjoying way her breasts danced with every movement in the loose confines of her apron.

As much as I enjoyed watching her dance, waiting passively while she did all the work didn't fit my personality well.

I grabbed her bottom, squeezing it hard, forcing her to cry. Just like that, her angry gaze turned at me, tempered with a mischievousness.

She raised herself enough to leave my shaft bereft of her warm embrace. "Maybe I should punish you instead, if that's the way you want to play."

My only response was a dark smile, which alerted her that things were about to change just a second before I jumped into the action.

I rose to the sitting position with one hurried move, bringing my face just an inch away from hers. Before she could react, my arms were around her waist, and a twist later.

she found herself laying on the table, her legs parted to both sides, with my shaft ready to penetration. But it wasn't her nether lips where it was pointing.

It was her puckered hole…

For a moment, I stood motionless, letting her process what was about to happen. Then, when she didn't react, frozen in shock, I touched my wand to cast a spell, which neatly solved the dirtier details, leaving me with the delicious challenge of breaking the last virginity she had.

It was tempting to slide into the promised tightness of her puckered hole, doubly so when I knew her enough to foresee that it would take only a minute for her to get used to my intrusion before joining enthusiastically, but this time, I didn't want a sudden push. No, I wanted her to take action for once, showing that my efforts training her hadn't gone to waste.

She realized the implications of my target a few seconds after the preparation spell had hit. "Mercy," she moaned, her accent flaring at the moment, but there was no hiding her arousal.

"You don't want to do that way?" I asked, putting my weight forward just to make sure there was no misunderstanding about what I was talking about.

She shook her head negatively. I could have ignored her desire and gone with a forceful approach, but that would run contrary to my aim.

not to mention slowly teasing her until she was mad with desire would be fun, especially with Bill in the other room. "Really?" she said, relieved.

"Of course, you just need to prove your sincerity," I said, which twisted her relieved expression into one of worry. I said nothing else, enjoying her desperation mixed with arousal.

"How?" she asked after a moment, while I used the brief lull in the discussion to vanish her apron, leaving her completely naked.

She shivered as the last piece of protection disappeared, but I doubted it was the cold of the room that was responsible.

or the stiffness of her nipples had anything to do with the chilly air.

"Simple," I answered even as I leaned forward, which increased the pressure on her puckered hole just a little, enough to underline the situation further.

"You just need to stay still for a while. It's not that difficult, right? After all, you're determined that you don't want to do it in that particular way."

"Yes," she murmured, but her determination was already flailing. Rightfully so, considering the ending of our previous bet.

Still, she had given her approval, which was enough for me. I leaned forward while making sure that my waist was locked in place.

threatening her last piece of land that hadn't been defiled by my invasion, and captured her lips in a heated kiss.

which she responded automatically, her tongue jumping out to battle with mine.

Kissing her was a unique experience. The resentment and shock that marked our earlier kissed had long since faded.

leaving its place to a boundless arousal, getting brighter with each meeting.

Just from the way her tongue danced in my mouth, I could see that veela's deserved the legends about themselves.