
CH 41: No Name [2]

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

"Probably, so tell them not to be too excited." With that, the guard left, leaving us alone. Even after I heard the door closing, I pumped several more times before pulling back. "You see the problem. They are quite enthusiastic to visit you, and I need to delay them without making it seem suspicious. Your lack of clothes is a must to make it look convincing. You're beautiful, but even you couldn't keep me busy until morning with just your lips."







"But, they can't see me naked," she murmured in panic, failing to comment on the last part of my comment. "They just can't."

"Okay," I murmured. "Then let's go with an alternative." I pulled the Elder Wand from its holder, and waved it once, conjuring a large, ornate bed while simultaneously expanding the room. It was a difficult, but not impossible task for an ordinary adult wizard, and doing it without a visible strain was suitably impressive without being suspicious.

"How did you do that?" she asked in shock, focusing on my magical ability instead of all the possibilities suggested by the presence of a bed. "Space expansion charms are hard enough, but you managed to do it together with an extraordinarily difficult conjuration."

It was the time to play the hidden genius. I shrugged dismissively. "It's a bit tricky, but not something I would exactly classify as difficult. After all, I could do it since the fifth year."

"Impossible," she countered. "If that was true, then why did you barely scraped E's in your charms and transfiguration OWLs. The spell you just displayed was enough to get O's in NEWT exams."

"I'm a Slytherin," I countered with a smug smile.

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked, blindsided with the comment she assumed to be a curveball. She might have gotten the implication in a more ordinary setting, but sitting in a cell an ambush, not to mention and sucking the dick of one of your mortal enemies was quite far from ordinary. And her constant dreams about said enemy didn't help the situation any.

I waited a few seconds, wondering whether she would be able to get it, but she looked at me blankly. I decided to spell it out for her. "What are the supposed characteristics of the Slytherin students?"

"Arrogance," Hermione spat out. I couldn't help but laugh at her comment, which caused my naked, and fully erect shaft to jump up and down in an attention-grabbing way. "And please put your … thing in back in your pants," she added, but didn't sound very torn up about it, or stop looking.

"For the last one, no, I won't because the others might pay another visit any moment," I said even as I kicked out of my shoes, and sat on the bed. "And about the first one… Technically a good answer, considering the attitude of the most in my beloved house," I said, laughing in good humor. "Why don't you take another stab in guessing," I said even as I got rid of the rest of my clothes, leaving only my holster around my wrist, fully aware that she was watching my frame hungrily, failing to hide her interest.

"Cunning, ambition, and resourcefulness," she recited.

"Exactly," I nodded. "And do you know what is not cunning?" I smirked in satisfaction. "Displaying your full magical potential and your limits in a public way where everyone could reach. Why would I do that and weaken my hand."

"But, the grades are important!" she answered heatedly.

I shook my head in disbelief. I knew that she had her priorities skewed in terms of schoolwork, but trying to defend the importance of schoolwork in a prison, while looking to a naked body she was about to be acquainted in a very intimate way… It was impressive in its own weird way.

Still, I answered her. "No, it's not," I countered. "Not to us purebloods at least. The job we get is determined through our family connections, and the grades have absolutely no effect on it, for good and ill. I could get full O's in NEWTs, and it wouldn't open one door that was already closed to me."

From the stormy expression on her face, I could see that she was preparing for a retort against the statement I had little interest defending, especially compared to some other activities we could have done. Thankfully, the guards opened the door for their next patrol, giving me the opportunity to change the subject. "Quick," I called, reaching for her hand. Reflexively, she pointed it toward me. I pulled her towards the bed quite hard the moment my fingers touched her wrist.

She ended up in front of me. I shifted to the edge of the bed, then grabbed her head and pushed her down to my shaft once more. "Open wide," I ordered, and this time, she complied, opening her lips and swallowing my shaft without a protest. Of course, her compliance didn't survive when I forced her to go deeper, tickling the start of her throat, forcing her to gag. Distracted with the pleasure, I hadn't paid attention to the ridiculous questions of the guard, choosing to focus on that mattered instead. The guard walked away, but I continued pumping furiously.

And more interestingly, she complied with only minimal protest. She tapped my leg furiously, but instead of letting her go, I intensified the pressure she was under. A stronger push later, I ended up skewering deep into her throat, causing her to gag and wheeze helplessly. She tried to push herself away, but my hold was too strong for her, and more importantly, her pushes were weak, reluctant, proving the effectiveness of my preparations. Her own body was betraying her as I subjected her the most humiliating moment of her life, and her predominant feeling was arousal, even when she gagged helplessly around my cock.

The initial plan was to pull away before cumming, to tease her with the probability that her reward was just around the corner. But it was impossible to stick to the plan when I had the plump lips of a beautiful yet arrogant woman around the base of my cock while the tip had disappeared in the depths of her throat, swallowing it helplessly despite her discomfort. I did the only logical thing, and filled her throat with my seed.

"What the hell-" she started between coughs, spraying my seed everywhere including her clothes. But I didn't need to answer her question, because her loud voice triggered another patrol. The door opened, intensifying the shock she felt from an already complicated moment. I decided to use the opportunity by pulling her on the bed. Then I removed her shoes and pulled the cover on just as the guard appeared in front of the cell.