
CH 37: Joining The Two

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

The sales assistant looked at me helplessly, begging for me to stop, or failing that, letting her hands free so that Narcissa cover her mouth. I had no intention of doing either. More than a minute passed like that, where she just watched in shock as I continued to slam into Narcissa. Then, I decided to force her hand and started fucking Narcissa harder, which made her moans even louder. The assistant, helpless, chose the only option she had, and walked towards us in rapid steps until she was directly in front of Narcissa, who was too busy moaning repeatedly. Despite her hesitant expression, she pressed her hand over Narcissa's mouth, suppressing her voice to a manageable degree.







Minutes passed like that, and her initial shock slowly drained away, to be replaced by a helpless resignation. She was shocked because she was doing her best to suppress the voice of a woman who was being rammed by another man in the middle of her shop. Resignation replaced it because it likely occurred her that she was stuck there with us until the end if she didn't want to explain to her bosses how she failed to prevent a couple of customers from having sex in the middle of the shop. Of course, neither emotion was long-lived, both replaced by desire soon after. After all, it was hard to regulate your own passion when you were trying to silence a woman that was doing her best trying to shatter windows with her passion, slammed continuously by a rich and reasonably handsome man.

The first forfeit she made was her hand, pressing on Narcissa's waist in a fleeting touch in a way that a casual onlooker would assume to balance. But I know what it was, she was testing us to see how we would react. I acted like I hadn't noticed it, and Narcissa was far too gone to notice it. After a brief indecision, she decided to continue, said hand starting to travel over Narcissa's skin, hard to notice at first, but picking speed soon after. Soon, her hand was exploring Narcissa's delectable breasts, her hesitancy burning quicker than summer grass.

"Now we're talking," I murmured a minute later, when her hand finally traveled down until her fingers were around my balls, massaging them softly. However, with one of her hands still pressing against Narcissa's lips, the position wasn't exactly comfortable, forcing her to stretch both sides.

For a moment, she looked around but came empty, then our eyes met, hers beaming mischievously. Her hand pulled away from my balls only to slid under her skirt. When it came down once more, it was dragging her panties along, stained with her arousal. She shifted gaze to Narcissa and whispered. "Open wide." Her mind addled with pleasure, Narcissa wasn't in a condition to deny an order regardless of the source. Her mouth opened wide, allowing our unexpected guest to stuff her panties to Narcissa's mouth. The glee on the assistant's face was clear, enjoying the rough treatment she was employing on one of the women that bossed her around every day.

"Finally," she murmured, her earlier hesitation long lost, and bent down until her lips were hovering just an inch from where my shaft was subjecting Narcissa to a sweet torture. Her tongue darted out, caressing the bottom of my shaft, compounding my pleasure, but not as much as a minute later, when her lips clamped on my balls, licking, sucking, and otherwise teasing without a mercy.

I was already building up for a nice climax, so when Narcissa clamped tight around my shaft with her own arousal, she pushed me far too close to my release. I was tempted to fill Narcissa with my release, but decided that our surprise guest earned her share instead. Instead, I decided to reward our surprise participant. I let go of Narcissa's wrists, using my hands, now free of any obligation, to force her to stand, and the assistant lost no time before wrapping her lips around my girth. That proved to be enough, and I started filling her mouth.

I sat there, her lips wrapped around my shaft as she drank every last drop, while Narcissa bustled around, trying to make herself nominally presentable after removing her makeshift gag. "Such a good, selfless service," I said as I stood up, making a note to leave a generous tip as I pay for our purchases.

I decided it was finally the time for yet another date with Hermione as I extracted myself from Narcissa's bed, leaving her unconscious after a long but enjoyable follow-up for our shopping activities. I stopped by the potions cabinet to pick up a Pepper-up to stave off the exhaustion, as impaling Narcissa to the unconsciousness was getting harder and harder as she adapted to the pleasurable sensations of our bedroom activities. I would have preferred to visit Hermione the next day rather than directly after the session with Narcissa, but September first was getting closer, and I wanted to have a couple of real encounter with Hermione before the wards of Hogwarts started to impede on my mobility. Though I was enthusiastic for the school to start for the first time in my life, more about the access I would have for the spectacular beauties that populated it, such as Susan Bones, Lavender Brown, and Daphne Greengrass.

Vitalized by the effects of the Pepper-up, I took a quick shower and dressed before apparating to the attic of Grimmauld Place, where I met the first snag to my plan. "Young master," Kreacher greeted. "The mudblood is not at the house at the moment," Kreacher said in a slightly worried tone of a butler that failed to bring his master's tea at the exact temperature, affirming my idea of taking him to my service as soon as this mess was over. A butler that could predict and prepare for my whims without the slightest squeamish was a valuable asset. It wouldn't be difficult to convince Potter to pass the bond, as they never properly worked together, a direct result of my interference.

"Don't worry, it's not your fault," I said, and saw him relax just a bit with the lack of punishment. "Do you know where she is though, and is she alone?" I asked.

"The mudblood is alone," Kreacher answered. "She left for a walk after having a huge fight with the filthy-blood and blood-traitor."

"Did she now?" I murmured, already running a couple of alternative scenarios based on that change. I was planning to tease her with another dream sequence, but with such a good opportunity, it would be a pity not to move to the next stage of the plan. The fake dreams were fun, but only in the way a snack was delicious, but ultimately unsatisfying compared to the full meal of a real conquest. "Do you know where she is?"


Daily Reminder: Shaggy Can Clap You're Fav Verse.