
CH 28: William Weasley

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

Then, her hands found the straps of her dress, pushing them to the side, and her dress slid off her like a dream, leaving her in just her underwear, a thin lacy set that failed to hide anything, while managing to make her features even more striking. From the expression she had, I could see that it was her objective from the start.







After she made sure that her mode of dress had the exact impact she wanted, she took her rightful seat once more, her lips separated by a hair's breadth, a distance she refused to pass. I didn't push her either, wanting to see the limits she was going to push. Her hips started rocking, sending shocks of pleasure across my body, so overwhelming that I would have creamed already if I wasn't used to her splendor. Even with that, it was a struggle, a beautiful, heart-stopping struggle, but a struggle nevertheless.

Minutes passed during her dance over my lap, then she grabbed my hands and put them on her legs, her gaze hungry, inviting. I took the invitation and started exploring her body. At the same time, her hands removed my buttons one by one, leaving my torso naked. Her hands continued caressing my chest, but this time, her nails entered into the equation, dragging over my skin hard enough to leave thick red tracks behind. But no words of protest departed my lips, letting her do as she wished. Meanwhile, my hands explored her body with feather-light touches, treating her like a crystal angel that could turn into dust in a careless touch.

Then, she stood off my lap, the dress sliding off her body, leaving her naked in all of her glory. I could see her eyes flashing with arousal, her slit dripping with passion. All told, a really tempting vision. Which was why it was a bit annoying for an owl fly inside, carrying a letter for me. "Good news," I told her, annoyed despite being the one that set up the plan this way. "Your husband had been let out from the observatory, and sent back to home a couple hours ago." Fleur froze in shock, the expression of regret drowning her arousal as she stood motionless.

Just as I planned.

Despite the struggle on her face, I knew that what she was going to do, which was I proactively offered her that, of course, a small trap buried in the offer itself. "Look, I understand that you need to be with your family," I said, keeping my voice sympathetic, a ridiculous concept considering I was blackmailing her for her presence, but in the haze of the moment, it was a detail she missed easily. "I'll find you when you don't have anything else to do, okay?" Fleur nodded, disappointment and confusion warring on her face for the first place as she pulled her dress back on, followed by her robe, her movements choppy like she was drunk. I watched her with a smile in my face, enjoying the fact that she had no inkling of what she had just agreed, and how I was going to use it soon, where she least expected.

I said nothing until she apparated away, then pulled the Invisibility Cloak on myself and apparated, directly to the lawn of Shell Cottage, where I could see Fleur walking towards the window, glancing inside to see whether her husband had arrived at home. Then, instead of walking through the front door to greet him, she carefully sneaked towards the back door, and I followed.

It made perfect sense for her to avoid her husband. After all, it might be a bit complicated to explain why she was wearing a semi-transparent dress with no underwear, complete with a mussed up hair and hickeys trailing her neck. I managed to slip inside before she could close the door. I knew I was playing it excessively safe by being present, as William Weasley should be completely impotent for a few weeks due to careful regimens of potions he was fed while he was in jail. I didn't want to take any risk. Tonight was a critical part of my plan, and I wanted to be present in case an unexpected variable risked derailing my master plan.

Soon, we were at Fleur's bedroom, and I watched her change in a hurry, only stopping to cast a few healing charms to remove the hickeys from her neck, reducing herself from a supercharged sex angel to a boring housewife. It was painful to watch her pulling back into her shell after watching her awakened, in all of her glory. Still, it was the last slump before the climax, I consoled myself as I followed her downstairs. However, when Fleur silently sneaked out of the back door, planning to enter from front door once again to act like she just arrived, I chose to move directly to the living room.

William Weasley was sitting on the couch, a noticeably large pile of empty beer bottles next to him. I smirked. It made sense for him to recharge through drinking, considering prison time was never enjoyable even with all improvements. But that still hadn't changed the fact that Fleur was going to react it negatively. She wouldn't say anything but she would avoid his close touch because she hated the smell of beer. Even I knew that, and I met with Fleur less than ten days ago, with sporadic, albeit intensive, meetings after that.

My observation proved correct when Fleur stepped into the living room, walking towards her husband, but with her nose tweaked in annoyance. "Bill, you're back," she said, trying to sound happy, but I could easily hear the undertone of disgust in her tone. Still, she persevered and walked to her husband, leaning forward for a kiss, only to switch to a peck to his cheek at the last second.

William looked less than satisfied with the lukewarm welcome by his wife, but that was nothing against the Fleur's expression against his next words. "My mom is about to be here in a minute," he declared casually. I decided that I liked William very much. I couldn't come up with a better way to push Fleur away from him even if I tried. The hostility between his mother and his wife was legendary, evidenced by the spark of anger that passed through Fleur's face even with the slightest reference to her mother in law. Normally, I was planning to leave after making sure nothing would happen, but Molly Weasley's appearance changed things. I decided to watch the spectacle which promised to be extremely amusing.

For the next four hours, I owed my life to the inventor of the silencing charm, as I would have probably cracked a vein if I tried to hold my amused cackling. It was so ridiculous, watching William enjoying the pampering of her mother like he was still a child, playing passive whenever his mother carelessly insulted Fleur with barely concealed comments. William kept his mouth firmly closed even with the topics that were clearly his fault, such as the thick stench of alcohol, and the pile of bottles on the ground, while Fleur was blamed for not taking care of him. After that, I noticed that Fleur was more than happy to go to the kitchen, her disappearances taking longer and longer. Her expression filled me with anticipation, as I could see her reflexively comparing every moment with the time she spent with me, a flicker of excitement appearing whenever she got a far-away look in the kitchen.


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