
HP: Restore the glory of the Black family

The birth of the savior gradually dispersed the black fog enveloping London's sky, and the infamous Dark Lord actually lost to a child. The Ministry of Magic also began to reap the fruits of victory. Pureblood families avoided trial by claiming they were under the Imperius Curse, but they still paid a high price. The Black family had been pureblood for thousands of years, yet only Sirius remained in Azkaban. At the Ministry of Magic's trial meeting, Fudge attempted to claim the Black inheritance, stating that the Black family had no heirs. "Who said the Black family has no one?" Cottrell Black emerged, and the third son of the Black family returned from abroad. Cole said, as long as I am here, the Black family will not die. The glory of Black will once again shine in the wizarding world. Original: 霍格沃茨:重振布莱克家族荣光 Author: Seven Is Lucky *Denial of responsibility* Except for the translation, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to remove it, please leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translated it. More chapters at pat reon.com/Palachada

Palachada · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Confronting Fudge, First Meeting with the White Wizard

Through his glasses, Dumbledore's eyes, slightly misty, stared at the man before him. Cottrell?

Sifting through his memories, Dumbledore recalled Black, but the image of a young man with low self-esteem and helplessness seemed unlike the energetic man before him.

Cole was also examining this legendary wizard of the British magical world, unworried that Dumbledore might use Legilimency on him.

Cole adjusted the gold rim of his glasses. The secret channel system rewards the virtuous. No one in the world can read his memory.

"Minister Fudge, I, Black, must take care of the Black family affairs, so I will not trouble the Ministry of Magic."

Turning to Fudge, who was still furious, Cole smiled.

"Sir, you said you are from the Black family, why haven't I heard of you?"

Fudge looked at Cole suspiciously, unwilling to come to terms with this.

Cole glanced around and recognized a few people from his memories. These people had been at the Black family banquet.

As the eldest brother of a pureblood family, the Blacks hosted banquets attended by all pureblood aristocrats of the British magical world.

Even senior officials of the Ministry of Magic vied to attend the Black family's banquet. Some wizards of mixed blood were not eligible to attend, even as officials of the Ministry of Magic.

It can be said that pure blood must be noble, but nobility does not necessarily mean pure blood. The chain of contempt is layered.

Cole cast a glance at the surprised Lucius and Narcissa in the corner. Neither moved, and Cole lost hope.

"Dear headmaster, you no longer recognize me, do you?"

Dumbledore calmly responded: "Cole, I did not expect you to be alive. It's Merlin's blessing."

He had a familiar London accent and asked for Merlin's blessing. Cole didn't believe Merlin would bless someone as unrelated as him.

As soon as Dumbledore's words were spoken, the present aristocrats finally remembered who Cottrell Black was.

It wasn't a secret, but too much time had passed, and they had long forgotten about the third son of the Black family.

Sirius Black, though he ended up in Gryffindor, considered a special case among pureblood families, was also a genius. His magical talent was deemed among the best in the Black family for generations.

Regulus Black was also well-known when he was in Slytherin, celebrated as the pride of the Black family.

As for Cottrell Black, it's hard to describe. Not only was he late in the magical uprising and nearly became infamous in the Black family, but he also had a cowardly character and lacked aristocratic demeanor.

Even at the Black family banquet, he merely appeared and left. He was not at all favored by the Black parents.

What surprised these aristocrats was nothing but the fact that Cottrell Black had run away from home many years ago.

The Blacks had long thought their son had died outside, but they didn't expect him to return today, completely different from the cowardly image he once had.

"Mr. Black, what else can prove your bloodline?

affiliation? You must know that in the magical world, there are magical items like transfiguration potions."

Fudge looked at him furiously, still unwilling to let go of the vast wealth of the Black family.

"Minister Fudge, Dumbledore is here, do you think anyone would dare? Besides, there's a duration for the transfiguration potion. How about I stay in the Ministry of Magic for a few more days?"

Cole wasn't angry. Facing Fudge, this foolish pig, didn't concern him. The real challenge for him was confronting the pureblood aristocrats.

The most important thing now is to preserve the Black family's assets. This is all his property. This is the first step in the system's mission.

"Fudge, he indeed is from the Black family."

Dumbledore's words recognized him. Do not underestimate the white wizard's words. You must know the Dark Lord has just fallen. The headmaster's status in the magical world cannot be underestimated.

"Cottrell Black, what is your stance on Sirius's crime?"

Though Fudge couldn't refute Dumbledore's words, he still hoped to snatch a piece from the Black family.

Many pureblood aristocrats compromise with the Ministry of Magic to protect themselves but hand over numerous gold galleons.

"Minister Fudge, I have no objection to the Ministry of Magic's punishment of my brother. I, Cottrell Black, declare this as the sole pureblood heir of the Black family."

"Exclude Sirius Black from the family tree and firmly support the Ministry of Magic's verdict."

Cole stated decisively that he wouldn't send money to the Ministry of Magic to exonerate Sirius.

Though he indeed could have done so, with the current connections of the Black family, he definitely could have helped Sirius avoid punishment.

First, there was no direct evidence that Sirius revealed the Potters' location to the Dark Lord.

Second, Sirius was also a member of the Order of the Phoenix and made numerous contributions in the fight against the Dark Lord.

Third, it could also be said that Sirius was under the Imperius Curse by the Dark Lord and could not help himself.

In any case, pureblood aristocrats always found a solution when it came to privileges.

Sirius was imprisoned because he felt guilty for the Potters' death. He voluntarily wanted to atone for his sins, so he allowed himself to be incarcerated.

Cole's words shocked everyone, and they did not expect Cole to so decisively give up on Sirius.

"It seems Mr. Black is indeed ruthless. Today's trial ends here."

Fudge left in a fury

, leaving behind only one sentence.

The wizards also stood up and left. They looked at Cole before leaving. Today's circumstances really did not allow them to continue the conversation. They could only plan for the future. Their affairs were not yet settled.

Cole felt relieved. Today's goal was achieved. As soon as he returns to the old Black house, he will be rewarded, and he no longer needs to be as cautious as he was today.

Dumbledore approached and said with a smile: "Cole, long time no see, you seem to have changed a lot."

"Headmaster, people always grow, don't they?"

Dumbledore's eyes sharpened slightly, as if he wanted to see Cole's soul in front of him.

"Headmaster, you don't think of me as a Death Eater, do you? You know, this is my first return."

Cole responded with a smile. Of course, he knew what was wrong with Dumbledore. He did many bad things when he was in school.

"Cole, you shouldn't hate Sirius. After all, he is your blood relative."

"Headmaster, I didn't see you standing up and speaking out when I was bullied. My brother's matter could be revealed with just one word from you. What are you thinking about?"

Cole looked directly at Dumbledore, unflinching.

"It's my fault. Perhaps if I could have cared more about the students, you wouldn't have gone down the wrong path."

Cole knew this sentence was not about him, but about Mr. Tom, the being who overthrew evil in the Ministry of Magic.