James always thought he was special, no, not special, he always thought he was god. And when death, ruthless as she is, came in and took him away, he died with that belief. Now reborn with the chance of being an actual god he must do everything in his power to get to that level
Connor's thoughts were erratic, no they were going completely off the rails.
It wasn't enough that somehow he was a mutant in a world where unstoppable beings existed, there was also magic besides the magic he already knew existed.
What's worse was that that magic didn't make any sense, not a single bit of it, but what was he even gonna do. He could say fuck it and don't go to hogwarts however…
This was also amazing, probably the best birthday he ever had, he now had an opportunity like no other, to learn actual magic, something that had no bounds.
He quickly tore open the letter and read through all the contents quickly.
Thankfully it seemed to have stuck with cannon, nothing out of the ordinary so some good news at least.
What if….
No he couldn't experiment right now, now it was time to do some, less than legal stuff to get money to buy the stuff he needs.
He quickly responded to the letter, saying that yes he would go and that he didn't need a guide he knew where to get his stuff. He gave the owl the letter and watched him leave.
Time to steal some money.
Calling stealing with telekinetic and mind fuckery powers hard would be lying, he didn't have that much of a problem getting ten thousand pounds, but now came the hard part.
He first took a cab back to the hotel, and after that took the time to buy some incense in a store that was near it.
He then went to his room and lit one of them on fire, setting it right behind him.
He closed his eyes and tried to meditate, to feel.
He spent hours like that feeling his own breathing, his own body, trying to find something he might have forgotten about himself and after those hours he put an incense in front of him and sank into thought.
Fire, the key to life, it was hot. Obviously, it was dangerous, it was the first time humans beat nature and began to handle it.
It also was the thing to turn the first incense on.
With a clear image of it he began to also channel emotion and intent, he wanted for the incense to burn so he willed it to be.
Finally he spoke "Incendio" and the combination of everything seemed to have worked somehow as the incense in front of him lit up.
He smiled, this was a piece of cake compared to how difficult it was to do his mutant power.
He also realized this was different from his power, it came from a different place, he would have to study it further but it made sense that it was different to cast magic than to use a mutant ability.
He looked at the time and it read "14:20" 'fuck time for lunch I guess'
After eating quite a delicious meal at the restaurant he went on his merry way to the leaky cauldron which somehow was easy to find but still, he would have really appreciated having google maps in the moment as he had practically walked in a circle at some point.
After getting there he had to fill himself with courage, and he entered the pub.
The sight was magically unimpressive, how did the supposed entrance to the magical world for muggleborns look so ordinary was not something he was gonna question today.
He walked cautiously to the bartender who only gave him a simple look as if he already understood who he was by just looking.
"Ah, hello to my pub child, my Name is Tom, I assume this is your first time going to diagon alley?"
"Well, eh, yes it is I am born to non magical parents"
"Well that's a shame, you will come to realize that the magical world is amazing, it's a real shame you couldn't experience it before, but enough chit chat, where are your parents?"
"I am an orphan sir"
"Oh, sorry I asked, so will it just be you going in the alley today"
"Yes sir"
"Then follow me" Said Tom grinning from ear to ear looking eager to show a muggleborn diagon alley.
They walked towards the back of the pube and went into a door leading to a brick wall.
Connor already knew more or less what to do but he didn't want to look suspicious so he said "Well, where is the alley sir."
"Right here, you just have to remember this pattern" Tom started to tap some bricks in a certain order and then the wall started to open itself.
Connor was flabbergasted with what he saw, he couldn't even speak, this, this was magical.
The alley was filled with people all running around and all interacting with each other, he could see the shopkeepers advertising their shops outside and even a couple people casting some spells. And the structures look old yet new like they followed the design of a earlier century but they were built not that long ago.
"Well if you excuse me I must return to the pub, but I do advise you go towards gringotts, it's a bank ran by goblins so you exchange some money into galleons, don't worry they will explain it once you get there"
And with that Tom left and Connor was now ready to explore Diagon alley
AN: I suprise myself by writing this consistently so I will please ask you to interact by commenting the partner that Connor should have or by asking for a plot point, as I may divert from cannon at some points. Again thank you to everyone for reading and I hope you all have a fantastic mothers day