
Chapter 7: Parseltongue and the start of the fall

Jasmine looked at the map as she walked through the castle, knowing she didn't really want to get caught tonight as that would only make her even more unpopular.

Jasmine slid into the Libary like a ghost and pulled off her Invisibility Cloak, and looked around. Jasmine felt a little down, she had hoped that Daphne would be in the Libary.

Jasmine created a light with her wand and started looking through books hoping to find something on Parseltongue, but she didn't find anything in the normal section of the Libary and started to head towards the restricted section.

"Back again?" a voice dais behind her, making Jasmine jump and turn around, panicked, only to see Daphne with a smirk.

"Not funny," Jasmine said, a bit sulky.

"It was for me. So you're a Parseltongue?"

"Ya, is that a problem? So what if I can speak to snakes!" Jasmine asked angrily. It was all anyone had been asking her, even when they knew the answer.

Jasmine wasn't stupid. She was well aware that, like last year, other than Ron and Hermione and maybe the Twins, almost all of the school would reject her and shun her.

"Oh please, you are hardly the only Parseltongue in the world."

Daphne said and rolled her eyes at Jasmine's over-reacting. Immediately Jasmine spoke up in protest.

"Ron said the last Parseltongue was Voldemort and that Slytherin himself was one, so everyone is going to hate me and think im evil,"

Daphne scoffed lightly, which made Jasmine narrow her eyes a bit.

"No offence but Weasley is not exactly a well-educated student or even knows much about the Wizarding world at large. Parseltongue is rare, yes. But there are four areas worldwide where dozens of families have that ability. Those being India, Australia, South America and Greece, where Salazar Slytherins Ancestors originally came from to Britain.

Furthermore, while yes. Parseltongue IS looked down here in Britain and in a few other European Countries. In many other parts of the world, it's really just a normal Magical Gift like any Metamorphmagus, natural Legilimencer or Seer.

Heck, in places like India and South America, they are downright revered and worshipped. Don't be surprised if the Patil Twins aren't bothered about your power. Nor if Ambassadeur Patil, their father, tries to get you into his family by offering a marriage contract to you. For a man from a mid-ranked family like the Patils, getting a Parselmouth into his bloodline would move him up quite a bit in the Indian Caste system."

"I don't recall him sending me one?" Jasmine said as she thought back to the marriage contract offers she had got.

"He didn't know you were a Parseltongue. Just wait. By the time he learns a few days later, there will be a marriage offer," Daphne said.

"Doesn't change that everyone at Hogwarts will look at me as if im evil," Jasmine said.

"There are a few books in the Libary on Parseltongue, but you won't really find much in them, but my family had a good amount of books on healing magic that is done in Parseltongue," Daphne said as she pulled an old-looking book out of her bag.

"Here, this is a book on healing magic," Daphne said, handing Jasmine the old book before she turned to enter the restricted section.

Jasmine looked down at the book that was written in a text that Jasmine had never seen before, yet she could read it with no problem at all.

Jasmine looked up to see that Daphne had walked a little ways away, and she quickly caught up to her as Daphne was looking through the books and was picking some of them up before placing them back.

"I noticed that the book on sex you were looking at seemed to have vanished," Daphne said, smiling.

"Someone must have checked it out," Jasmine said quietly, blushing as she did so.

Daphne let out a chuckle. "I guess they did im sure it will be a good read for them."

Jasmine blushed at that. In truth, she hadn't really had much time to look through the book and made a note that she would have to have a look later tonight. It wasn't like she was going to leave the common room that much tomorrow, even if it was a Sunday.

Daphne grabbed a very large book and pulled it off the shelf. "Right, let's go," Daphne said, leaving the restricted section.

Jasmine felt compelled to follow her and quietly followed behind Daphne, not really asking where they were heading as Jasmine remembered this was the way to the duelling room that they had been in last night.

As Jasmine followed behind, she saw them walk past the duelling room they had used and hesitantly asked, "Where are we going?"

"Back to my room. There are people using the duelling room," Daphne said.

"Your room, as in back in your house's dorm?" Jasmine asked, shocked.

"Ya, I don't have a room anywhere else in the castle to sleep," Daphne said, confused.

"How would I get there with a house full of students?" Jasmine asked, panicked.

Jasmine knew with her invisibility cloak that it would be easy for her to sneak in, but she hadn't told Daphne about it, so she wasn't sure what Daphne had planned.

"You no doubt have a way to move around undetected," Daphne said, unworried.

"What if I don't?" Jasmine asked.

"Then I guess we can use the girl's entrance instead of the main entrance and sneak you in that way," Daphne said as she didn't stop walking.

Jasmine's eye twitched before she pulled out her invisibility cloak and wrapped it around herself, vanishing from view. Jasmine followed behind Daphne as she took them to a blank spot on the wall with a snake engraved into the wall.

"Crotalus durissus," Daphne said, causing the wall to vanish, and some stairs appeared that Daphne walked down.

Jasmine took one look back before she stepped in after her and followed her down. There were large lamps with magical green fire in them illuminating the stairs.

Coming to the bottom of the stairs, it opened into the Slytherin common room, which was a long, large room with walls made from the same black marble in the duelling room. The room had a high ceiling with large, round, greenish lamps hanging on chains.

The floor was made from rich redwood. The room's main focus was the large fireplace with a roaring fire crackling under an elaborately carved mantelpiece ahead.

There was a large bookcase in the common room as well that had a large selection of books on it as well. Surrounding the fireplace were some leather couches and high-back leather chairs that looked very comfortable.

Jasmine looked back at Daphne, who hadn't stopped walking and didn't know that Jasmine had stopped when she walked into the Slytherin's common room and quickly caught up with Daphne before she got lost.

Jasmine followed as Daphne walked down the hallway with doors that Jasmine guessed led to bedrooms. Jasmine couldn't help but feel a little jealous that they got their own bedrooms, but she also didn't hate sharing with the other girls.

After all, there were only 5 of them in the year.

Soon Daphne got to a door which she opened and stepped inside while leaving the door open for Jasmine to step in. Jasmine stepped inside, unsure of what she was expecting the room to look like but was pleasantly surprised.

The room was much large than it looked, and there were beds at the back of the room with bedside tables. Along the left wall were a large couch and a table in front with parchment and ink pots.

The strangest thing was next to the door on the wall, there were coat hangers which wasn't too strange, but the leather collar on one of the pegs was.

"You inside?" Daphne asked.

"Ya, sorry, I forgot you can't see me," Jasmine said, pulling her hood off and realising that she had gotten distracted.

Daphne turned around after closing the door and looked shocked for a few seconds.

"Not often. I have a floating head in my bedroom," Daphne said, walking over to the couch.

"Wait, what? What do you mean not often," Jasmine asked as she followed Daphne to the couch.

Daphne laughed as she sat down, placed the book on her lap, and opened the book.

Jasmine pulled off her cloak, took a seat next to Daphne, looked at the book in her hand, and carefully opened it.

"Would you like some tea?" Daphne asked.

"Err, yes, please," Jasmine said as she started reading through the book's introduction.

The book explained a vague history of Parseltongue, stating that no one knew precisely where Parseltongue came from, but it was suspected that it was originally some kind of ritual.

A plater floated over to the table and gracefully landed with a pot of tea, and two cups and a bowl of sugar. Daphne poured her a cup of tea as a small pot of milk floated over.

Jasmine took the cup of tea and added some sugar, and took a sip before placing it down on a saucer.

"There are more books in Parseltongue on the bookcase, but I would finish that one first and see if you can get some of the healing spells to work before you move on to the more advanced books," Daphne advised.

"So no one knows the source of Parseltongue?" Jasmine asked.

"Nope, it's one of the most fascinating magical mysteries. Parseltongue is found all over the world, and the records go back many 100s of years, so how did they all use the same ritual?"

"How could they all use the same ritual, though?" Jasmine asked, looking confused.

"No one knows. Maybe the countries that actually welcomed Parseltongues have more knowledge, but if so, they are keeping it a secret amongst themselves.

"Who do you share your room with?" Jasmine asked.

"Tracey, but she is studying with some other people since I was planning on seeking her out to the library," Daphne replied.

"What about you? Who do you share your dorm with?"

"Oh, err, the Gryffindor dorm is shared with everyone girl in the same year."

"Really, all of you sharing the same dorm? I couldn't imagine how terrible it would be to share a room with Pansy."

"Ya and the bathroom and showers though there is more than enough space," Jasmine said, smiling down at her book.

"I won't be causing any problems if Tracey comes back before im gone, will I?" Jasmine asked.

"No, im not sure exactly when she is going to come back, but it won't be a problem.

Jasmine went back to her book and slowly started reading through the book on healing magic in Parseltongue. Jasmine hadn't ever thought about learning healing magic but realised that given how often she got injured, it would be helpful to know a spell or two.

Daphne POV

Daphne looked over at the couch as she heard someone slumping over and was treated to the sight of Jasmine sleeping quietly on the couch.

Daphne placed her book down, walked over to the sleeping Jasmine, and carefully took the Parseltongue healing magic book from Jasmine's hand, and placed it on the table to keep it from being damaged.

"Your perfect," Daphne whispered aloud.

Just then, the door to the bedroom was opened, and Tracey walked inside before closing the door and walking over to the coat hangers to pick up her collar.

"Im back, mistre..." Tracey said before seeing the scene in front of her.

Daphne looked over at Tracey before standing up again and raising her eyebrow at the girl.

"Im back, mistress," Tracey said as she fastened the collar around her slender neck.

"Welcome back," Daphne said warmly.

Tracey was Daphne's first slave. Her family owe the Greengrass family a large amount of money, something that would have taken decades to pay off and Tracey had an older brother, so it was better for them to just sell her off.

Daphne could still remember the shy little girl when she arrived at the Greengrass manor. Daphne saw her shoot a look at Jasmine on the couch again.

"Is there something wrong?" Daphne asked, walking over to Tracey.

"Im worried about her waking up. She wasn't raised in the magical world and maybe freaked out by me being your slave, Mistress," Tracey said with a hint of blush on her face.

"Im sure she had read that book on sex magic in the bedroom, and I know it mentions slavery in it, so it shouldn't come as too much of a shock," Daphne said as she hooked her finger through a metal loop on Tracey's collar.

Daphne walked back to her chair while guiding Tracey and pointed to the floor, and walked over to the bed, knowing that her slave wouldn't need a verbal command to know what she wanted.

Daphne grabbed her blanket from her bed, walked over to Jasmine, and covered her with the blanket to stop her from getting cold. Daphne walked back over to her chair to see that her slave was silently waiting there on her hands and knees.

Daphne took a seat and rested her legs on her slave's back, using her as a footstool before she picked her book back up and started to read again.

Daphne lost track of time as she read, so it wasn't a surprise to her when she started to feel Tracey start shaking under her feet, and she knew that Tracey was at her limit.

Daphne removed her legs. "Stand up," Daphne ordered.

Daphne watched as her Tracey slowly got to her feet before facing her and her hands resting behind her back, waiting for her next order.

"You can go rest on the bed Daphne said as she checked how many pages she had left and decided she would finish reading the book before going to bed.

Daphne finished her book before she stood up and walked over to her bed, where Tracey was sitting, waiting patiently for Daphne. Tracey was wearing some blue silk pyjamas that she looked incredibly good in, and Daphne loved the feeling of silk.

Daphne started to strip down and pulled out some black silk pyjamas and pulled them on before she opened the drawer and pulled out another collar.

Daphne looked over at Jasmine, carefully walked over, and placed it on the floor, sliding half of it under the couch, making it look like it had slid under there at some point.

Happy with her set-up Daphne walked back over to Tracey, who looked very confused by what Daphne had just done.

"We are going to need your blanket," Daphne said to Tracey ignoring Tracey's confused look.

"Yes, mistress," Tracey said, getting off the bed and grabbing her blanket and coming back to Daphne's bed and crawling onto the bed with her Mistress and covering them in the blanket.

Daphne smiled and wrapped her arms around Tracey and cuddled up against her.

"Mistress?" Tracey asked softly.

Daphne could hear that Tracey was very hesitant about what she wanted to say. Daphne knew that Tracey had been raised and educated to be her slave ever since she was old enough to think and talk, so not questioning her Mistress had long been ingrained in her.

"Yes?" Daphne asked gently, wanting Tracey to know she wasn't angry at her questioning.

"Are you sure you really want Jasmine for the ritual?" Tracey asked.

"Yes, she meets one of the requirements for the ritual. Almost everything else has been prepared, and the hardest thing for us to find was someone that could speak Parseltongue.

It was why my family helped and got into business with the Patil family. Britain isn't well-liked by countries where Parseltongue is slightly more common.

The moment anyone we found that could speak Parseltongue learned that we were from Britain, they refused to work with us no matter what we offered them. We had hoped that the Patil family could help us, but it seems that we will no longer need to go that route," Daphne said.

"Why does everyone else need to be a slave in the ritual?" Tracey asked.

Daphne knew Tracey had known about the ritual to heal her sister. Who had a blood curse that had been in her family for over 1000 years for a long time. Given she had been living with Daphne since she was 5.

There was simply no way that Tracey wouldn't know why her Mistress was so invested in learning so much healing magic. Or how the entire Greengrass family was thrilled that they could finally rid themselves of the blood curse.

"A few reasons the ritual requires so many people involved, which is very dangerous for ritual magic. Since everyone's magic is slightly different, it can cause problems, and one of the best ways to fix that is by having everyone be a slave to the same person.

Doing so makes everyone's magic in sync an excellent example of that is when I touch your bare skin. What do you feel?" Daphne asked as she stroked Tracey's arm.

Tracey shivered as Daphne did so. "I feel a tingle where ever you touch Mistress," Tracey said with another shiver.

"Ya, that is because our magic is synced, and it can easily flow between the two of us," Daphne explained.

"But how are you going to get Jasmine to be your slave? I doubt her family has any debts that you could use," Tracey said quietly.

"I will make it happen no matter what," Daphne said with determination burning in her eyes.

For her sister's life, there wasn't a limit to how far she would go.

Jasmine PoV

Jasmine let out a yawn as she stretched before stopping in shock. For a moment, Jasmine panicked as this wasn't Gryffindor's bedroom, and this wasn't her bed.

It took Jasmine a quick look around before she remembered where she was and blushed, realising that she had fallen asleep on Daphne's couch while reading last night and someone had put a blanket over her.

Jasmine quickly sat up and looked around the room to see Daphne and Tracey sharing a bed. For a moment, Jasmine thought about trying to sneak out of the room under her invisibility cloak.

She was worried that when Hermione woke up that she would panic that Jasmine wasn't in her bed. Jasmine quietly got off the couch and walked over to the bed, thinking of waking Daphne up.

When Jasmine got to the bed, she was slightly shocked at what she saw. Tracey was wearing the collar that she had seen on the coat hook.

Jasmine took another look at both Daphne and Tracey, making sure they were asleep before she leaned a little closer to have a better look at the collar. It was very snug around Tracey's neck and seemed to be padded for comfort.

Jasmine remembered that the book of sex magic she had read had mentioned that slavery was practised in the magical world, and Jasmine guessed that Tracey was Daphne's slave.

Jasmine was confused about how to feel. She knew that muggles would be outraged at the idea of slavery. Still, as she looked at the very peaceful face of Tracey as she slept, Jasmine couldn't find herself angry.

Instead, all she felt was curiosity.

Jasmine stepped back away from both of them, scared that she would end up waking them both up, and decided to walk back to the couch and wait for them to wake up. In the meantime, she could read the book on healing magic.

As Jasmine walked back to the couch, she noticed a stip on the floor and bent to pick it up and froze as she realised what she was holding. It was an identical collar to the one that Tracey was wearing around her neck.

Jasmine swallowed what felt like a stone in her throat and looked back at Daphne and Tracey, relieved that they were both asleep still. Jasmine was surprised at how soft the inside of the collar felt as her heart was racing in her chest.

Jasmine brought it to her neck and wrapped it around her neck but did not fasten the strap as it would take too long to remove. Jasmine found that she didn't hate the feeling of it around her neck and really wanted to try fastening it but was too scared to try it now.

Pulling the collar away from her neck and sat down on the couch and was about to slide it back under the couch. When she heard Daphne groan and sitting up, Jasmine panicked and shoved the collar down her jeans before Daphne could see her holding it.

"Morning?" Daphne said.

"Morning," Jasmine replied as her heart was beating 1000 miles per hour, and she blushed slightly before she realised what she had done.

With the collar down her jeans, how was she going to put it back under the couch without Daphne noticing and there was no real way to explain why she stuffed it down her jeans.

"What time is it?" Daphne asked.

"errr," Jasmine said as she cast the clock charm. "It's 7am, so it's really early."

"If you want to avoid all of the Slytherin houses on your way out, then you should leave now," Daphne said, getting out of bed.

"Okay," Jasmine said, not wanting to get caught in the snake's dorm. Even with the invisibility cloak, people could still bump into her.

Jasmine stood up and walked towards Daphne, who was making sure that Tracey was covered so she wouldn't get cold.

"You don't seem that shocked about Tracey wearing a collar?" Daphne said as she finished making sure Tracey was covered and stroked the collar around Tracey's neck.

Jasmine shivered. "It's not my place to say anything," Jasmine said quietly.

Daphne walked over to Jasmine. "You know what the collar around her neck means, though, right?" Daphne asked, smiling.

Jasmine nodded at Daphne's question but couldn't bring herself to say it aloud.

"Correct, she is my slave. Right, let's get you out of here before everyone else wakes up," Daphne said, walking to her bedroom door and opening it.

Jasmine wrapped her invisibility cloak around her, vanishing from sight in case someone was in the common room. Jasmine followed behind Daphne and was constantly aware of the collar that was down her trousers, as she could feel it every time she moved.

Soon they were at the common room of the Slytherin dorms, and Daphne let her to the exit and pressed an area on the side of the door coursing the wall to slide up.

"I won't be going to the library tonight, and I still have the book from last night to read a few more times, as well as making notes on it as well," Daphne said.

"Oh, okay," Jasmine said, feeling and sounding down that she wouldn't see Daphne again tonight, but then again, Jasmine found herself more interested in reading the book on sex magic.

"I will be going to the library tomorrow night if you want to meet then," Daphne said.

"Okay, tomorrow night then," Jasmine said, sounding happier.

"Okay, see you tomorrow night then," Daphne said with a smile.

"Okay, bye," Jasmine said, leaving the Slytherin dorm and walking down the corridor and didn't stop till she had turned three corners and was near the entrance to the great hall.

Seeing that she was far enough away, Jasmine pulled the collar out of her jeans, feeling guilty that she had taken it but couldn't think of a way of putting it back without Daphne knowing she had picked it up.

Jasmine looked down at the collar, held it tightly, and quickly walked towards the Gryffindor house, hoping to get there before Hermione could wake up. So she wouldn't know she was not in the dorm all night and didn't want to be caught with the collar either.

Daphne PoV

Daphne waited a few seconds making sure Jasmine had left before letting the door close, and smiled. She was so happy that she felt like skipping back to her bedroom but stopped herself from actually doing so.

Walking into the bedroom, she wasn't surprised to see that Tracey was awake. After all, she felt Tracey was awake before she had even gotten out of bed.

"She stole the collar, Mistress," Tracey said as Daphne shut the door behind her.

"No, she didn't. I wanted her to take it. She just wasn't aware that I wanted her to take it," Daphne said, walking over to the bed.

"Then why not just giver her the collar when she was leaving?" Tracey asked.

"There is no way she would have taken it if I tried to give her one. She would have been far too embarrassed to take it, and it could ruin the relationship we have at the moment," Daphne said, hooking her finger through the loop on Tracey's collar and leaning in to kiss her.

Jasmine PoV

Jasmine rushed back to the Gryffindor common room as fast as she could. Thankfully at this time in the morning, no one was in the common room, letting her sneak back into the shared dorm and slip back into her own bed.

Pulling off her invisibility cloak, Jasmine looked down at the spoils in her hand and slipped it under her pillow. She knew that Hermione was due to wake up at any moment and the first thing that she would do was wake her up.

As for reading the book on sex magic or playing around with the collar, she had all day to do that. After all, given that everyone was calling her the heir of Slytherin, Jasmine didn't really feel like going out.

Someone pulled the curtains around her bed apart a moment later and peaked their head in. Jasmine wasn't surprised to see that it was Hermione who climbed onto her bed before Jasmine could even say good morning.

"Well, hello to you too," Jasmine said as Hermione sat down on her bed.

"Morning. Look, I know that it's not likely that Draco is responsible, but there is a chance that he knows who is responsible or who was responsible the last time the chamber was opened."

"Really, who would be stupid enough to trust him, Hermione?" Jasmine asked, rolling her eyes.

"He could have overheard something if it was planned by his father. Don't forget he was a core member of You-Know-Who," Hermione said.

"Hermione..." Jasmine said.

"Look, it doesn't hurt to try and find out I already know the potion we need. We just need to borrow some supplies from Snape," Hermione said.

"Oh, is that all? I will just go ask him then," Jasmine said sarcastically.

"No, you idiot, we can use your invisibility cloak to take what we need without him ever knowing."

"Wait, are you insane? You want me to steal them... That is even worse than asking for them," Jasmine said, shocked at what Hermione was suggesting.

Snape seemed to hate her just for being alive. She couldn't imagine what he would be like once she had stolen from him. He would be default blame her even with no evidence and if he caught her in the act.

Jasmine shivered at that thought and was sure she would never be seen again if she was caught by Snape in the act.

"Why do we need to steal from Snape? Can we not buy the things that we need?" Jasmine asked.

After all, she had more money than she knew what to do with, so even if the ingredients were very expensive, she would buy them.

"Hmm, some things we can buy, but others we are better getting from Snape as we will know they are quality goods, something that is hard to do when buying via owl delivery,"

"You sure we can't just buy them?" Jasmine asked again.

"Well, we could, but if the potion goes wrong, then..." Hermione said, trailing off.

"Fine, I will go to Snape's ingredients cupboard tonight and get whatever you need, but you will have to write me a list," Jasmine compromised.

"Okay, I will. If you get up now, we should be able to avoid most people at breakfast," Hermione said, knowing that Jasmine wasn't in a good mood around other people.

Not that Hermione could blame her, given people were calling her the heir of Slytherin, implying she hated muggleborns like herself or Jasmine's own mother personally, Hermione didn't know how people that knew her could be so stupid.

"Good idea, im going to get in the shower now," Jasmine said, getting off her bed and rushing to the showers.

Not wasting a moment, she stripped out of the clothing, placed it in a basket, jumped under a shower, and turned the hot water on. Jasmine let out a sigh as the hot water washed over her.

Jasmine quickly washed before jumping out of the shower. After all, if she wanted a longer shower, she could have one after breakfast, as she planned on spending most of the day in the dorm away from all the whispering that was undoubtedly going to be following her today.

"Morning, Jasmine," Parvati said as she walked into the shower with Lavender, who gave her a hesitant smile.

"Morning, Parvati, Lavender," Jasmine greeted back, even though Lavender hadn't said good morning to her.

"You shouldn't worry about being able to talk to snakes. There are a few people in India that can do it as well. It's just Britain and some other European countries that have a bad view of it," Parvati said kindly.

Jasmine gave the girl a much happier smile. It was nice to know that some people didn't have a bad view of her just because she could speak to snakes, and Parvati was the only other person to say so other than Daphne.

Ron and Hermione didn't count as they knew her very well, so they wouldn't believe some stupid BS about her being evil due to being able to talk to snakes.

Jasmine grabbed a towel and walked back into the dorm and over to her trunk, and started to pull some clothes out for her to wear. After getting her clothes, Jasmine slid her hand under the pillow, making sure the two books were still there as well as the collar and was relieved to find that they were indeed still there.

With that check, Jasmine quickly got dressed and grabbed the invisibility cloak from her bed along with the map that she was going to return to the twins, even if she really did want to keep it. After all, it was very helpful for sneaking around the castle at night.

Jasmine quickly left the dorm, entered the common room where Hermione and Ron were already waiting for her, and greeted her with a smile, with Ron's being a little tenser than Hermione's.

"Ready to go?" Jasmine asked as she ignored some of the people in the common room shooting her dirty or suspicious looks.

Jasmine could feel herself somewhat panicking on the way down to the Great Hall, but she also knew there wasn't really a way for her to avoid it either, and if she did, it would only make her look more guilty.

As Jasmine entered the Great Hall, all the people that were there fell silent when they noticed her. Making Jasmine very annoyed that they couldn't even be subtle. While doing her best to ignore them, Jasmine walked over to the Gryffindor table, took a seat, and started filling her plate with breakfast.

A moment later, Ron and Hermione sat down next to her and started to get food as well. Eventually, whispering broke out in the Great Hall, and Jasmine could hear that it was about her. They were discussing the theory that she was the Heir of Slytherin.

Jasmine's eye started to twitch. Did they think she was deaf or something, or maybe they were just stupid? If she was the Heir of Slytherin, wouldn't she attack them for talking about her.

Jasmine made quick work of her food before getting a second plate and quickly eating that as well. She needed to get as much food as she could in the morning as she was going to skip lunch as it would be much worse than this.

Jasmine also felt anger that the so-called teachers were just ignoring the situation.

"Im going back to the dorm," Jasmine said to Hermione and Ron, who were still eating.

"Okay, we will be up after we have finished," Hermione said, looking upset about the situation.

Jasmine gave her the best smile that she could before she got up and left the table and walked out of the Great Hall and pulled out her invisibility cloak, and vanished under it as she walked back to the common room.

On the bright side, there would be time to talk to the twins about expanding the map so that the common rooms of the other houses were also on the map, and maybe they could even try and add more of the grounds. Jasmine would also love it if you could add some way to search a person's name and the map show you where they were so it was easy to find people.

She wasn't sure if it was possible, but with magic, she was starting to learn that you never know what is and isn't possible. Making gold not possible, turning a table into a pig easy.

Jasmine pulled off her invisibility cloak as she got to the Griffindor house and gave the password to enter the house's common room. She got a few nasty looks as she walked inside.

"Ah, there is the Heir of Slytherin," A voice called out that Jasmine knew was one of the twins instantly.

Jasmine rolled her eyes at what they called her as she knew they were just joking and did it to try and make her feel better. As they came over, Jasmine remembered that she still needed to give the map back to the both of them.

"Hey, can I have a private word?" Jasmine asked the twins.

"Sure, follow us," one of the twins said, leading her towards the boy's dorms, and they walked up the stairs into a landing area.

Jasmine wasn't surprised to see that it was the same layout as the girl's dorm with four floors with two years sharing each floor, with the 4th floor having the 7th years and the head boy and head girls room.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Jazzy?"

"Do you think adding stuff to the map would be possible?" Jasmine asked.

The twins looked at each other and seemed to be having some kind of silent talk with each other before looking back at Jasmine.

"Depends on what you want to add?"

"The other houses common rooms for starters, and maybe the forbidden forest?" Jasmine suggested.

"The common rooms may be hard to do. It's not like we can just ask to visit them. Maybe Hufflepuff would let us, but the other two, not a chance," the twins said in the creepy in, sync voice.

"We don't need to ask. I have an invisibility cloak we could use," Jasmine whispered, not wanting to let anyone other than the twins know.

"You have been holding out on us, Jasmine. With an invisibility cloak, we should be able to easily get into all the dorms." the twins said, looking excited.

"Cool, I don't know if you need to look up some spells in order to add things to the map but let me know when we are good to go. Here thank you for letting me borrow it," Jasmine said, pulling the map out of her pocket and offering it to the Twins.

The twins looked at each other for a moment before they looked back at Jasmine. "Keep it. Im sure you will need it with everyone thinking you are the heir of Slytherin.

We can also look into making duplicates of the map so if it's ever lost, we have a backup or so more than one person can use it. Maybe we could have them send messages to each other," one of the twins said to the other ideas seemed to be rushing from his mind.

"Okay, thank you so much," Jasmine said, grateful that they had let her keep the map at this time as she wouldn't put it past some of the older students to try and hex her or even curse her.

Jasmine made a note to ask Daphne tomorrow night if there was anything like a shield spell that she could learn to protect herself from less friendly people.

She remembered that Lockhart had mentioned that he could block Snape's disarming charm (which Jasmine doubted), but she didn't doubt that there was a spell or charm that would block spells being cast at you.

Walking through the quiet common room, Jasmine walked back into the 2nd year's dormitory and sat down on her bed before pulling the curtain closed.

Jasmine felt the need to look around even though the curtains were closed and no one could see her anyway before she picked up her pillow.

And there were her two books, the one on sex magic and the other photo album, and on top of them, both were the collar that she had taken from Daphne's room.

Jasmine picked up the collar that felt strangely heavy to her and could finally take a closer look at it without the fear of someone seeing her do so.

The collar was made from two bits of leather, the main part of the collar and the strap that was used to secure it in place. Laid flat in the middle of the collar were three large metal D loops.

It was clear that they were used for attaching things to like leads or chains, maybe Jasmine thought.

As she did in Daphne's room, Jasmine brought the collar up to her neck and wrapped it around, surprised at how snug it felt around her neck. Jasmine felt her heart start racing as she slipped the fastening strap through the buckle.

With that done, Jasmine pulled her hands away with the collar staying wrapped around her neck. Every time that she tried to look somewhere, she could feel the collar on her neck like a constant reminder.

It was a sensation that Jasmine found that she rather liked and picked up the sex book and decided that she would take a much better look through this time.

Time Skip to Evening meal

"Jasmine, come on, it's time for dinner!" Hermoine shouted into the 2nd year dormitory.

"Give me 5 minutes, and I will be down!" Jasmine shouted back as she closed the book on sex magic.

Jasmine had memorised a lot of spells in the book that she really wanted to try but was too scared to do them in the dormitory when any girl could just walk in, and she had no idea how to block sound.

Jasmine placed the book back next to the photo album and then placed the pillow over them before pulling back the curtain, stepping out, and heading towards the door.

Jasmine started to hum as she walked before she was caught by surprise as someone behind her hugged her, groped her chest, and nibbled on her ear lobe.

"You seem to have forgotten to take your collar off," the girl whispered that, sent shock, fear and arousal through Jasmine.

Jasmine realised that she had indeed forgotten to take the collar off. She had been wearing it all day, that she stopped noticing it. The girl spun her around and gently pushed her against the wall.

Jasmine finally saw who it was that had seen her wearing the collar and was just glad that it was Parvati and not Lavender.

"I... I... I err," Jasmine stuttered as she tried to think of what to say.

"It's a nice-looking collar, and it looks cute on you," Parvati said, leaning in and taking a closer look at the collar.

"T..Thank you," Jasmine stuttered out reflectively.

"No problem, but you should probably not wear it in public. Some people may get the wrong idea," Parvati said while smiling with her hand still on Jasmine's chest.

"Ya, I will," Jasmine said as she reached up to try and removed it and fumbled around with the buckle.

"Here, let me help," Parvati said, brushing Jasmine's hands away and undoing the buckle and removing the collar.

Jasmine turned around to see Parvati feeling the collar before Jasmine watched, shocked as Parvati wrapped it around her own neck and moved her head around a bit.

"Hmm, it really is quite comfortable," Parvati said, handing the collar back to Jasmine.

Jasmine was shocked at how at ease Parvati was wearing a collar in front of her or talking about one.

"Ya, it is," Jasmine said, unsure what else to say.

"Well, I have to be off to dinner. See you later," Parvati said, turning towards the door.

"Wait," Jasmine said in a bit of a panic.

"Ya?" Parvati asked.

"You won't tell anyone, will you, about this," Jasmine said, holding up the collar.

"No, there is nothing wrong with wearing a collar, and I have one myself. If you want to talk about it, im always free," Parvati offered before she left the dormitory.

Jasmine found her mood on the way back from dinner was even worse than in the morning. There was a good chance that, in the morning, she had just missed Justin. It was a weekend, after all, so people sleeping later than during the week wasn't uncommon.

But the fact that he didn't turn up for dinner showed her that he was avoiding her for a fact. The only thing that did make her feel a little bit better was that there were, indeed, some people that seemed to be on her side.

Jasmine wasn't sure how but she would make sure to find some way to thank Susan and Hannah in Hufflepuff.

As for what to do about Justin, Jasmine was really at a loss at what to do. She felt that if she didn't try and explain what happened to Justin, then it would continue to make her look like the bad guy, but she also felt if she tried to seek him out, people would claim that she was looking for a time to attack him.

Jasmine stormed up into her dormitory and straight to the showers and stripped down before she slipped under the hot water as she tried to calm down before going to bed.

Jasmine wasn't sure how long she had spent under the shower, but all the other girls had come and had a shower and gone off to bed. Hermione and Parvarti had both tried to talk to her, but Jasmine had just told them she was fine and didn't feel like talking.

She knew it was rude, but she felt like if she tried talking to them, she would end up taking her anger out on them, and she didn't want to do that to two of her friends.

Jasmine looked down at her finger to see they had turned wrinkly from being under the water so long and sighed. She didn't feel that much better even after all the time had passed, but she also knew that she had been in the shower far too long.

Stepping out of the shower, the feeling's of pins and needles shot up her leg because of standing still for so long and caused her to limp as she walked to get a towel.

Walking back into the dormitory, Jasmine wasn't surprised to see that everyone else had gone to bed, so she walked over to her own bed and slipped under the covers without bothering to get her pyjamas.

Blushing, Jasmine grabbed the collar and slipped it around her neck and buckled it in place before slipping under the blankets and closing her eyes to fall asleep.

A short while later, Parvati slipped out of her bed and quietly sneaked over to Jasmine's bed and carefully opened up the curtains. Just in case, Parvati and brought her collar with her so if Jasmine wasn't sleeping, she would have something to talk about with her.

Parvati wasn't sure if Jasmine was always in the view of her Mistress, but she knew the moment that she had used Parseltongue that she was always going to be a target for her Mistress.

Her Mistress's family had spent a lot of effort and money to help her family set up many business and business connections not only in the UK but also in France and Italy, not only in exchange for her and her sister but also in the hope of getting in contact with a Parselmouth.

It was the main reason that she and her sister had been sold or traded to them, as it would be nearly impossible for the Patil family to have a Parselmouth come to the UK even though back in India, their family was well known and trusted.

Regardless her Mistress had given her an order, and she would fulfil it. Thankfully it seemed that Jasmine was quite submissive. She hadn't even had the collar for a full day, and she was already wearing it and had forgotten about wearing it.

Parvati remembered that it took a good week before she had gotten to that point, with her sister being a bit faster to get used to wearing a collar. However, it was still a few days before she got used to wearing it.

Looking at Jasmine, Parvati was glad to see that she was already asleep, and she took out her wand, cast the Naughty Dream charm on Jasmine, and focused on what the dream would be.

Her Mistress had been very clear to start off light with the dream, so Parvati decided to go with one of her own fantasies of being an Indian slave princess.

With her job done for the night, Parvati went back to her own bed, hoping that her Mistress plan would work and Jasmine would come and talk to her tomorrow morning about the dream she was about to have.


Jasmine looked around, confused at what she was seeing in her dream. It was more like she was watching a movie in first person than a normal dream, yet she still had some control over her body.

She was able to look around, but she had never seen anything like what she was looking at currently.

The room seemed to have silk curtains everywhere, with the centre of the room having some place to sit down. Looking behind her, Jasmine was amazed at what she could see and found her body walking where she wanted to go.

Jasmine soon came to the large balcony overlooking a large bustling city, bringing a smile to her face. It was only when she walked onto the balcony that Jasmine realised how hot it was, as the heat was nearly unbearable for her.

Looking down at her clothing Jasmine was shocked once again as her body was very different from her body in the real world. The most stand-out thing was the lovely warm caramel colour of her skin that Parvati and Padma had that Jasmine was always a little jealous off.

But she was also a bit taller and wearing sheer blue silk for all but transparent clothing, or at the very least, Jasmine could easily see her large breasts through the silk.

It wasn't hard for Jasmine to work out that the body that she was in was a few years older than her own body, maybe around 18 years old, she guessed and seemed to be perfect.

Jasmine wished that she was able to move her hands on her own and explore this new body, but no matter how much she wished for it to happen, her hands never responded.

"Slave, come," A voice called out before the room behind her. The body automatically obeyed instantly and walked back into the room at a fast pace. Jasmine found herself walking towards the centre of the room.

On the large couch, a girl that looked identical to Daphne was also dressed in silk, but unlike Jasmine's, whose clothing could be seen though Daphne's covered her body, offering her far more modesty.

Daphne pointed to the floor at her feet, and the body Jasmine was in seemed to know what the gesture meant as she walked over to Daphne before falling to her knees with her legs open and her arms folded behind her back and he chest pushed out while looking at the floor.

If Jasmine felt arousal rush through the body that she was in, that quickly washed away the embarrassment that she had been feeling.

"Good girl," the girl that looked and sounded like Daphne said before patting her on the head.

Instead of the embarrassment that she had been expecting, the body once again reacted with arousal that sent a shiver of excitement through her.

"Head up; I need to put your collar on," Daphne said, and the body reacted instantly, lifting her head up to be collared.

Daphne wasted no time fixing a collar around her neck and locking it with a small lock, and Jasmine felt a rush of pleasure at hearing the lock click into place.

"Thank you, Mistress," the body said in a voice that sounded identical to her own.

"Good girl," Daphne said, leaning down and deeply kissing Jasmine as Daphne's hand slipped under the thin silk covering her chest and played with her breasts, causing Jasmine to moan as they were kissing.

Daphne pulled away with a smirk on her face as she looked down at Jasmine.

"Follow me," Daphne ordered as she stood up and started walking.

Jasmine noticed that she was having a harder time thinking of this body as something that wasn't her own body as she followed behind Daphne.

She didn't even find herself blushing or being embarrassed as they walked through the halls of what Jasmine guessed was a palace, even though there were other servants in the halls, all of which were dressed in far more modest clothing than she was.

Instead, she just felt her body reacting with arousal as more people looked at her.

Soon Jasmine found that Daphne had led her to a bedroom and swallowed in anticipation. After reading the book on sex magic for most of the day, Jasmine had a better idea of what happened in the bedroom, even if she had never done anything.

Daphne walked to the edge of the bed before she turned around and slipped one hand onto her boobs. Daphne then slipped another hand down into her panties and stroked Jasmine's pussy.

Jasmine felt her legs tremble as Daphne played with her boobs and stroked her pussy, sending pleasure throughout her body. Jasmine was sure it was the most pleasurable thing she had ever felt and found her body leaning into Daphne's hands before she was pushed onto the bed.

"Lose the clothes," Daphne said, crawling onto the bed and sitting above her.

Jasmine didn't waste a moment in stripping her clothes and throwing it to the side. She wasn't sure who was in control of her body at this point but didn't care as it was doing what she wanted.

She didn't feel any embarrassment about stripping in front of Daphne. All she felt was anticipation and lust for what was about to happen.

Daphne pulled out her wand, and with a swish, Jasmine found that rope had wrapped around her wrists and pulled them above her head.

Jasmine wanted to whine about her arms being tied up, but before she could try, Daphne had already reached to her breasts and pinched her nipple, making her moan, and her back arch as Daphne lightly pulled at her nipple.

She spent a little more time massaging Jasmine's large boobs before moving lower. Her hands rubbed Jasmine's flat stomach before moving from her stomach to her thighs.

Rubbing Jasmine's thighs rewarded Daphne with some moans and her leg trembling again.

Jasmine struggled to comprehend what Daphne was doing to her body. Just from a couple of touches, she felt her pussy get wetter than ever before and more pleasure than she had ever felt.

Daphne plunged her fingers right into her dripping pussy as she pinched her nipple simultaneously. Using her thumb, she rubbed Jasmine's clit causing Jasmine to give a loud moan.

The wet sounds of Daphne's fingers inside her were loud, and Jasmine found that the sound only increased her pleasure and lust. Jasmine could feel her wet walls clamping down on Daphne's fingers.

Jasmine threw her head back and screamed as pleasure exploded throughout her body like an explosion. It was so intense that Jasmine lost track of everything around her as she was consumed by the pleasure.

She could vaguely feel that Daphne was still playing with her body making the pleasure last longer and longer as everything seemed to fade away.