
HP: Curse Of Immortality

After living for Many Centuries and Millennium, and watching his ever known family, friend, relatives or anything he consider friend or brother die by someone or by just aging, he now just wants to join his loved ones in death. After that believing that he found a way to reverse all of this and a chance to live with them again, he send himself or to be exact his soul with his memories back to his Baby Self. So, will things change or will they happened as the fates wants it, you can known only by doing one thing...

SageOF016 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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36 Chs

Chapter 16 : Precious!

If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.



"Mr. Padfoot sends you his fondest wishes and his sincerest apologies for interrupting an important report with his heartsick ramblings. As I was saying, I believe you should seek out the leader of this attack. He could be a powerful ally and only with his help will you be able to breach the wards protecting our canine friend.

I have precious little information to give you on him as he was wearing a dark cloak and obviously couldn't stop for tea. He is a vampire, very young, very powerful, with startling green eyes. Also, he called Mr. Padfoot his family.

I hope you can put this information to good use and remember, notify me before you move against Azkaban. It is with great reluctance and a sense of dread that I turn control of this parchment over to Mr. Padfoot once more.


"Seriously, Moony. I believe in you and I know you'll get me out of here someday. Just don't get yourself killed in the process. You and the Prongslet are all I have left in this world. And don't worry. I'm fine. I promise you, the Dementors can't get to me where I am and Mr. M's great company, most of the time. You should see this place, Moony. You'd be in scholarly heaven! Well, smack Greyback one for me. I'm sure he's leering at you for my 'heartsick ramblings' and deserves it.



After finishing the letter, Remus glanced at the man sitting across the fire and found that he was indeed leering at him in a rather unsettling way.

"Should I do as he suggests, Fenrir?" he asked casually with a raised eyebrow.

Greyback growled quietly before getting up and stomping over to a tree where he planted himself at it's base, arms crossed and glaring.

"A young, green-eyed vampire?" the girl asked as she knelt respectfully on the ground, uncaring as her already dirty dress gathering more dirt and dried leaves. "Could it be the pup?"

"Harry?" Remus questioned as he absently plucked a twig from the girl's hair and tossed it aside. "I doubt it. Harry's human, a wizard." His hands smoothed invisible wrinkles from his robe as he stared at nothing, looking thoughful. The others took this opportunity to assume positions similiar to the girl's around him.

In total, there were one hundred and fifty seven werewolves present. They were the largest, most powerful and most influential pack in the world. However, looking at them, you wouldn't know it.

All of them wore clothes that had been mended repeatedly in varying shades of brown, all the better to fade quickly into the forest. The men wore either pants or shorts usually with no shirts, some bearing red smudges on their exposed chests.

The women wore short dresses, as to free their legs when they ran and their hair was long and wild. Very few wore shoes and most wore some type of bone or fang jewelery, collected from prey they had killed.

Only a handful of them had any sort of education, having been shunned from the world after being bitten. Remus had been trying to teach them simple things, but he found it difficult when he was often away.

Amongst them, he looked like a lord in comparison. His wizard's robes were mended very carefully and in much better shape than the others' clothing. His hair was neatly trimmed and the way he held himself was very different from any of them.

He had a sort of quiet confidence and wisdom not present in any other werewolf of their pack.

He was their Alpha, their leader.

After a moment's contemplation, he spoke again. "I suppose it's possible that Harry could be a vampire." he mused almost to himself. Everyone listened with rapt attention. They respected his intelligence almost as much as his strength. "The Potters have, at times, been vampires and he could have inherited it. I may not have been able to tell since he was so young the last time I saw him. However, it's doubtful Harry would lead Death Eaters to Azkaban to free a man he can't possibly remember."

"Can't you find out?" the girl asked softly. In her eyes, there was nothing he couldn't do.

Remus smiled at her. Annabelle was one of his favorites in the pack. She was extremely loyal, looking at him as a sort of father figure since he had beaten Fenrir Greyback and freed her from him. She was only thirteen.

"I doubt it. Albus Dumbledore placed wards around his home to keep out Dark creatures, to keep me out. There aren't any wizards left that would have dealings with me that I could trust with his location, so I can't have one of them check. Our spies in the Ministry, few as they may be, are already being watched." Remus sighed deeply. "There's really no way."


Draco was more than slightly nervous. His home was filled with shady characters who were in need of more than just a wash and a few regular meals. Some of them didn't seem quite sane, the woman.

His mother had introduced him to Aunt Bellatrix at breakfast. At first, she seemed relatively normal, if slightly sickly looking. Her laughter was a bit unnerving, a high pitched cackle that seemed to erupt from her at the oddest moments.

It was when she first looked at him, really looked at him, that he felt she wasn't all there. At times she seemed to look straight through him. Other times she would jump when he spoke, as if he were a ghost that had startled her.

Then, just sometimes, she would call him by his father's name and his mother would have to remind her that he was Draco, not Lucius. For some reason though, she seemed to seek him out, if only to stare at him intensely.

After breakfast, Draco fled to hide in the library. He reconsidered when he found it occupied by his father and two men he had heard referred to as Rabastan and Rodolphus.

Making a quick excuse, he went off to the stables to see if he could go riding. There he found yet another strange man, this one stroking a horse and murmuring softly to it. Draco backed out before he could be spotted.


If you want to read ahead by 10+ chapters you could take a visit on my patreon Or check it out.
